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geeljire certainly won't forget because he rejoices in the mass murder of infidels.
ReplyDeleteRest in peace to the 3000 human beings murdered by muslims.
Here in Britain there were eyewitnesses on September 11 who saw muslims openly celebrating. If you think geeljire doesn't revel in the slaughter of kuffars, you're very naive.
DeleteStop baiting. Both of you.
DeleteYou might want to check into who was responsible for that just a little deeper, Hamid
DeleteYour a piece of shit just so you know using this to attack Geel..just proves he's the bigger guy ...asshat I hope you choke on your water bitch
DeleteDo you remember where you were when you learned of this tragic even?
ReplyDeleteIt's a moment frozen in my memory.
I also remember where I was on May 2, 2011!
What was May 2011?
ReplyDeleteYes, I think everyone remembers. My family lost a loved one who was deployed in response to 9 11. It's not something we will 'forget'.
God bless America.
ReplyDeleteLike it was yesterday. Surreal.
ReplyDeleteI also remember it like it was yesterday... what a horrible day.
ReplyDeleteI also remember the years after when people expected a repeat event every 9/11.
ReplyDeleteI lived near an airport at the time, the silence without all the air traffic was so strange.
ReplyDeleteThat no one forgets the people who died. That's the most important thing about it all.
ReplyDeleteI woke up, turned on the news, saw the second plane hit the tower, and thought WTF???
ReplyDelete3,000 horrifyingly died on 9/11. Allow me to remind you that hundreds of thousands of innocents subsequently died in Iraq and elsewhere as payback. We have every bit as much blood on our hands as the murdering bastards who committed the atrocities on that horrible day.
Indiscriminate killing is an abomination regardless of creed, color, or religious or tribal affiliation.
I worked in NYC at the time and saw the planes go into the Towers. It is a day I will never forget. For those who find it funny and joke about it, there is a spot reserved in hell for you! NEVER FORGET! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
ReplyDeleteYes I was in San Francisco on holiday and watching it unfold with abject terror as it was my home ,my family my friends my llife.
ReplyDeleteThinking of everyone in the 🇺🇸And everywhere that was impacted. New York City (my birthplace), was never more strong, resilient , compassionate or powerful.....the kindness between people and the way everyone (stranger to stranger) embraced each other was -beautiful.
never forget that 9-11 was an inside job. if you think an aluminum fuselage flew into and out the other side of an iron framed building then some rethinking might be in order. the crime scene was never investigated but hurriedly loaded on to trucks and hauled off. theyre right, we will never forget. larry silverstien "pull it" re: building 7, collapsed due to a carpet fire.
ReplyDeleteTaking a break from taking a break, geel?
DeleteAnd it carried on through weeks months (and I would wish forever), because there really should never be forgotten
ReplyDeleteI could see the towers burning from where I lived in Brooklyn even though I was clear across the opposing team side of the borough. Besides the panic and the lockdown of the entire metropolitan area what I remember most is the eerie silence, except for sirens for the next 2 days. To this day I don't want to hear sirens. And I lost a friend whose remains were never found. He was incinerated I guess by the second plane while waiting for an elevator at the 66th floor or so. He was with a co-worker who was in a wheelchair and he stayed with him to make sure he got out and got out safely.
ReplyDeleteDamn it spelchek wtf *clear across the opposite side of the borough*
ReplyDeleteNever forget that conspiracy theorists should take today off from being stupid assholes, but today is their July Fourth, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI was only a kid in school at the time so the seriousness of the attack was lost on me but I'm proud to say that on the ten year anniversary, my husband was deployed in Afghanistan. The conspiracy theorists have no clue. Lets not give them the attention they so desperately want today.
ReplyDeleteI was still active duty military, stationed in Germany and driving home from work, listening to the radio news, when I started hearing the reports go live and coming out of New York, where most of my immediate family was living at that time. It was hard to figure out at first what was going on, then one of the reporters said one of the towers was gone, and I had to pull over to listen to the rest of the report. There were interviews with people on the street and suddenly it started coming across that a second plane had hit, and soon after that that the second tower had collapsed. Then a report that the Pentagon had been hit. Then an unconfirmed report of another two missing planes. It felt like the world got turned upside down and it was very clear that we were under attack, and I wondered if we were going to war. I felt like everything was spinning out of control.
ReplyDeleteI could not reach my family by phone for more than a day (I can't remember whether I was able to get emails through) which freaked me out. It seemed like for a solid week the only thing we saw on TV was the same footage of the planes hitting the buildings, or the dust covered people running away. And nothing after that seemed impossible because the impossible had happened.
@Do Tell, its no conspiracy that the collapse of those buildings defied the laws of physics. its no conspiracy the NIST said there were no explosions but we have video and audio of explosions being heard. its no conspiracy that you can see with your own eyes iron beams being hurdled horizontally while turning into dust. its no conspiracy that molecules found in the 9-11 dust are never ever found together by natural means this has been going on since november 22, 1963 so educate your own stupid asshole before you spew from your blowhole.
ReplyDeletearchitects and engineers for truth have proven these facts over and over again. even the survivors of the victims in that building dont believe the official account and i think they have more credibility than you.
Just shut it, CT'er. No one wants to hear it, you goon.
ReplyDeleteHerbert, you clearly don't know very much about physics. Or engineering and infrastructure, for that matter.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks this was an "inside job", from a country and government that can't even keep a blowjob in the oval office secret, can douse their theories and themselves in five gallons of gasoline and strike a road flare. WTC 7? The 40-something story building built on a foundation for a 25-story building? Built over a CON-ED substation? Every conspiracy theory on 9-11 has been debunked.
ReplyDeleteI was headed to PT formation at Ft. Lewis when the reports of the impacts on the towers were coming in....nothing was the same after that, and the absence of aircraft on the approach to SEATAC for a couple of days, broken only by patrolling fighter aircraft will never be forgotten. Nor will those who died, that day and since.
Its not very nice to ask people to be nice and respectful and then wish them death. Im just saying...its simply not.
DeleteWe aren't all flat earther imbeciles who subscribe to a bunch of conspiracy theories. Most of us (I presume) have done plenty of research and homework on this.
We can simultaneously believe it was a controlled demolition and also have much sympathy and respect for the lives lost.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Rosie, you always speak my truth as well. Thanks for helping to bring humanity to those that consider it their duty to question controlled demolition.
DeleteYes, I remember where I was when I saw the controlled demolition of the twin towers.
ReplyDeleteI was there on business. I’ll never forget the sirens and the smoke and dust. And all the screams and wailing. It was sheer panic and you couldn’t call anyone to let them know you were safe. I’m from the south, and the one refrain that kept running through my head was, I don’t belong here. I couldn’t believe I was in the middle of all this and had no idea what to do or where to go and everything around was so jarring and overwhelming and painful. It took years and years of therapy and vodka to come to terms with that day.
ReplyDeleteorangesoda...oh really? ive built high rise buildings, my highest was 48 stories, just a baby. i will assume you believe in science? listen to experts on the matter in this video and call them conspiracy theorists.
Earth is flat too.
DeleteHerbert, there are those so deep in the koolaid they refuse to see the science.
DeleteNE peanut gallery, well fucking said!
ReplyDeleteLet me add to that, that in a time of Edward Snowden and Julien Assange, it would seem strange that nobody has come out to actually deliver some fucking PROOF for all those conspiracies. It would take dozens, if not, hundreds people, and unimaginable logistics, not to just pull something like this off, but to subsequently keep it a secret for all these years.
I have yet to meet a 9/11 conspiracy theories, who isn't either a total utter fucking loser in life, or mentally ill. In fact, I met some who are both. They'll believe anything that some fat pimply virgin, cut, pasted & edited in their Mama's basement, because it's on youtube.
nope, the earth is not flat and 100s of people with the highest degrees in architecture, structural engineering, and physics from universities around the world prove 9-11 couldnt have happened as cnn would like you to believe.
ReplyDeleteThat is fucking islamophobic. The koran clearly states the earth is flat, and also that there are seven planets in the entire universe and thunder is an angel. For you to deny otherwise is racist.
DeleteUtter fucking bullshit.
ReplyDeleteGo crawl back form where you came from, you braindead turd.
Well put, Depeche Model. And no credible source has ever shown that it was an inside job.
ReplyDeletethe undeniable information is right here. we all love america but lets no be sheep. lone gunman, box cutters, all b.s. watch the video and then see what you think. not an alt right video, phd's and other serious professionals.
These people who don’t view war mongering, fear propaganda and war propaganda as a real thing are lost. Don’t even waste your breath. The government can tell them the sky is beige and they’ll believe them. The fact that they feel the need to insult other Americans who question the very shady bullshit is telling of what sheep they are. They wanted that oil and they got that oil. Just like you see what they’re doing with Russia right now.
DeleteAnd anyone who has a problem with me saying it was an inside job can fuck off. I’m a native New Yorker and lost family in the towers. I was in the city when it happened. Go fuck yourself if you think only your views are what matter and are insulting people who view it differently. My family members died for oil. Period.
The month and year we got bin Laden Jon.
ReplyDeleteAlso, stupid uneducated asshole Herbert should keep his ignorant shit to himself.
ReplyDeleteeven president trump knows the buildings didnt "collapse" without help. theres video of him saying so right after 9-11 and a report from his own engineers. you have to be relly gullible to believe the official 9-11 report. dick cheney taking over norad on 9-11 for "exercises", pahleese.
I was quite lucky to be on a mini vacation with the wife at the time, otherwise we would of both been at work right around the towers.
ReplyDelete911 was a mossad job
ReplyDeletenobody is clicking on your links retard, fuck off
ReplyDeleteHe's just like every other mentally ill conspiracy theorist I ever met: they will literally chase you around, begging you to listen to them, with their eyes bulging out, spastic smiles and deranged ramblings, going on and on and on, until you just scream FUCK OFF! So needy, so unaware, they don't understand that idiots are left ignored. Just like his supposed '100s of scientists' on youtube. Ignored. For nearly 2 decades. And until eternity. Because for every 1 scientists' claim, there are thousands who roll their eyes at them, thinking 'did he find his degree in a Kinder egg?'
i think there are a lot of really smart people here. a few resort to nasty comments because they cant rebut the truth. "im not clicking on any video full of p.h.d.s from the worlds finest universities, fuck off, asshole" why listen to experts who create and build these buildings when you can call the messenger vulgar names to prove your point.
Maybe we are not interested in your gay Disney agenda and have out own beliefs are you stupid? Iys not require to agree with your conspiracy theory..I have watched them before and as a worker an actually hands on worker with steel your very wring so go get a job actually working with steel ...handling steel and then come share your useless info...No one cares about your will never change anyone else's you just bitch and comment so you can feel smart for those 2 seconds you hit publish ...
Delete@BestMan...yes i know its hard. there are even psychologists who explain why people will cling to these falsehoods. it has to do with feeling of loss and abandonment.
ReplyDeleteYou dangle really well yourself ..move on hoax boy
DeleteI imagine the best way to keep a secret would be to only work with people who cared about their families.
ReplyDelete@Youre Tired...thank you for your comments. im sorry for your loss.
ReplyDelete@rosie riveter...well said, we all love our country.
ReplyDeleteWas listening to Howard Stern after the first crash and ran to turn on the TV. Watches the 2nd one crash into the building. Pretty sure I had seen 2 of the hijackers at circle K working in La Mesa. There was a third man present and they were speaking quite intently in Arabic. The man would not look at me in the eyes so I knew he was not a Christian.
ReplyDeleteRIP to all those who died and the rescuers who have died as a result of exposure. To the newest troll working for Jones, just go away.
Deletethis compilation gets me every time.
ReplyDeleteits 6 american news stations...watching the pop news, movie trailers, commercials, book interviews, all before its happened and been reported....the normalcy is so...eerie.
2300 architects and engineers who do not work for alex jones.
Yeah we're all stupid to believe anything the government says.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you geniuses who believe anything some guy on youtube says.
Question, and I am not trying to make fun of people that got hurt by the horrid event. I saw this newspaper cover, perhaps it was Newsweek, where David Rockefeller is sitting Close to the building site of the two Towers when they were first erected. His wrist Watch is set on 9 and 11. Is that just some urban legend, or is it legit?? Kind of spooky if true.
ReplyDeleteI hope those afflicted will find Peace from this tragedy one day. It was a sad day.
Here's the core reason why the "9/11 was an inside job!!" theories make no sense. Let's assume you are doing an inside job, planting explosives to blow up the towers and blame it on terrorists. Why bother with hijacking airliners at all?? It's an extra complication that can easily go wrong, as we saw with Flight 93 and the plane that hit the Pentagon (it was supposed to target the White House or the Capitol, I forget which). Just blow up the buildings like they tried to do in 1993. It would have been simpler, with less to go wrong, easier to cover up, and would have killed far more people.
ReplyDeleteAll such 9/11 theories are a major failure of logic.
Yes, people who believe in conspiracy theories are mentally ill and stupid.
ReplyDeleteULF, it was probably news of the world lol
ReplyDeletethe pentagon, probably the most secure building in the usa littered with video cameras all around it but not a single video of the plane that left a round hole in the building that is 3 feet thick with concrete.
ReplyDeleteThey all live alone too, I have noticed. Clearly mentally ill. If they are married (most conspiracy nuts I have met are not married), their spouse is as batshit crazy as they are.
ReplyDeletemaybe theyre not married because they dont want to support old fat women who dont have jobs. lol!
ReplyDeleteNo, it’s because they are bat shit crazy and get government crazy checks each month and haven’t seen a pill of medicine in over a decade. Alienated their families and so spend their lonely, crazy days feeding on conspiracy theories.
ReplyDelete5 kids and 11 grandkids. its a wonderful life.
ReplyDeleteI was working in a warehouse for a boss that forced us out of the breakroom and back to picking orders. I laughed when i heard that shithole closed up a few years later and that prick was homeless living in a late 90s pontiac firebird.
ReplyDeleteBush did 9/11. WTC7 videos say it all. If you don't see the controlled demolition there, you need to seek professional help because you are living in a brainwashed fog.
ReplyDeleteJustice is coming.
All my thoughts and prayers, remain to this day forever. Living close to the city is a subtle reminder everyday of the loss of all their lives. Hoping their souls are resting in peace,
ReplyDeleteBut I thought Bush was playing a concert in Europe at the time?
ReplyDeleteConspiracy theories smack of anti semitism. Imo.
ReplyDeleteits not a conspiracy theory to review the facts.
ReplyDeleteThat video is pretty compelling about Building 7 where they put it side by side with other buildings being demolished. It's just a presentation held at a university in the Netherlands, nothing wacky.
ReplyDeleteBecause the collapsing of two 100 story buildings near it did absolutely nothing to make the building structure unstable. ROLLEYES
ReplyDeleteMy town(where I was raised lost half a dozen), my county too many to count(along with a town in Long Islnd NY), the most number of lost lives in 9/11 Middletown NJ) close in numbers. Families were decimated- people I grew up , played sports with,went to church and school with, first dances with, parades with- simple things we take for granted (some cases 2 sons or siblings lost that day-I repeat -families decimated .
ReplyDeleteAnd all some can focus on furthering “a theory “, not emotion. Not humanity. A theory.
That’s fucking disturbed.
facts are not theory and the people who want the truth mourn the loss ass much as anybody. im from ny if thats what it takes to have credibility in this discussion. upstate, born and raised.
ReplyDeleteYou’ve missed the point. This was a post about loss and victims no matter how, what ,where and whatever else is spun here; not political agenda or hypothesis.
ReplyDeleteI’ll only add that most if the people I grew up with were the firefighters trying to save lives,my brother in law (who I was visit8ng with my sis in SF) lost 10 close friends from his hometown in LI that were in finance . That is one thing about this sickening tragedy -it didn’t discriminate, and there was no status,class structure, color, or creed that did not experience loss.
But by all means-attempt to polarize and trivialize...
It only illustrates weakness .
Thank you, Tricia!!
ReplyDeleteno i didnt miss your point and thought to myself thats beautiful to understand the depth and the immense loss to so many families. people are still suffering and dying today from inhaling the fumes from 9-11. believing in an impossible explanation for all that suffering doesnt make it any easier. you cant just shut down any discussion of the matter by calling 2300 architects and engineers and others by calling it conspiracy theory or its somehow dishonorable to question why so many people die in this event. we need to know specifics on how mathematicians scientists engineers and architects are all wrong. sit those phd's down in front of congress and tell them in an open hearing that theyre wearing tin foil hats. i appreciate your contributions here and i am sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteMost welcome Auntie.
ReplyDeleteHave a good evening💕
We all lost Herbert, that’s all I was trying to say... thank you and same to everyone who did.
Yes, we all lost but that doesn't mean that we should just bury our heads in the sand. Wouldn't you like to some day maybe just see some justice meted out for all those lives lost on 9/11 and years since?
ReplyDeleteYou always follow the money. Secretary of Defense , Donald Rumsfeld, proclaimed on 9/10/2001 that the Pentagon was missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars. And wouldn't you know it, that missle hit the Pentagon in the exact spot where the Naval Offices were investigating where that money went to. Too bad we never heard much about afterwards and now money from the Pentagon disappears all the time because nobody gives a shit
Building 7 held the offices of the SEC that we're investigating Wall Street corruption and what a coincidence, poof it's gone.
And of course the missing billions of gold bullion from the basement of the severely damaged Building 6 of the WTC.
But keep on believing the Official Fairytale of 9/11 and don't be surprised when it happens again.
The Next Pearl Harbor.
I see 'Hamid' is another of your 'alters'.
ReplyDeleteYou are not British and you never saw anyone celebrating the 911 attacks.
You've been saying this ever since GEORGE CLOONEY married AMAL ALAMUDDIN. You are a very, very, very sick person, so much so that I truly do think you could seriously hurt or even kill someone someday.
cspan interview from 2014 with richard gage.
We had moved from New Jersey to Texas less than two weeks before, and I had just dropped my kids off at their new elementary school. I had no friends or family in Texas, and spent the day trying to contact friends that I knew were likely to be in the city. We were so lucky, the one person who should have been in the towers that day was late to work, he was still in NJ waiting to catch a train across when the first plane went in.
ReplyDeleteWhen I flew back in to Newark a week later, there was still smoke rising from the place where the buildings stood, I will never forget how odd the skyline looked without the WTC.
9/11 was an inside job. 2 aluminum planes did not bring down 3 ubildings freefall
ReplyDelete@unknown. Worked at general as l dynamics where dc10 and long range cruise missiles were made. You better believe that those planes can bring down those towers.
DeleteI was in China at the time. A lot of people thought it was going to spark WWIII. There was a lot of talk of heading to the countryside to avoid attacks by US planes on Chinese cities.
ReplyDeleteThen it became clear that Iraq and Afghanistan were in the firing line so people relaxed.
People killed in 9/11 attacks: 3,000. Number of gun deaths in the US since 1968: 1, 500,000.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's okay to forget Americans killing Americans.
General Dynamics Convair
ReplyDeleteHonestly? There are people who can't acknowledge that the single worst one day mass murder in American history deserves separate observation on that one day a year?
ReplyDeleteThe American public is *constantly* made aware of the gun problem in this country. Chicago alone is in the headlines almost every day, along with multiple daily OTHER headlines of shootings. Believe me, Americans are NOT forgetting about gun deaths and this was the wrong day and the wrong post in which to bitch about it.
Two aluminum planes did not bring down the buildings alone, no. The hundreds of gallons of highly combustible, very, very hot-burning jet fuel that instantly ignited with the crashes assisted greatly.
ReplyDeleteControlled demolition.
ReplyDeleteIt just infuriates me to watch our public 'leaders' prance around any 911 memorial scene in 'mourning' when they know for a fact the evidence provided in the 911 report was falsified.
ReplyDelete911 was an event carried out by ole GHWBush and his gang of criminals to bring about their '1000 points of light' ie, a new world order.
Yes, 911 was an inside job!
I was working at a medical clinic at NATO military HQ here in Belgium. I had just finished seeing some clients and was trying to write my casenotes while the tv next door was blaring. I caught that a plane had crashed, but the sound from the tv was so loud I couldn't concentrate. I went down the hall and my colleagues motioned me into the waiting room. I sat down just as the second plane hit. Very quickly, the British social workers came to us and offered to see our clients for us that day. They were the first to offer help. We knew five people who were in various places which were hit, and all of them lived. A friend of mine knew five people, all in the various different places, and they died. At the end of the week there was a memorial service, standing room only. The Brits sent a piper. There were so many people there that not only did they take up the lobby of the base theatre, but further out into the streets. The Belgians placed flowers at the gates, and our open base was no longer open. People I didn't know in our village cried when they told me how sorry they were that this had happened. My mother thought it was like Pearl Harbor. My husband was in London and all flights were cancelled. And to top it off, it was the anniversary of my eldest brother's death. What a horrible day for the nation!
ReplyDeleteI love the way the Saudi's admitted they did it and then said, what are you gonna do about it?
ReplyDeleteSaudi intelligence and Mossad did it, with some help from American traitors inside the government and the Bush administration. And those weren't planes, but missiles disguised as planes. Same at the Pentagon. All the passenger planes who were supposed to have been hijacked were either shot down by or never took off, with the passengers quietly disposed off. Of course, all three buildings that fell down were demolished.