Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Open Discussion

Was it white savior complex?
Was Lindsay drunk?
Was she trying to buy the children?
Was she trying to help the kids?
Did she promise her grandfather sugar daddy children and thought this was the best way?


  1. Clearly a misunderstanding


    Omg 😂?????

  3. Lindsay "You're Ruining Arabic Culture" Lohan

    1. The culture of drinking goat piss, raping children, marrying first cousins and murdering infidels.

  4. LMAO definitely the first one!!! And the fact she recorded it meant she wanted people to view her as a saint.

  5. She's like putting on a fake Arab accent while she's talking to them in English, that's some next level meta shit right there.

    So OK my take.

    1) She was high as balls

    2) She'd already been speaking to them before she started filming, and had assumed she'd worked out a deal with them to take the kids. She switched on her phone to flex to her Instagram followers.

    3) She got mad coz they welched.

    1. I saw the full video live before it was taken down and edited for the articles. She started filming from her car before she approached them, so definitely not #2.

  6. I think she needed to steal a kid to sell for meth money. But seriously she needs to lay off harrassing homeless refugees. She kinda needed a slap.

  7. I’ll go with any reason besides she was trying to actually help. What she did was disgusting, and I hope she’s charged with attempted kidnapping.

  8. Kinda reminded me of this blind a bit:

  9. How much coke do you have to take to be at that level of crazy? Her stories the last few days of her in Paris have been wild (her in the bathroom stall with her "ear pads" and that weird Greek guy????? WTFFF). She is spiralling and I'm pretty sure her brother is out there with her. The Arabic accent is out of control...and when she yelled "Don't fuck with Pakistan!" ?!?!

  10. Is there a bigger waste of potential than Li Lo? I mean she had it all,. Despite being a ginger she was still highly bangable, she had actual acting ability and was a Hollywood A+ lister. Now? She's letting diseased Arabs fuck her up the ass for meth money and harassing random refugees for social media likes.

  11. Her Arabic was impressive. Thought she was high though.

  12. This is what happens when Barbara Payton thinks she's Angelina Jolie.

  13. The first Arabic phrase Lindsay ever learned? 'Yes you can shit on my face, but that will cost you extra'.

  14. Not surprised they ran away when a dirty pig approached.

  15. Wish the woman would’ve hit her harder. LiLo is in my celebrity death pool.

  16. What will happen with the new show? Will more people watch now?

  17. 5 alarm firecrotch

  18. That was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. She was drunk and high on something, I know I’m naive on some things but would she really buy a kid? It seems more like she’s hallucinating... next time I think I’ve spiraled I’m watching that video and saying to myself “at least you’re not Lindsey Lohan, at least you’re not Lindsey Lohan”

    1. I hate to use Lindsay in this way, but after my shenanigans the other night and feeling like death, Lindsay has made me feel much better about myself. Sorry Lindz.

  19. Mykonos human trafficking network
    Lindsay enters the death pool
    "A tragic relapse leads to an overdose, gone too soon. No one ever saw it coming."

    1. Philanthropists "combatting human trafficking"="facilitating and engaging in the slave trade"

  20. 'You're ruining Arabic culture.' Hate to break it to you, Lindz, but they're pretty good at ruining it themselves.
    What a drugged up lunatic. I suppose we should be grateful that she's staying in that part of the world most of the time, though.

  21. Yes
    In her mind yes

  22. Someone is reading the same groups as Rosanne Barr and those guys trying to shoot up YouTube.

  23. Are we sure this wasn't a setup gone wrong? She is supposed to be doing a show.

  24. I think there must be someone off camera. A car waiting, maybe? What else could she do with 2 kids? What was LiLo told? It's just possible she believed she was helping the kids. Or was willing to beiieve it until the kids were sent on to wherever, gone. Barstool, maybe she approached the family with an offer of help. But only the kids. Possibly the parents were desperate enough to hear her pitch. Then she turned the camera on and acted like a bully. That makes me think she either believed the cock and bull story she was told, or is complicit. Whatever that means. In any case she sounds like a seventy-year old. Time was she was twenty-five going on forty-five. Now she a whisper away from being Baby Jane.

  25. OK, these comments cracked me up. A+++++ would read again!

  26. I don't think Lindsay Lohan knows what "trafficking" means.

  27. 1. Yes. Won't catch me running up on hard pressed people like that.
    2. I'd be shocked if she wasn't using her coping tool.
    3. I'd say no, she was being cheap by kidnapping them herself.
    4. Maybe in HER mind she was helping. Being a hooker is preferable to homelessness.
    5. Maybe the quickest and cheapest way.

    Either way I would have never known if it weren't for this space. :) Love!

    That's my $.02

  28. That was fucked up and it’s too bad the hit to the face she received wasn’t filmed.
    What a trainwreck. I’m surprised she is still alive tbh.

  29. L steals clothes, jewelry, god knows what else, so why not kids? That last line "I don't think I can change" was super weird. Entitlement and meth don't blend together very well.

  30. I’m going to give this video ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️. It is the classic vehicle we’ve come to expect from Lindsay. It was whacky and action packed, but without a costume change and a dance scene, I don’t feel comfortable giving it 5 stars.

  31. That is meth/synthetic whatever level delusional. I have witnessed some absolutely delusional and bizarre behavior from people that used the synthetic smoke stuff that was an upper type drug rather than the fake marijuana they expected. We had a guy get on that and move in to someone else's house, while they were home. Completely believed he was supposed to move in.

  32. She did not say one word in Arabic just nonsense. The accent was comical

  33. This feels like the Truman show with various characters. We watched Demi break down, we're watching Ariana break down, we're watching Lindsay break down and it's all just entertainment, right?

  34. @geeljire

    Mykonos human trafficking network

    “In Mykonos,” Alefantis says, “in 2½ days everyone will be saying, ‘Hi, Septime!’ Austrians, New Yorkers—he identifies everyone on the beach, knows their whole story. He creates a whole world on an island in Greece. In two days! So if you think about DC after 15 years—the world is a more special place because of him. He creates a sense of magic around an event that is normal. When he is there, there is a whole other energy.”

  35. "Truman Burbank, adopted and raised by a corporation inside a simulated television show revolving around his life, until he discovers it and decides to escape."
    Is this not what so many of these child stars are going through?

  36. Septim Webre's Alice in Wonderland 2012 washington DC

    Ballet/Dance troops are very much like modelling agencies.

    Young children are legally trafficked and enployed. Often far from their family and left in the care of adults who are earning money drom their sweat.

    And thats just yhe visible portion.

  37. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Rich wealthy men created the Lohan monster. And they'll get away with it, yet again, because nobody will ever believe her now.

  38. What the hell was that?? She is.... unhinged.

  39. I just watched this shit ohhh baby what the fuck is she on now?

  40. She’s so desperate and she’s in with shady people. I’m betting on her trying to break in to the trafficking business herself and it ended up an unmitigated disaster. Dead within the year. Idiot.

  41. That's what made Lindsey an incredible actress, the ability to totally become the character (the accent, and taking on the Middle East as her culture.)
    She must have an absolutely dreadful life. Arabic men, whether Muslim or Christian, treat women as sub-humans, within the family, and in all aspects of life. I know this personally.

  42. Her Arabic is actually pretty good. TeamLohan from now on.

  43. Doesn't she have a new tv show coming out... My first thought (after the show thing) was "what the fuck is LL?" We should take bets on how much of a ratings bump her shit show gets from pre-this vs. post-this.

  44. Gingers are the direct hybrid off-spring of Nordic aliens and Neanderthals. If you're looking for gods walking amongst us, start your search there.

  45. Nice to see Schneiderisnext back in the comments.

  46. @Hamid - Our non-religious jew-friend who never guesses anything, or contributes to any blinds, but only vomits hate speech. You're in the UK... better watch out for the thought police.

  47. Very interesting she's fluent in both Russian and Arabic. Two languages from highly trafficked areas.

    Madam Lindsey most definitely was trying to steal that kid.

  48. It is the Stockholm Syndrome from all the Arab dick emerging

  49. Anonymous7:30 PM

    She's falling apart, mentally.
    Lohan, sadly, was working in the studios, from a very young age. Stuff that she has buried, in compartments of her mind.
    Which is now shattered.

  50. 'You're ruining Arabic culture.' bwaahahahahaha

    This particular 'culture' seems to constantly attract the dregs of humanity and severe mental illness. It's always the biggest nutters who convert to Islam.

    Oh and 'culture' is a bit of a stretch anyways. I've seen more fucking culture in a yogurt.

  51. How much do you think it is to hump LiLo? Asking for a friend.........

  52. It looks like something out of Blairwitch, nice way to promote her upcoming reality show. Not sure if she was drunk or wasted... She sure is not the old Lindsay anymore. It's a shame that because of her past decisions and problems with addiction nobody takes her seriously anymore. The kids were probably trafficked or used to scam people idk if Lindsay intentions were good though. Very sad to watch, horrible comments on youtube.

    1. My comment is a mess, sorry, I never thought I would see Lindsay in such a state

  53. this is beyond sad. still amazed she made it past 27. Whatever her own responsibility in her own downfall (and it is hers, ultimately) I think she is being used. anyone who knows they are trafficking isn't going to do so on camera. it is just possible, though, that she thinks her audience is even dumber than she is. she clearly thought she would be hailed a hero. I still think her delusion was that she was somehow helping. but desperation needs little convincing ... (honey, help me help these people, do this for me, and you can have (something) or won't have to (something) ... and honey you'll be an online hero to millions ...)

  54. White feminism rears its ugly head:
    "What a shame"
    "I feel so bad for Lindsey"
    "She's being used"
    "Those kids are probably trafficked and being used for scams anyhow because they're A-rabs."
    This is a grown woman, prostitute, and addict in love with fast, easy money, who has cynically dismissed all the #MeToo circus because she's been pimped out since she was a child and "turned out fine."

  55. Well, it is a shame, Geel. She was a talented actress once upon a time who's been a complete mess for at least a decade. I don't feel bad for her but I do think her life is pretty tragic.

  56. I just watched the full video, IMHO it's obvious that those kids were being used to get money from people who passed by and felt sorry for them. The "parents" didn't want to leave the streets because then how would they scam other people if they slept in some hotel? They need to be seen with small kids on main streets for sympathy.
    If you traveled to some poor countries in europe or south america that shit is pretty common, when someone tries to genuinely help with food, clothes, a place to sleep they walk away because they have no interest in help, they want money. Now I have no idea what Lindsay intentions were, maybe she wanted to help or needed the boys for prostitution as well, maybe she was high and just did it for instagram likes but I don't believe that those people were on the street because they had no choice.
    Full video:

  57. well whores can be raped, and thieves stolen from. That makes it ok? she asked for it? do you have to be without sin to be sinned against? she bears the responsibility for the choices that led her to a bad place inhabited by bad people. doesn't make her good, but doesn't excuse whoever is exploiting her downfall. predators feed on the wounded. do you really think she thought up this stunt on her own?

  58. Yes, yes, yes, no but she thought she was, maybe.

  59. She needs some emotional/mental help. There's something wrong with her that is way past drugs.

  60. I haven't watched the video yet (I'll admit I'm not ready lol) but want to second @pixie's comment. This:
    "'s obvious that those kids were being used to get money from people who passed by and felt sorry for them. The "parents" didn't want to leave the streets because then how would they scam other people if they slept in some hotel? They need to be seen with small kids on main streets for sympathy.
    If you traveled to some poor countries in europe or south america that shit is pretty common, when someone tries to genuinely help with food, clothes, a place to sleep they walk away because they have no interest in help, they want money.."

    I've encountered the same thing.

  61. Cocaine is a powerful drug.

  62. The way I've had it explained to me is that the reason people want money is because it is easy to carry, doesn't rot, and they have specific needs that the good will of clothing or food does not meet.

    There was an AMA on Reddit with a guy who works with the homeless. He explained that having money in their pockets gives them flexibility. They can find food. They can sleep rough. But the money makes the homeless fluid in that they can spend it or save it or negotiate with it. Sure, it's often for drugs or drink, but not always.

    Money represents safety. Charity represents insecurity - it could all be taken away with the same spontaneity in which it is given.

  63. I’ll go with any reason besides she was trying to actually help.

    LOL I second that.

  64. Heeeey,linsay works for Oprah and wasn't Oprah herself connected to child abuse in her own school in Africa? Is Oprah not also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse? Makes me kind of wonder if this new LL show will be a "globe-trotting" show. Any thoughts?
