Friday, September 07, 2018

Four For Friday - He Tried To Kill Them

If you ask this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who is on hit show, she will say the details are fuzzy. She remembers coming home from a set where she was filming a movie which was a smalllllll budget film. The hours were long, and the pay not so great. The movie did really well compared to its budget. Anyway, she got home late and when she walked in the door, he slammed her into a wall by the door. There was a painting on the wall and it dropped on her head and his because of how violently he slammed her body into the wall. She says she lost her breath and couldn't answer when he was asking about an actor on the set and whether she was sleeping with him. Because she couldn't answer, he assumed she was sleeping with him. He then took out a knife and held it to her throat before punching her. She blacked out. She says she woke up about 12 hours later and he wasn't in the house. She had bruises all over her body. She packed up her bags and walked out and has not spoken to him since.

Apparently this foreign born singer has been hospitalized for nearly a month because of the beating she took from the same man. She also says he held a knife to her throat and that he could kill her and no one would care. Unlike the victim above, our singer says she was awake for every bit of the beating. Apparently she didn't show what he thought was a proper level of appreciation for a gift he got her. It was a bronzed bangle bracelet that was an antique. He used that to beat her and then raped her while screaming at her that she should have thanked him and all of it could have been avoided. Later, after he left, she also walked away, but left most of her possessions because she was worried he would come back.


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