Friday, September 28, 2018

Four For Friday - The Author

This former A- list tween actress who was on a very very hit iconic tween show used to be an author. She wrote several self-published books. Her work was legendary within the company.

As background, when a manuscript was submitted, it went through an internal "Editorial Evaluation" where an in-house editor would give the manuscript an honest reading. Now, a long version of this is shared with the author to help the author shore up weak parts of the manuscript, and, dirty little secret, to sell the author additional editing and marketing services. (FYI, Self-Publishers NEVER make money on selling books to the public, it's the printing and marketing services that make them money.) 

A brief overview of the EE would be placed in the internal iUniverse system under the author's name so that the production, editing, marketing and sales teams could access them to get an idea of what additional services they could sell to the author. These evaluations are not available to the author or to the public. These evaluations are either positive, neutral, or critical with the final write-off that the described book is for "friends and family only" which meant they weren’t worth the time to contact for services.

I probably read a couple thousand of these evaluations when I was there. None matched the greatness of the first evaluation of the former tween actress.

An internal e-mail made the rounds of her editorial evaluations.

This was the evaluation from the editor:

"This manuscript is horrendous. It is so awful, I am left wondering if the author was seriously trying to write a novel, or if this is a joke on her part to see if she will be able to get this published. For one, she makes up a lot of words, and many of the sentences don’t make a bit of sense. The punctuation is like nothing I’ve ever seen. It is apparent that the author has name recognition; however, publishing this manuscript would not only be an injustice to her fans, but it is my opinion that it would tarnish her reputation as a well-respected actress. I did my best to be tactful and provide the author with helpful information. Though my inclination was to X off every No column, I did manage to throw in a few Yes’s. However, these are very weak. I would have no objection if a decision is made to change them. It is my opinion that this manuscript would not currently benefit from any of the suggested services. Though, given the circumstances that the author is insistent this manuscript go to press, I would at the very least suggest a Content Edit and a Cover Copy Polish. This recommendation is more out of the desire to protect the IUniverse label than anything else."

This was the evaluation of her 2nd book:

"When the assignment instructions included the statement that "the author states that the comma use is a stylistic choice," I assumed (uh-oh) that it dealt with the serial comma. Hah! No ... it means the author uses a comma after EVERY word! Every, one, like, this.

We've already tried to dissuade the author from this style with her first book, so she should probably just move to publication."


  1. I Danielle Fischel?
    I know she has written books

  2. Pete Davidson is saying he was proud when Bill Clinton ogled Ariana and he thinks about his dead father when doing the deed with Ariana? Is he undergoing some kind of breakdown?

    1. You're logically analyzing the words of a very young, drug-addicted comedian?

      (I assumed his dead-father story was an unfunny joke. He told it on Howard Stern's show, which isn't exactly 60 Minutes.)

  3. Winnie's real name is Danica MacKellar
    Amirite you fucking tranny piece of shit?

  4. I think the answer is Lark Vooehies Lark Voorhies: Books
    6 results for Books : "Lark Voorhies" True Light: A, superior, take, unto, the, premier, haloing, of, tenuation. Readily, available, True Light, provides, resource, into, time's, motifed, and, vestuved, authenticate, revelation. May 23, 2011.

  5. And the tranny piece of shit is the first comment here aka Riven\Can Opener\Derek Harvey\Donna Marie\Bill\Dick and the infamous Malibu Borebee

  6. Some Hollywood shit-for-brains.

  7. Candace Cameron Bure??

  8. Alyssa Morono.

  9. Definitely Lark Voorhies

  10. Yeah I'm skipping this

  11. Now we know where the commas Enty doesn't use went to! Lark took them all!

  12. Let’s leave the “stylistic choice” writing to e.e. cummings, which is a pleasure to read, and to Enty, which is a labor of love to follow!

  13. Luckily, "Enty" would not have any problems with grammar, spelling and such......oh wait. Never mind.

  14. um, why is someone going off about a 'tranny' in these comments?

    1. There are three or four idiot trolls here. Unfortunately a few people called them entertaining so they decided to hang around.

  15. What the fuck with the transphobia.

    1. Its in the poorest taste. He's disgusting 9/10 of the time anyway.

    2. Vulgar and hateful. A gay person is ok with it so it’s ok?

  16. Stay out of it if you don't know why I'm doing it. Just leave it alone.

  17. Only trashy Tricia and her alt, Sandy

  18. No don't worry its not transphobia. its only derek. it doesnt count

  19. Oh Tranny you finally acknowledged me you fucking piece of shit. I was so fucking hurt you didn't say hi to me when you came back from where? Psychiatric ward or jail?

  20. BTW Tranny it's really really good to see you still think in your drug deluded mind I'm every fucking poster on this board. I call shit like you names, Tricia, not my alt, tries to handle shit like you without getting dirty. I don't mind getting dirty.

  21. Clearly you’re doing it because you’re transphobic and dislike trans people. If it was just this one trans individual you dislike, why mention they’re trans instead of talking about how they’re a crappy person and whatever they did to piss you off? Instead you choose to repeat the “tranny” slur and then tell people to stay out of it while you freak out at someone in the comments? Are we supposed to pretend we can’t read what you type? Um obviously that’s gonna raise some eyebrows. If you don’t want other people involved, take the tirade away from us.

  22. Tranny can we just cut to the chase and have your meltdown sometime this weekend? I'm already sick of your fucking shit and you've only been back under this alt as least 3 days.

  23. Errm, uh huh. Wow. What do you guys call yourselves?

  24. Ask that person to stop picking on Tricia and calling her mentally I'll and I'll stop calling a spade a spade. It started what I finish.

    1. You mean you don't live for those moments when plot runs in and says "SEE EVEN ALL OF DEREK'S ACCOUNTS HATE YOU TRICIA?"
      I'm really going to miss you sandy, please play this song on Musk Day. Don't worry, you'll know it when you see it.

  25. Two wrongs don’t make a right, dudes. Chastise them for their actions, yes, but perpetuating transphobia hurts people that weren’t even involved in this and that’s what you’re doing with your slurs. Are they a disgusting, vile, possibly worthless human for what they did and said to dear Tricia? Yes!!! But you’re not really any better with the way you’re choosing to attack back. I don’t really care how badly you hurt them, if what you said is true, but I do care about the young trans people out there driven to self harm or suicide because people keep perpetuating transphobia and demonizing trans people. Yes, there are bad trans people. But they aren’t bad because they’re trans. It’s an important distinction. Sandy, I respect you, so please keep that in mind. I understand you are rightfully angry

  26. Rosie is gay, she knows why I'm doing it, she knows I'm not transphobic and she probably doesn't mind. I'm doing this to this piece of shit because of old, past actions on this site. In the meantime I'll apologize to the people who are offended but this sack of shit has to be dealt with at her level of psychosis and it won't be pretty.

  27. @Nobs+ 1million. I couldn't say anything without losing it,the Trans/ suicide attempts hit too close to home.

  28. If you're not transexual, using the word "tranny" is inherently transphobic no matter what the context. It's not okay.

    @Guesser: LOL!

  29. InsiderHer! Her blinds were always written horribly.

  30. If you go to the reviews of Vorhees' book TrueLIght on Amazon, you'll find one that is the origin of this blind, almost word for word.

    Not to say editors wouldn't say exactly the same things internally...

  31. @Kevin Connolly, and others who don't know our old trolls. @Derek Harvey was a frequent poster here who was obsessed with @ Tricia13,because he rarely guessed first. He trolled and basically doxxed her,trying to make her leave. Derek Had an epic meltdown, and left , at least that identity. He has trolled occasionally,but not some of the names mentioned. Overall @Tricia is very gracious, but I think she is too hasty with whom She thinks is Derek. Malibuborbee is another who joined the @Tricia hate brigade. Some think this is one person I do not. Definitely kindred spirits, Derek is presented as a gay thirty something Canadian,@Malibu a middle-aged California female. Both have gone off the rails,both retired their identities about the same time. But their presence remains. Keep in mind,this is part of the "good old days" some here long for. Not me. Hi Derek,Hi Malibu, save your breathe,Tricia ain't going away. The "tranny" reference is @sandybrook and others think ladybaus is him,presenting as a female.

    1. I appreciate your honesty ,as you are a very long term ,level,polite poster @Guesser. That said-with respect to Ladybaus:There is only one person other than Ladybaus (though they posted under other names ) who used the phrase”and jimmy cracks corn “ when telling someone they don’t give shit; called me “Tan Mom” because I am (happens when you live in the tropics); makes ugly assertions about me as a mother/my kids; calls me a “terrible” guesser(for the reason you cited above ); and speaks of the very thing they,themselves posted to doxx me(in an attempt to again intimidate me)—/ and that is Derek.

      But you are right about many things-and one is, I ain’t going anywhere:)

    2. ☝️Btw all things they have posted about/said in the last week(“Ladybaus”).

  32. I was pretty good at guessing this Derek stuff, should have been a blind but yeah dislike being basically told to mind ya business when something is publicly posted. Sounds like the old days shit was popping.

  33. @Tricia 13, a comment on a thread today may make me agree afterall. Sometimes they can't resist revealing themselves. Re@ladybaus.

  34. Excellent summary of Derek and all of his fake names. Just submit your guess and the sd lower folks will determine who is right. Stop stalking Tricia what's your name and get a move on!

  35. just comment on the blinds and move on with your life.
    why are some people on here so obsessed with the lives of the other commenters? I want to read speculation and gossip about famous people, not scroll through vitriolic hate speech based on fucking... rivalries between commenters?

  36. Then skip it duh. This is nothing compared to 5 years ago.

    1. It’s not a rivalry if it’s one sided... lol.... I know Auntie
      They must “be new “here?

  37. 😉have a great weekend Tricia1

  38. Same to you SD🥂

  39. I thought Sandybrook was a normal and regular commentator? Is there also a Sandybrooke with and e at the end? Please stop. My kid is trans and you're going to gain more haters if you continue. I rarely comment on this weird competition but you're sounding worse than the people you're going after and it's seriously offensive.

  40. @H-Mo

    Sorry you fucked up your kid with your bad parenting, but it's not our problem. If it's any consolation, "it" will probably do what they all inevitably do -- commit suicide -- thus sparing your delicate flower sensibilities from any further embarrassment.

  41. And because I'm sick of reading all the Social Justice Moron crap, I'm guessing Hilary Duff ("Lizzie McGuire"), since I have one of her books ("Elixir") and it reads like it was written by a short bus-riding 6-year-old. Much like most of the comments here. She's not a mentally-ill tranny, though, so at least she has that going for her.

  42. No I dont mind the word tranny at all, I've been a dyke for 46 years. (Don't get excited @J/Jon.I'm not a buzz cut butch.its just a term) nor do I mind faggot or whatever else people might come up with. Who cares, its just a fucking word.
    I do, however, mind that sandy and ladybaus are possibly the same person?
    Sandy! Say it ain't so!

  43. To be clear..
    Its just a word coming from sandy..
    This 90210 goofball up here ^ is a POS, because its meant in a vile way. ...inherently "Ist" or "phobic" of some sort

    But by all means, dont let me be a moral compass here. Im full of bad decisions and questionable morals

  44. Sandybrook isn't anyone else, it's a single account by my estimation and he has no motivation to log in as someone else because why.

  45. @90210 Under Fire
    For what you said to @J-Mo, I hate you. I hope you continue living the loneliest, most agonizing life until the day you die.

    I understand you're calling @ladybaus/Derek a tranny because he's posting as a woman but, as you can see, it's offensive. You might want to use the word vermin, instead?

    My apologies. As another above said, I saw the other comment, too.
    I would suggest that everyone ignore Ramona Singer and her/his hateful remarks.

    When you're older and look back, seeing that you've wasted any portion of your life to superficial animosity, you'll wish you'd spent your time more wisely. If you are the person I shall not name three times, please be well. It was the homophobic gang mentality that made me stand up for you in the first place but now you're just acting like petulant dick.

  46. @Mary Lamb-apology accepted and appreciated. It’s all good:)

  47. Too bad there isn't an audio book for this, as read by William Shatner

    True Light: A, superior, take, unto, the, premier, haloing, of, tenuation. Readily, available, True Light, provides, resource, into, time's, motifed, and, vestuved, authenticate, revelation.

    Everyone with me now.. (big breath in, long breath out...) and repeat:

    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    (slowing our heart rate, continuing to breathe)
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...
    tenuation, motified, vestuved, ...

    I've, never, felt, more, in-tune,

  48. Lmaoooo read all the reviews a about her book on amazon, it's hysterical!!! 😄

  49. I didn't know Lark was writing books. Then again, these days anyone can do it because of all the options available. Just look at all those Kindle disasters on Amazon that look like they were written by drunken baboons.

    Putting, commas, after, every, word? She's either trolling for lulz, trying to get attention for being a pretentious hipster writer or is so high she has no idea what the hell is going on.

    I think a book like that could work if it was meant to be a joke and was short and to the point of said joke. A quirky humorist could do something fun with this concept. But a serious novel? No way!

    I learned a lot about commas in college English courses. The standard way we use them is the way it is for a reason. Overuse of commas causes you to stop between words. A lot like if you were doing an impression of William Shatner. It' annoying and headache inducing. It makes it hard for the reader to know what the author means because the comments aren't being used to convey concepts properly.

    Your writing is supposed to be easy on the reader. That doesn't mean that you have to write for elementary schoolers. Rather it means that your writing needs to be clear enough that people can understand what the hell you are talking about without having to read the page fifteen times.

    Celebrity authors are probably a nightmare. I know Lark has a lot of mental issues. They probably just didn't feel like dealing with it.

    She has a very bad butterfly rash from lupus and I sympathize. I haven't had the rash since I was a teen. But it was so nasty that I got misdiagnosed with rosacea. People made fun of Lark's face but it definitely wasn't all bad plastic surgery. You can clearly see the rash. But she did ruin her nose and there was nothing wrong with it before.

  50. @90210 Under Fire— Burn in hell. Seriously. Telling a parent their child will kill themselves? Go eff yourself.

    I love drama as much as the next person, but that was completely uncalled for.

  51. Can't believe i'm saying this considering it's CDaN and it's never said gold star, but this site's gone to total shit.

  52. Well now we know how the ’self-publishing’ industry works!
    The ultimate kindness blind & reveal from Enty (thanks!)
    PS those 1-800 invention mills you see on TV work the same way.
    They can get you a design patent (to how the invention looks & feels, not a harder to get utility patent which is for how useful it is) that is super easy to design around & infringe & then keep you on the hook with marketing, intros to ’investors’ etc.



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