Friday, September 21, 2018

Four For Friday - Another Link In The Chain

Investigators for the family of this former A- list musician from a permanent A list band are now checking to see if he was murdered rather than suffering a terrible accident. The problem they are facing is that his death was quite some time ago. On the bright side, they have the vehicle he was riding and it is undisturbed from that date. They also have a diary of the people he had been meeting to get financing for a movie he wanted to make with his girlfriend. The movie tries to shed light on child trafficking and exploitation. Two days before the accident that would ultimately kill him, he met with an A+++ list producer who had been visiting Washington, D.C. where our musician met him to discuss his ideas.

This same movie, which is being produced by the girlfriend of the dead musician to carry out his wishes has also claimed the lives of two permanent A list singers who were directly involved in the making of the movie and who also had confrontations with the A+++ list producer.


  1. Replies
    1. Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington

  2. Why am I feeling Prince for one of the dead permanent A listers

  3. Spielberg and??? Which musicians died in car accidents?

  4. Cornell is one/Chester B maybe another

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Neither died in a car wreck

    3. "This same movie, which is being produced by the girlfriend of the dead musician to carry out his wishes has also claimed the lives of two permanent A list singers who were directly involved in the making of the movie and who also had confrontations with the A+++ list producer."

      It doesn't say the two singers died in an accident. It's the main character in the blind who did.

  5. Marc Bolan? Was some time ago and was in a band.

    Will keep digging...

  6. Cliff Burton (Metallica) was killed in a bus accident in 1986.

  7. Geffen,?,cornell,Bennington

  8. "vehicle he was riding" sounds like a motorcycle. But the only A lister dying that way was Duane Allmam waaaaay back in 1971, which doesn't fit

  9. Wait -

    "on the bright side, they have the vehicle he was riding and it is undisturbed from that date"

    Motorcycle or bus fits much better than car, +1 kaidy

  10. Lisa Beane, executive producer of The Silent Children, her boyfriend was LeRoi Moore the sax player from DMB. Chester Bennington on Chris Cornell we’re supposedly involved with the movie.

    1. Wow !
      Nice ! That is it.... he was awesome to watch play .... and a nice guy. So talented.
      His Accident was sketch-overturned off roader

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Tim Kelley/Slaughter if they would be considered perm A

    Sketchy car wreck in 1998 which is the decade I think this would be to fit in Cornell /Cobain etc (grunge)

  12. Cliff Burton's girlfriend at the time, Corinne Lynn, went to college for Anthropology/Social Work...child trafficking would definitely be something of interest in her field. the other 2 A-list singers would be Cornell and Chester. and assuming the other mentioned is Geffen.

  13. Kato Khandwala, producer and engineer for The Pretty Reckless (featuring Taylor Momsen), died in a motorcycle accident this past April.

  14. Please pardon my typos. iOS 12 is doing me zero favors, lol.

  15. I agree that Chester fits better - but both Cornell & Prince are in the headlines today for posthumous music releases.

    and great catch @unclejesse - ATV overturned fits perfectly with the clues

  16. @unclegjesse - I wasn't sure LeRoi would be an A-lister, but the rest of that fits

  17. I looked up the movie and thought I should share their website just because these are the types of projects that should get more views:

  18. LeRoi Moore (DMB sax player) died in 2008 from injuries suffered from an ATV accident...

    His fiance was Lisa Beane:

    Uncle Jesse nailed it...

  19. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Former A- list musician from a permanent A list band who died in an accident: I've got nothing

    Two permanent A list singers who were directly involved in the making of the movie: Cornell and Bennington

    A+++ list producer: Geffen

  20. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Yeah, Uncle Jessie nailed it.

  21. So did they try to kill him twice because the accident happened June 30th and then he died after being released from the hospital in Aug 19. Story sounds really sketchy. Don’t blame the family at all.

  22. Uncle Jesse great work!

    LeRoi Moore - subject of the blind
    A++ producer - I assume Geffen
    A list singers - Chester and Chris Cornell

  23. Love how everyone is nitpicking riding vs driving or riding in but keep in mind these blinds are SO poorly written and riddled with typos and ill phrasing. Could just be a matter of that and not a literal hint.

  24. Since this sounds like newer events, I am just gonna throw out the name David Zablidowsky
    However, I am not sure who his GF is. But he died in July of last year also.

  25. Why do these guys always meet with the producer? Are they looking for horns? If they were trying to cause reactions, well mission accomplished.

  26. Anonymous11:23 AM

    What about that actor that died by being squished between his car and the gate of his house, or something along those lines? It happened like one-three years ago..

    1. Anton Yelchin
      "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, the manufacturer of the Grand Cherokee, was aware of 2014 and 2015 models having a high rate of rollaway incidents due to a gearshift design which could make it difficult for the driver to determine whether the vehicle was in Park or still in gear. FCA had already recalled all 2014-15 Grand Cherokees for this concern in April 2016, but the software patch to repair the vehicles did not reach dealers until the week of Yelchin's death. "

  27. Never mind.. lol, maybe I should fully read the blind before throwing something. it does say the death was quite some time ago. carry on. ;)

  28. @Julz590 are you talking about Anton Yelchin? I always thought that was a weird death

  29. Anonymous11:36 AM

    @CarissaA.Thrush yes that is the one! I always thought that was really weird as well, and more to it than just a freak accident.

  30. two allman band members were killed on motorcycle accidents in separate incidents.

  31. so LeRoi Moore is an A- list musician i've never heard of from a group that's permanent A i never heard of? surely can't be him. producer has to be Geffen with all those pluses.

  32. @nancer, DMB is the Dave Matthews Band. It may be a stretch to call them permanent A list,but everyone knows them.

    1. Thanks for spelling that out, guesser, I was like, "who???"

  33. Here's the thing (or things.)

    Lisa Beane doesn't seem like one to back down from a controversy or fight. I've been looking through her FB, art website and other sources and no where does she mention that her fiancee may have been killed by anyone. Also, she doesn't speak about the extent of his involvement in her Silent Children cause, only her own and nothing about inheriting his cause as this blind states. Lisa has been involved from the start, it looks like.

    Lisa seems to be the prime producer and motivator here. She is also less famous than her fiancee. Soooooo, why kill him and not her? Her participation is greater. The loss of Lisa would be more damaging to the Silent Children movement, as would the loss of other, non-famous, people. Sooooo, why kill the famous folk who were, it looks like, just contributing guitars and such?

    Also Lisa lives in LA. Soooo wouldn't it be easier to kill her and the whole project in that city than anywhere else? In fact, it looks like everyone involved with the documentary lives in LA. So why leave them alive and kill musicians?

    It looks like the documentary is on course and the website is beautifully done. Soooo, what was killing these famous musicians supposed to accomplish exactly? The alleged killings of three musicians haven't killed the documentary (11 minutes of which one can watch on the site) nor the Silent Children projects.

    Just questions.

  34. Oh, to add, Lisa Beane makes some great art, too. It looks like she has tremendous energy and passion.

  35. @plot, one reason stands out,without the participation of the famous musicians,no one would have heard of the film. This story is known primarily because people questioned these deaths.

  36. @Guesser

    Were any of those dead musicians (sorry too lazy to spell out their names correctly) even connected to Silent Children before their deaths?

    I'm going to keep track of the documentary and see where it goes, btw. The 11 minute segment left me with tons of questions.

  37. Chester Bennington & Chris Cornell definitely.

    Cornell and Taylor Momsen were close friends due to mutual recovery issues so it makes sense a member of her band would know him well also.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      "Cornell and Taylor Momsen were close friends due to mutual recovery issues"

      How do you know that?

  38. Why does it say he was riding "on" the vehicle. It makes it sound like the vehicle was a bicycle.
    Oh... motorcycle accident?

  39. Anonymous3:23 AM

    It's LeRoi Moore, Bennington and Cornell. LeRoi died due to complications from an ATV accident. Wikipedia says he was going to check on a fence on his property at the time. Presumably a chain link one, clue is in the title.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Not sure this is Chris everything else fits but his girlfriend Taylor Momsen?
    Kato Khandwala died in a motorcycle accident?
    But everything else fits???

  43. @plot,Cornell supposedly was going to be one of the financial backers.I don't know if that had been reported before his death. The film had been delayed many years, when LeRoi was still alive. His death may have caused the delay. Lisa Beane should be given her credit,but as I said, famous names get these projects the attention they deserve.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This movie was part of a blind on this site not too long ago, involving cornell and chester b, i remember looking up the website

  46. The original Paul McCartney?

  47. LeRoi Moore and Boyd Tinsley came to my little apartment in Charlottesville (before DMB..they both played the local clubs w/a friend of mine who played guitar) They sat on my floor and we ate barbecue and talked all night. Really nice guys.

  48. Who in his right mind would meet with David Geffen to talk about child trafficking,unless it was for a joint business venture?



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