Saturday, September 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 15, 2018

Of course this Mr. Burns look alike would say what he said simply because of the things he has done to his current wife and all the other wives of his past. He should be glad there ws no #MeToo movement back in the day or he would be screwed. He also thinks that all women will stay no matter what if the money is right. He proved that with the current one. Not sure why she stayed other than the bucks.

Larry King sticking up for Les Moonves


  1. Enty, I think you answered it right there. She is staying for the money. I'm sure it's not because of his looks and charisma

  2. She's knows he's dying soon, she can wait it out and get herself a side piece and he won't know anything.

  3. Plus she probably doesn’t have to fuck him in the meantime so it’s a win:win.

  4. Plus, she is Mormon and they don't divorce or they don't get into Mormon heaven - particularly women.

  5. She wants to be his widow not his ex.

  6. Dear Mr. King: There is no money - absolutely NO amount of money, that would make me marry you. My kids would have to be starving or in need of medical help to even consider you.

  7. Forgive my naivety, but what is it King is alleged to have done to his previous wives???

    1. Other than subject them to his hideous visage, Lol?

    2. Expose his admittedly less than perfect nakedness to them?

  8. I live in Los Angeles and I have NEVER heard any rumors about him in that direction.

    I work in the media so I am pretty confident I would have, had he been abusive.
