Sunday, September 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 16, 2018

This former A list athlete turned washed up celebrity turned A- list reality star turned celebrity ALL of you know crashed an event last night, but no one had the heart to kick the celebrity out. The celebrity even walked the red carpet.

Caitlyn Jenner


  1. Bruce should be in jail for manslaughter.

  2. What? Why? What did he do? Who did he kill?

  3. Nobody cared when he was with the KTrashs and nobody cares about someone with her troubles when she isnt

  4. Whatever did happen to that car crash case? Someone did die in that!

    1. Oh it wasn't a celebrity and noncelebrity lives have no value if a celebrity kills them.

  5. Did HeShe wear flats or fuck-me pumps on the red carpet? This reveal is so intriguing and I hadn't been able to sleep since it came out 9/16... I'm expecting Amazing Quotes to show up any minute now

  6. Nobody has the heart to kick out the mentally disturbed person crashing the event. So they let them think they are one of the crowd.

    Any doctor who mutilates a mentally ill person should be jailed.

  7. Buckle up, buckaroo.

  8. The family got $800,000 in an out of court settlement earlier this year.

  9. Trannies are narcissists.

  10. God knows I can't stand that family, but I feel like I'm at the Free Republic reading these comments.

  11. Okay first of all, J - you're hilarious, assuming the man he slaughtered was Bruce Jenner.

    Also JF - yes Amazing Quotes is really something. I have to wonder about that life - just logging into websites and leaving those amazing goddamn quotes in every single thread. I sure hope it's a bot just for the sheer monotony of that life. Even the bot must have needed a cold one because we remain quote free at this time.

  12. @Hunter, a few times Amazing Quotes has screwed up and posted under a different name, but the same crap. It is someone who posts regularly and is a total loser.

  13. what event? what is your proof she "crashed" the event? ffs pretty mild stuff here these days

  14. Did Caitlyn's girlfriend used to have a weiner too?

  15. Yes Caitlyn's girlfriend used to (and still may) have a weiner.

    I don't believe they are dating, I think they are two lonely souls on the same ho stroll and clutch onto each other for warmth. I do not believe they are romantically involved at all.

    Nor have they ever said they are - they let the media presume and they are always together but in fact I believe the younger one is trying to create her own social media/influencer world and hoping proximity to Caitlyn is better than no recognition at all.

    I will never truly consider Bruce a woman but the younger ones and people like Laverne Cox are much easier and also more believable because what the fuck Bruce.

  16. ...and people say the age difference is why the two need mental health professionals.
