Saturday, September 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 14, 2018

Apparently this long time bromance/business partnership is on the rocks. Look for these two hosts of entirely different kinds of programs to take a hiatus from their touring.

Anderson Cooper/Andy Cohen


Sarton Bander said...

Anderson and Mum Gloria Vanderbilt.

One for the "WTF is that on the wall" deciferers.

ardleighstreet said...

That creepy triptych is so bizarre. Who puts that above their bed on picnic print wallpaper???

MichiganMama59 said...

@TinyDancer - AMEN

TheBPlot said...

Actually, they just released dates for a new / revamped stage show. Coming to LA for the first time, Las Vegas, etc. and they are about to announce NYE show again. Also, they were just vacationing togeter with Barry Diller, et all. Not sure sbout this one but one in a million Entyincorrect is still the gold standard.

Unknown said...

adrenochrome addicts

Unknown said...

I stopped paying any attention to both of them after what they did to Kathy Griffin

schweetyfleety said...

What? No more sword fighting?

Urban Rosebud said...

It is obviously occulty.
OT: But no one will believe their beloved stars do such things. And those that try to expose are called crazy loonies.

Urban Rosebud said...

Get ready for the disparaging comments Babydoll. Most are still blind.

Coffinnails said...

Where are y’all getting your #greatawakening fix since reddit gave it the boot? is good but is there a board without random nasty images sprinkled all over it? WWG1WGA

ktotheooter said...


Officially sanctioned by Q, they posted that it will be the new normie board going forward.

Coffinnails said...

Thank you ktotheooter!

Paul Saint John said...

When you google "phony fagotty piece of shit" Anderson Cooper shows up.


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