Saturday, September 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 13, 2018

The most recent celebrity ex of this A list singer who dumped him hard, tried to kill himself last week.

Mac Miller/Ariana Grande


  1. So he tried and succeeded yesterday. How sad...

  2. This kind of thing is going around.

    Use your brains, guys.

  3. This is sad. She always dumps her BFs, so Pete better be prepared.

  4. on the boyf note. She then seems to be attracted to men who have some type of suicidal things... bc pete has already been very emotionally unstable. hmmm

  5. He was a junkie before he met her. He OD'd. She didn't give him the drugs nor was she anywhere near him at the time of his death. He and he alone is responsible for his death. But as men can never take responsibility for their mistakes and the girlfriend/wife/mother is always scapegoated then I'm sure the blame will be allocated to his ex-girlfriend..

    Ho hum. Same old, same old bullshit.

    1. Right Viking song! Maybe Killary ordered it! FFS. ILLUMINATI, AJones the pervert can all go to hell.

    2. When you love an addict, eventually you leave, or else you get consumed. They seemed to have a very sweet, real love, but he couldn’t get clean. So she got out, but unfortunately right into a rebound relationship. And now the ex with the drug problem is dead. I don’t foresee her current engagement lasting. She’s going to need to really mourn this one. So sad.

  6. So Pete is next to be her sacrife I’m telling you this bitch is an evil demon She fends on the most vulnerable she preys on junkies cause it’s easier to kill them like that if he dies he just died of an overdose

    1. @giaagidina. You have no clue do you. You and your 20 something self needs to get a life and obviously u have 0 lifetime experiences. Weak men LOVE Strong women and like AG string personality. Now get your face into college and learn something oh and get a goddamn life

    2. Strong not string.

    3. +10000 Sd. Auntie. Well put!

    4. Thank you@ dahling

  7. Can you blame her for getting out? Fuck that noise. This sounds like a pattern. How many times do you think he threatened or attempted suicide white they were together?
    Speaking from experience, relationships like that are very hard to get out of. If you don't think she's feeling guilt right now, you're wrong. It's unfounded, but she's feeling it. And probably a small amount of relief. Let the woman grieve.

  8. .

    But he did just die of an overdose. I appreciate for mentals and shut-ins that's not quite as exciting as illuminati ordered killings...

  9. Can't help but think of poor abused hopeless Mr. VS.

  10. Rich kids in their 20’s.
    Go figure

  11. After they invented the Kardashian curse, now so inventing Ariana curse lol I love these conspiracy theories!

  12. What' the obsession with Ariana? Is it because she is successful? Or her money? She always seems to me as Kylie Jenner who can sing.


    Mac Miller's death from 'overdose' raises suspicions as police find his home is SCRUBBED CLEAN of drugs

    1. Heroin, pills needles, X, meth, cocaine. You name it. Most junkies live in filth too. Roaches, rats. Look at Whitney's bathroom. It was disgusting

    2. He probably did OD on his own accord, I think it was cleaned to protect whoever was selling him drugs and so that people wouldn't be able to the state he was living in before death.

  14. If only he could've hung on for a little longer, he'd be in the 27 club!

  15. There's a news story up on this afternoon that says he had his house cleaned before he o'd.

  16. You keep telling yourself that, J. We all know the only pussy you get is when you lick your bathroom mirror.

  17. Poor abused guy, stuck with a miserable one-note racist termagent.

    So unspeakably weary.

    No doubt he's been far more than "half in love with easeful death."

    1. Impressive use of quoting Keats on a gossip site!

  18. Your misogynistic bullshit is unspeakably weary. Do send my sympathies to your mother. Bet she regrets not aborting you now. Fucking parasite.

  19. Ariana isn't even worth blowing a load on, much less killing yourself for. She's a life support system for a pussy, and a poor one at that.

  20. There's the single note.

    Bet Mr. VS can't get enough of your abort-men tirades.

    They're just so fetching.

    Lol @ that unfortunate accursed shrewbound man.

    Ha ha ha.

  21. I wonder what he knows about Dan Schneider

    Also as an independent (unsigned) artist with a huge following, his voice was relatively unmanaged/controlled

    Excellent all around dude. Truly a gifted producer.

    RIP MAC,

  22. Of COURSE his friends cleaned up his house before the cops got there, that's just looking out for your buddies and yourself. No mystery.

    Ariana and her whole family and Mac's family I'm sure are very broken up over this, by her own admission she loved him a lot.

    She's clearly attracted to guys with issues and they are clearly attracted to her, that is a pattern, this is not her fault.

  23. God I feel so bad for him.

    I hope he can rest in peace. I'm sad that no onr could help him before it was too late.

  24. Wasnt there a blind that saud Pete threatened to kill himself if Ariana ever left him?

    Not blaming her, but you can't save people and getting involved because you think you can usually brings nothing but pain.

    I hope she remembers that going forward, dont see Pete being her forever-spouse either.

  25. This guy was still really young. Where were his parents?

    1. He was 26 and had been on his own since 19. His mom’s Instagram shows a supportive loving relationship. Don’t blame parents or partners for drug ODs. He made a terrible, fatal choice. It’s tragic.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @Viking Song but wait - you're om here too and you're also commenting. Seem like a committed CDANer to me. (Geddit. 'Committed.)

  28. I don’t get why one has to necessarily do with the other. Moving on so fast definitely feels like a slap in the face and must of killed him. However, he was his own person. So while the way she flaunted her new relationship so fast may have been insensitive, that still does not mean she is to blame for his overdose. He did it. Not her.

  29. "weak men love strong women" this seems to be a rather baseless generalisation.

    Plenty of weak men despise strong women, because, well, they're weak!
    And plenty of strong men love strong women, because they can not respect a weak one.

  30. Schneiderisnext said...
    I wonder what he knows about Dan Schneider

    Are you deranged?

    He is DEAD. He "knows" nothing about DS now. He may have KNOWN something but wtf does that have to do with anything? Get a life, creep.

  31. @ladybaus

    Chill the fuck out.

    Mac dated a girl who many suspect to have been molested by Hollywood insiders. He refused to sign to major labels, so he obviously knew about the seediness of the entertainment industry

    It's been the subject of multiple blinds.

    Obviously He's dead. I was fan...did you not see my wishes that he Rest In Peace?

  32. @ladybaus

    What does it have to do with anything?

    Well 2 scenarios:

    1. Knowing that his ex was pimped out and dumped him could contribute to his depression.

    2. He was going to speak publically and he was assassinated under the guise of an overdose.

    I think the former is more likely, but this site is full of blinds questioning "overdoses"

  33. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I would never blame her--my ex hit the bottle hard and threatened to kill himself if I left him. Eventually, that wasn't enough for me to stay. Nowadays, I am with someone I had known for many years and my ex has developed some kind of unsettling exercise addiction and likely anorexia. Ariana couldn't have rescued that guy any more than me staying with my ex would have lent to himself becoming a balanced adult.

  34. The problem with people saying he was an addict she loved him then left is that that's not true

    But I feel she used an excuse of a toxic relationship
    All to get out of a cheating rumour.

    I have never seen something talk about a toxic relationship and songs on a album in the same sentence and so trivially but she did.

    Two the guy she responded too was a nobody I find it hard to understand why she'd be bothered enough to comment.

    Three Demi Lovato has been with Wilmer (I can't spell his second name) for sick years never once have I seen him screaming about his toxic relationship.

    If he isn't I find it hard why Ariana would use that as a reason to defend cheating. But the also had to say which song were about her

    Sorry people needed to rant
