Monday, September 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 6, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actor is receiving death threats from people he suspects are associated with his A+ list actress ex.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie


  1. What do you expect from a crazy person and she is no lady.

  2. Too funny! Someone needs to get their head out of their ass.

  3. Probably from the bitter bitches at celebitchy.

  4. I never thought she was like this. What a crazy woman.

  5. Maybe it's stans. They do crazy shit you know Entern.

  6. Although I feel children need a mother, it would be truly CRIMINAL if Angelina Jolie was allowed to raise those children in her moral cespool of sichophant 'yes' men. She is a lifelong addict with severe personality disorders. Drop a dime Brad & tell the FEDS & Child Protective Services about what she REALLY does: the visas she obtained 4 the child prostitutes 4 her adopted sons, the days when she can barey lift her anorexic head 2 raise the kids, the forced changing of her daughter Shiloh's sexuality out of jealousy & her own folly..TELL IT ALL!!!

  7. @Danilo: You never thought she was crazy? This is a woman who has said that she hired a hit man to kill herself years ago. Too bad she changed her mind.

    @Karma: Brad’s gotta get those kids away from her. She’s spiraling & I really worry about their safety. People with Borderline PD have the ‘If I can’t have them nobody can’ thought process. Or rather, lack of thought process.

    Brad’s definitely beefed up his security recently. Two bodyguards instead of the usual one.

  8. @Karma You read like a raging lunatic.

  9. Enty is probably using the word "associates" loosely. Stans might call in the category , or some of her loony friends. They don't have to be hired.

  10. Brad is leaking all kinds of crap to defame her. It's the case of "the boy who cried wolf." I no longer believe anything bad I hear about her as relates to him.

  11. Angelina wants to turn him into Jon Voight so she can live out her Marcheline fantasy.

  12. +1
    Despite how tragic that is.

  13. Hey- new here my second comment.My first was the awful Inger Stevens Blind. Nothing this woman does would surprise me- @Karma isnt necessarily a lunatic. If Angelina wasnt a celebrity offspring she would be living in a trailer park -Queen of the trash heap meth heads. Definitely a witch. and Brainwashing victim from a young age? Multiple personalities ? She is just too bizarre- DAMAGED GOODS.

  14. @V8infinity eight
    You are definitely a lunatic. Two comments too many. Does your hubby find Angelina attractive? Are you deranged? Are you on your prescribed medication or do you sell them to your trailer park homeys?

  15. The pshycological abuse and Molestation those kids are going trough I really hope one day Angelina One day ends up taking a Her last deadly cocktail of drugs

  16. Another fucking psycho. This place is really mentally malignant magnet.
    Nice going, Entyties.

  17. It's alarming how many of you can't spell the word psychotic or any of the words derivative of it.

  18. @MaryLamb: The Judge has called her out on her Parental Alienation, which is considered a form of child abuse. She has been threatened (again, by the judge) that Brad may be given full custody, pending further evaluation. This is a very serious call to make, especially in CA, where 50/50 is almost always the case, barring OTT circumstances.

    Idk if you ever see pics of the kids, but they look dirty, & are dressed in ill-fitting, filthy clothes. The two younger girls have their hair chopped off (looks like Joan Crawford is their hairdresser), & look terrified of the paps, yet Jolie keeps calling them. The youngest boy looks dazed. These kids live in a $25 million house but she can’t buy them decent clothes (while she’s flaunting her $4000 purses)?

    Rather than calling posters on this board ‘psychos’ you might want to use your critical thinking skills. Then you might come to the realization, that, yes, these children are being abused by their mother.

  19. @aquigirl
    There's something wrong with you. None of what you say holds true. You are either PR or a nutjog. Have at it.

  20. Nutjob, but I think that was obvious.

    1. The only thing obvious is you're a freak. AJ is too.

  21. This is obviously not a healthy situation, no matter which way anyone looks at it.
    Too bad Brad got himself involved with Jolie. There can be no "winners" as far as she's concerned.

    And, now, Brad's not a "catch" with Jolie hovering hovering hovering.
    Boiled bunnies.

  22. All of which goes to show that Brad Pitt is probably clinically retarded. Man, he could have picked up any woman in his prime and he ended up marrying a skanky,literal witch! Crazier than usual.
    Will Pitt meet the same fate as Bourdain? It wouldn't surprise me.

  23. I picked up a kaiser blade just sittin' there by the screen door. Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade. It gotta long wood handle, kinda like a ax-handle. With a long blade on it, shaped kinda like a bananer. Mm-hmm.

    1. Shouldn’ta done dat...he was just a lil boah

  24. Word to the wise; when choosing a woman to date always check the inside of her elbows for needle tracks. Much annoyance can be avoided in this manner.

  25. @MaryLamb- Projecting? LOL. I have never been in a trailer park-otherwise I would have seen you there. I think its very sad that your life has led you to be so bitter and angry.

  26. Hey @V8infinity eight
    Wassa matter? Dlisted sick of hearing your jealous bitching about Angelina over and over and over and over again? And, we know you're a lowlife. Enjoy your cubicle tomorrow, unless of course you've been 'let go', yet again.

  27. @Aquagirl Do you know the difference between rumor and fact? If you can substantiate you claims of a judge claiming alienation, I'll gladly eat my words. As far as I can see, it's more propaganda but as I said, I'd concede if you can find any information to the contrary.

  28. Hilarious- sooo bitter. Whats wrong with Angelina being beautiful? I am talking about her mind not her looks. Damaged Goods and very sad. One can only imagine what she went through as a child in Pedowood. Still she is trashy. I think Amal has a whole lot more class.I used to like AJ actually - and then she spiralled into La La Land. Now she is a perpetrator and her children are in danger. YOU ARE ABSOLUTE SCUM AND I AM SURE EVERYTIME YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR YOU SEE THAT.TRY NOT TO TAKE IT OUT ON YOUR FAMILY- THEY DESERVE BETTER THAN YOU.

  29. LMFAO! Try to glue it together, you freaking nutjob.

  30. @mary lamb- Anjelina, is that you? Get Help and stop abusing your children.

  31. Now I realize you're just pitiful. Go to bed and get some sleep.

  32. Holy shit I think AJ has been in the house.

  33. I'm not talking about the blood vials. Not talking about dozens of past interviews, where she said ridiculously dark things, just to make herself sound cool and edgy. Not even talking about her wearing long wool coats in August in LA for pap walks.

    I'm just gonna say, that after she publicly tried so hard to defame the father of her 'beloved' children, it's safe to say that the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. She's fucking psycho, and you'd have to be an obsessed Stan, not to see that.

  34. @mooshki

    "Brad is leaking all kinds of crap to defame her."

    Nah. The tabloids make shit up and then people blame Brad for it. He has NOT leaked shit to the press. There is a lot he could have, but he hasn't.

    On the other hand, Ang has spread some vile shit through her official spokespeople like her lawyers.


    "Angelina wants to turn him into Jon Voight so she can live out her Marcie's fantasy."

    Absolutely! She needs Brad to be a very bad man, like her mother convinced her that Voight was a very bad man (for not contributing enough money to Marcie's and the much like the shit claims Ang is making now.)

  35. AJ made a conscious choice to make this divorce ugly and to go scorched Earth on the father of her children. Brad tried to keep this private and I guarantee that he would have been fine with an amicable divorce settlement and child custody arrangement but she wasn't having it. She obviously does not have the best interest of her children at heart.

  36. Nah, it's probably just Angeloonies from those notorious sites

  37. she walked in on brad and george

  38. They were together years. If Brad and George like to bang each other she already knew. Besides, doesn't every straight guy get a pass for either Clooney or Pitt? There you go.

  39. @marylamb: do your own fucking research. Judge’s statement was published by many reliable on line sources. If you had any idea what has been going on with this custody battle, you’d know that she was forbidden to take the kids to London for Mal2 filming for the entire summer. That’s why Brad & the kids kept flying back & forth (UK/LA).

    As far as my other statements go, you can see pics online of AJ with the kids looking miserable. They are readily available. As for Brad, there are many recent photos of him on the set of QT’s new movie where he is heavily protected by 2 BG’s.

    Other than that, no, I am not in PR, although I’m guessing that you are.

  40. @marylamb, I’m sort of feeling bad that you don’t seem able to follow anything except for your little lamb. If you’d like to educate yourself on this topic, perhaps you can start with the post by CNN on 6/13/28 which outlines the judge’s decision.

  41. @marylamb: you may also want to research Borderline Personality Disorder, which is Jolie’s diagnosis. (It’s been her diagnosis since she was very young, but you can research that as well.) BTW, if you need the summary: yes, she is entirely capable of taking out Brad and/or the kids if things don’t go her way. Again, this is a fact stated by mental health professionals.



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