Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 20, 2018

This A list singer has started combining her meds with her coke. Makes her look happy on the outside, but inside, it has got to be taking a toll.

Ariana Grande


  1. "Mixing stimulants, like cocaine, with depressants, like benzodiazepines, can have often unpredictable consequences. The combination of cocaine and benzodiazepines in the bodycan badly alter a person’s natural dopamine levels and make it hard for them to feel happy on their own.

    Some of the risks of mixing stimulants and depressants are:

    Increase in side effects of both substances
    Aggravating or worsening symptoms of co-occurring mental health or substance use disorders
    Increased risk of development of addiction and/or dependence for either substance
    Greatly increased risk of fatal overdose"

    So her anxiety and PTSD will get worse and worse &she won't be able to feel happy without this combo.

  2. If true this may be to not gain weight. Just hire a chef .

  3. The minute she started dating that human drug bin, her family should have put her in intense emotional and psychological therapy.

    1. She was doing drugs with Mac. They should have intervened then.

  4. She has so much money and her parents are BILLIONAIRES, but this dumb bitch can't get proper medical attention or drug therapy and hire a chef to make her meals to stay fit without drugs. Stupid fuck!

  5. I think it's the coke, not her meds that is the problem. Just have the feeling we're looking at another Demi in the making.

  6. An unfortunate side effect of MH meds is excessive weight gain. A few can make you lose weight but most will pile the pounds. Especially for Schizophrenia. That's why lots of folks stop taking them .

  7. Like you care'll just say she oded from guilt of blowing coke up mac Miller's nose cuz you sjes to blame for his addiction that started long before they knee each other

  8. The worst side effect of anti depressants in anhedonia, you do not feel alive. You may not be down any more, but you're not up either.

    1. Glad I never had that side effect, been on zoloft since 1999. the only medication that helped me with my depression

  9. Cocaine and Percocet give an amazing high. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

  10. This girl reminds me of a wind-up doll. She is so odd looking with that hairdo and constant really really big smile. I still remember her saying she hated the USA. :-/

  11. Found dead in a hotel room when?

  12. Good. Maybe the mixture will make her change her ridiculous hairstyle for once.

    1. +1 @Dumblesnore. Maybe now that she is mixing coke with prescribed meds she will choose better songs and stop being an attention whore. A good voice wasted on shitty music is worthless

  13. @Sarton, so true, so true. Exactly my reason for stopping the few times I've been prescribed. I do go back when I reach a certain level of anxiety/depression but the numbed feeling-not truly laughing or getting real enjoyment takes its toll.

  14. Talking about intervention, I need to be put away for coming back to CDAN. Same old stupid, shallow, boring s---. I promise, this is my very last time! This is not the CDAN of a few years ago when the posters were real people and not interns or ex-wives of Enty posing as --- you know the drill. I am one and done. Don't bother to reply 'cause I ain't gonna be checking back to see all the horrid replies I get. And I thought the Kardashian women were idiots.

  15. I've had 100% pure morphine for a medical condition, the idea of even stronger pills designed for extreme burns victims gives me chills. This is the corporate killing of America.
