Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 19, 2018

This former "couple" are each getting their own shows in the comic book world. The operative word being each. I don't think anyone sane would try a crossover episode because the foreign born A- list actor and the A-/B+ list actress from an acting family can't stand each other.

Tom Hiddleston/Elizabeth Olsen/Loki & Scarlet Witch


  1. Seems to be a huge problem with Hidds Thor can't stand him either.

    1. also at wimbledon, he was seated away from his “friends” and the body language of Eddie redmayne, and we didnt saw him interact with Tom Holland nor Cumber. Maybe he is annoying? Too intense? Even Jeff look didnt know how to react at his impression of his character in front of the cameras. Have you seen the video. Same as Robert de Niro at that Tv show. HE really burnt bridges with that Taylor debacle. And he seems not to have any other projects other than Loki and that Le Carre 2nd part. Weird.

  2. I wonder what he's done to piss everyone off.

    Perhaps he should interact with me, and I'll let everyone know. ;)

    1. And by “piss everyone off,” of course, we mean “give enty a hate-on for him.” 🙄

    2. I'll help, snifter. For science, of course.

    3. Enty already revealed that at the Golfen Globes he only talked about himself st the table. And 15 minutes about how he found his cufflins. Nobody wants narcissists. But still is weird he seems an outcast. Other actors with a lot less talent are going up and gaining respect, fans and seem to get along. But he is going down. Without Loki, he would be out of work.

  3. Maybe he doesnt want to be 'Ledgered'?

  4. I thought that Tom & that Thor actor were best buddies etc? And this hate between Tom & Elizabeth seems out of the blue though Enty has alluded to it once before. Not buying it.

    1. Tom and Lizzie dated - I thought...

      The rest seems like a Tom v marvel thing and he has been dooooooone with Loki for a while. He doesn't want to be Loki anymore but they/the fans want to bring him back because of how popular he is.

      Tom's burning bridges as an out.

  5. @Katie- Interesting. I've heard it the other way 'round- that he wants to keep playing Loki and is crankypants because the character got axed. (and Thor didn't- maybe that's why the "brothers" don't get along any more?)

    Also, Hiddles and Olson did that movie together, and dated. Don't dip your wick in company ink, Tom. That just doesn't work well.

  6. Tom and Chris' Marvel contracts are up. I don't think they despise one another. Tom is in talks to play Loki in the series. He is not done with it.

    1. Something is wrong when he was so clearly ignored by Chris at the GQ awards. Didnt even gave him a look or that’s what the videos show. It’s is a pity Chris career is going up, and Tom only presents awards and an unpaid short about women. Too bad, I am a follower and it is disappointing.

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  8. Tom is money driven so he'll do anything for some extra $$, regardless of if he likes the people he's working with or not.

    1. he is supposed to be rich already and working only for attention and fame.

  9. So bored with Marvel, when are we going to see the Wild Card universe by George R.R. Martin/Melinda Snodgrass/every writer in the world. You want to talk about some f*cked up and interesting superheroes, it's got more murder and sex than Game of Thrones.


  10. He did in fact "interact" with Eddie Redmayne and Benedict at WImbeldon. There are photos out there where Tom had gone over to their section and was speaking with them, along with Hugh Grant. There are also photos of Tom taken talking to/with Chris at the GQ event. I wish some of Tom's fangurls would get over their rage at him for Taylor Swift. The GG story was another of Enty's tall tales and he's long had a grudge against Tom for some reason but has never come clean on why. Others here also seem to have their own agenda.

  11. he did interact but weird body language of Eddie and Cumber and Holland were gone. Also no interaction between him and Chris. THough I have seen some weird photoshop pics of Chris head on Jeff.
    I wonder if it is the Taylor story just because it could not imagine why he is ignored or not hired, other than his own narcissism.

    By the way, the streaming service will be out on december 2019. Maybe with another actor?

  12. I found a post about him loving girls but also sleepin with men for roles. Not just Brannagh, who worked with him aged 19. I saw this guys diploma from RADA, so its not a rumour but a real insight. At least is clear the he is bisexual.

  13. Hmmm.... during the IW promotion Olsen was all huggy and smiley with Tom. If it was an act, she sure went over the top. Long story short, they seemed to be getting along better than fine. Same with Tom Holland & Benedict Cumberbatch during promotion. In fact Tom & Tom seemed to share a lot of love for each other.

  14. Elizabeth Olsen recently praised Tom H. in one of her interviews. Whoever writes these blinds needs to google more.

    Chris Hemsworth has been called out to be a "diva" at the GQ party. If a problem exists between Chris H and Tom H, it's not because of Tom H.

  15. So fake.

    If they hate each other how come they’re all huggy at events and EO keeps bringing him up unprompted in interviews so she can lavish praise in him?

    They just announced that Tom’s playing Loki in a TV series.

    Tom wasn’t sitting apart from his friends at Wimbledon. You have to seat in your assigned seat in the Royal Box. As soon as the crowd thinned is he moved and went and sat next to Eddie, photos show them chatting and being very matey. He and Cumby were very huggy at the recent awards show, and his other co-stars like Jeff G obviously adore him.

  16. Oh and News, stop lying. I’ve seen you post your claims about teenage Tom and Kenneth Brannagh on other forums. Do you think no one knows how to fact check? Tom did not work with Kenneth from age 19. Tom didn’t even start acting till he was in his 20s (started at RADA when he was 21 and graduated when he was 24).

    Tom met Kenneth Branbagh for the first time when he was 27 years old and already an Olivier winning actor. (They met for the first time when Tom was playing Cassio in the Donmar Warehouse production of Othello in 2008).

  17. More Marvel movies?? While I am glad that the comic book universe has given actors a lot of work, I can only imagine how some of them must feel knowing how hard they studied their craft to just continuously act in the goofiest series of cash grabs ever.

    Last Thor movie I saw, I was like, Cate Blanchett, what did they do to you? These movies are so goofball!

  18. He does work with Branagh, when he was 20. A minor rol in "Conspiration" a nazi drama by HBO
    Tom shows for five seconds as secondary in the begin of the movie

  19. I havent writen in other forums I read it there as there are pics of Tom at that Conspirancy TV moie where he interprets a phone operator and Brannagh and Stanley Tucci are the main actors. That was released in 2001.

    I would say atom used to get aling gantadtically wuth everyone and progresively been outcast whether if it is his choice or prob comes accross as an insufferable narcissist.

  20. "News", Stop trying to sell your fake news. The collaboration between Branagh and Tom H began after Branagh saw him in Othello. Tom H didn't get any roles before Othello from Branagh. Those who have worked with Tom, if they are not douche/narcissist themselves, like Tom. It's time to put that "his co-stars don't like him" narrative to rest.

  21. Tom was an EXTRA in that movie, and he wasn’t in any scenes with Kenneth. He’s said himself that he never even met Kenneth until he was 27.

    You’ve obviously never been on a film set. Extras are not allowed to even speak to the actors normally. It’s highly unlikely a college student doing a day’s work as a movie extra would have gotten to know a famous movie star he didn’t even share scenes with.

    Oh what an amazing coincidence that two posters who both speak the same almost incomprehensible broken English both posted at the same time to support this lie. News, all you’ve done is bash Tom and spread lies about him. It’s very weird. Please stop.

  22. I am reading other forums and only write here under this name. Tom appears credited ( unlike other actors) in Conspirancy as a supporting actor not an extra. The insight given in ptjer fora by RADA students among other commentators really gives a different narrative of his life, lne that has more coherence than his public image. Why should this be fake news.
    Enty has blinds about him being disliked by Thor, Olsen, very few jobs in the horizon. Something must have happened.

  23. Other fora does not comment on Olsen and him as disliking each other. That is the only part I personally dont buy, but who knows.

  24. NEWS He got bigger roles in 'The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby', 'Armadillo' in the same year 2001 and the next year 'The Gathering Storm' but there was no Branagh. Branagh was in 66 movies/ is he slept with any episode actors around? LMAO. Branagh had never pay attention to Tom until Tom got the Oliver award (it's like to get teatrical Oscar)
    As about Olsen I think she is trying to play nice with Tom for work.
    As about the Golden Globes- the people were feeling envy because he won and didn't pay attention to their pathetic Trump's dissing.

  25. News, no one is buying your BS. Tom was in Conspiracy for seconds and not in any scenes with Kenneth Brannagh. It’s highly, highly unlikely they would have met, and they have both stated they met for the first time during Othello. You’re literally calling them both liars, based on zero evidence.

    And I don’t believe for a second your story about Tom’s RADA classmates. RADA only admit maybe 15 people a year. You’re claiming one of Tom’s handful
    of classmates (adults in their 30s) are spilling all about him to foreign fan who barely speaks English, and showing their diploma for proof?

    You obviously have a grudge against Tom.

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  27. Not to me, a british citizen by the way, they have been posting information, not too private but good insights, in Datalounge for many years. There is an ongoing debate about Kenneth/Tom believe whatever you want. What they suggested is that Tom was “situationally bisexual” even before RADA and that he might have slept with men for roles. Nothing new in Hollywood anyways

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