Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 31, 2018

This permanent A++ list celebrity is working with her favorite child to hide the cost from the public of a soon to be huge wedding that has gone ridiculously overboard in cost and is currently two or three times the cost of a not that long ago much more popular wedding.

Queen Elizabeth/Prince Andrew/wedding of Princess Eugenie compared to cost of Harry and Meghan wedding


  1. Atta girl Liz you can't take it with you after all. Neither can Phillip. Of course the peons paying for it could use the cash more, but why GAF about them?

  2. As much as I love all the pomp that the Royal Family participates in, I'm tired that they're not actually the ones who have to pay for it.

    Pop to the Register Office and be done with it.

  3. The saddest thing is Prince Andrew being her favorite. How it is paid from their "own" money.

  4. The Royals are in trouble. The open hatred for Meghan Markle is just a symptom of a larger problem.

  5. BTW, noticed that a charity concert at which Markle and Harry are making a Royal Appearance is offering 2-for-1 tickets. Sales were slow, I guess.

    Poor little George. The entire franchise is depending on him.

  6. The royals are just fine. The "hatred" of Markle is racist &/or the same nut jobs that attack the real life wives/GF's of famous actors, like Cumerbatch. No woman is good enough or will ever be good enough except the deranged stans.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yeah, not buying the "its all racism" narrative when it comes to people not liking Markle. She's got a messy past, a messy family, and a messy hairstyle. Lots to go after there that has nothing to do with her skin color.

    1. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Yes, her Caucasian side of the family is messy and down right ignorant trash.

  9. i wonder why andrew is liz's favorite child? how CAN he be her favorite child?

  10. @nancer
    • Charles is self-centered cunt who's also gunning for her dethronement.
    • Anne is off messing around with horsies and such.
    • and, well, Edward, Jesus, there are no words.

  11. It's not Hollywood, the firm can only have so many marriages so they need to make the most of them.

  12. Andrew's always been her favorite. He's the one who was known to be a joker. Anne is Phil's favorite, and Chuckles is just a whining pest, as is Edward.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Well considering Eugenie is a princess by birth and she and her sister seem to be close to granny its not surprise... after all they paid a lot for an ugly Givenchy dress that didn't even fit (and the veil was ridiculous and unnecessary)

  15. Edward is actually Philip's favourite surprisingly.

    Oh no a messy hairstyle, send her to the tower immediately I'll not have my country disgraced like this!

    Her messy family is hardly her fault and the royals have enough of their own messy history.

    Her messy past being what, a failed marriage and previous failed relationships, hardly shocking in this day and age, most of us aren't sitting at home wearing a chastity belt and Harry is hardly some shy virgin.
    If you're one of those people that think she's a prostitute with zero evidence then it's because you want to believe it not because it has any basis in facts but because you don't like her.

  16. For the people that bash Meghan, I believe that a lot of it does have to do with racism. She has done nothing to warrant some of the shade that is thrown at her. By all accounts,she has handled herself in this marriage and with the public with class and dignity. Just think about how challenging it would be as an American to marry royalty and suddenly have these outlandishly high expectations placed upon you. How many of our lives would stand up to such public scrutiny?

    1. The Royals are so classy that's why Andrew hangs out on yachts, sneaks a toot of coke and is basically a free loader. Direct your anger correctly and Harry is not much better. You just do not want to admit it. Ph and I would not wear frickin panty hose either that's torture.

    2. Oh I see you are defending her. Right on. This is for the other royalists .

  17. In real life Meghan is pretty popular. Certainly she's incredibly popular here in the UK. I've never read or heard a bad word about her irl, or anywhere except on the (notoriously racist) MailOnline forums, and a handful of blogs and forum posts obviously from the same nuts who hate all celeb's wives.

    It's really reaching to call her messy. Her hair isn't "messy" it's BLACK and there's a long history of natural black hair being coded as unacceptable and that is 100% racism. Meghan's said in the past that she couldn't wear her hair natural due to her acting commitments. The fact a half-black woman is occupying such a high profile position and actively resisting pressure to ape Caucasian hair is a good thing, not bad, and anyone who objects is showing their own dog whistle.

    As for her family and background. Her background is fine: hardworking and discreet mum, middle class upbringing, good education, decent career history, discreet close friends she's known since childhood; she's never put a foot wrong apart from being divorced which is hardly shocking these days (especially among Royals!). The only messiness in her life is the fact her dad and his two ne'er do well kids are grifter bullies, but the behaviour of relatives she's estranged from (and in the case of the half-sibs has never known) doesn't reflect badly on her. In the UK the near universal response has been sympathy, because who doesn't have at least one nightmare relation?

  18. In a fair world, Randy Andy would be in prison and pay with his own money - not the taxpayer's - for that wedding.

  19. Good Lord. People defending a whore who got lucky. What a world. (And pray tell, where were ANY of these so-called "discreet close friends...since childhood" on her wedding day???)

  20. Yeah, I'm with Cee Kay. Meghan seems to spend a lot of money on paid commenters, like the novelist above, who curiously has no public profile.

  21. Meghan's hair is definitely relaxed and straightened...I like her though. If the stories are all true, that makes me like her more. : )

  22. You never heard a bad word about her in the media because she pays well for it. She just a ho with a heart of gold.

  23. The whole dynamic of the royal family is fascinating to me. The fact that Anne's daughter doesn't have a title and neither do her children, but yet the son's daughters do, etc. Who is allowed to wear to wear a tiara on their wedding day and who can't. All these strange rules and dictation based on tradition. That Philip had to remain a Duke, though married to the Queen, yet Camilla could obtain the title of Queen. Easy way to strain some relationships and cause a lot of resentments lol.

    I couldn't care less about Meghan but she is definitely no Kate. Then again, Harry does not have the same pressures on his lifestyle that William does. However, I do feel people are making the race issue more than it is. If you watched Meghan in her role on Suits, she didn't wear her hair relaxed and such. And you certainly didn't hear about her melodramatic family prior to meeting Harry. It's a shame she has so many issues that were unable to be kept personal, but such is life when you sign on for a role in the biggest spotlight in the world's stage.

  24. Seriously doubt that it costs more than the last one!

    Apparently one of the princes (the main 2) are cheating, and it’s pretty much public knowledge, but due to restrictions on press re the royal family it’s being swept under the carpet...

  25. Re: Racist comments, please. She’s always presented herself as white, until she and PH chose to use the ‘R’ card. I don’t recall her ever having an African American or mixed race BF, do you? Someone accused me of racism when talking about her, (I am a blue-eyed blonde), so luckily I was able to pull up a pic of me with my ex, who, yep is half African American.

    The over-sell of her is quite sickening. I walked by a magazine stand today & the cover of US had a pic of her with the Queen, and the headline was something like ‘Best Friends blah, blah, blah.’ Yeah, right. I almost puked.

  26. It's been pointed out here that the late Grace Kelly did "yachting" and that that is how she met the man she married. And yet no one calls her out of her name or says she was a "whore who made good".

    Markle hate starts and ends with her race.

  27. Sure, keep telling yourself that. It helps paste over her obvious discomfort with the job, which she was rushed into.

    And the comparison to Grace Kelly is dumb.

    Grace had a vigorous sex life, usually with older men, but she always thought it was love. Her family was wealthy and she had a trust fund; she didn't need money. It's unclear whether she casting couched, but Grace made very few movies and always insisted that her real love was theater.

    At any rate, let's hope that Meghan Markle has a better ending to her story than Grace, who was miserable behind the palace walls, drank heavily, had a notoriously cheating husband, and may have committed suicide - Princess Stephanie, who was in the car at the time of her fatal accident, has always been very quiet on this point.

    But yeah, Meghan is the only one who has problems and it's only because she's 50% black. No.

  28. Anonymous11:57 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Speaking as a Brit, I'm not sure there is widespread 'hatred' of Markle, that's a strong word. It's a royal thing so it tends to be split fairly evenly between people who like the royals and therefore like her, people who are indifferent to the royals, and people who don't like the royals/the idea of royalty.
    I'm in the last group, and their whirlwind romance certainly seems a bit odd, let alone with what has been said on here.
    But I can honestly say that most people think she's fine or just don't care that much either way.
    My own personal belief is that she's an extremely ambitious, single minded individual who is a potential hand grenade. I could be wrong but there you go!

  30. @Bootsy, you may have a point. I've visited London twice in the past couple of months, including once right before the Meghan and Harry wedding, and was surprised at how little interest there was in them or her. You don't even see her on many UK magazine covers now.

    Perhaps the "hatred" manifests itself mostly online, and it's hard to know how to balance that negativity with the obsessive love Meghan gets from her fans on Twitter.

    Added to the mix is all the paid media and paid comments coming from Meghan's PR agency Sunshine Sachs (which put out pap shots of Meghan's mom Doria wearing a feminist T-shirt and short-shorts a couple of days ago).

    But there's still the fact that tickets for last night's concert where she and Harry appeared didn't sell well, which leads us back to disinterest.

  31. @ Nutty Flavour
    Yeah people really aren't that bothered either way. R.e. your comments about people online/twitter, well yeah that's where a lot of extreme opinions lie (if they're even real people posting them). These are then reported in the media as if they are news so you get an idea that people all over are frothing at the mouth with all sorts of extreme opinions. The realist is that these people aren't real, or that it's just an idiot who would normally be ignored, but in the interests of stirring up controversy then our so called 'news' media whips up controversy where it doesn't really exist.

    And repeat ad infintum:)

  32. adrenochrome cocktails are not cheap, neither is all the human flesh and children bought as party favors for the hunting trip.

    1. Because they don't exist you gullible buffoon

  33. @Nutty_Flavor It's ALL about the racism. It's the British Royal Family - they hate "people of color". The whole situation was forced upon them.

  34. Nope. The R card is nothing to do with it. She’s as fake as a $2 bill and it’s obvious. She comes across as insincere, arrogant and is playing a messed up PR game. The RF have trouble with this one and it’s going to be messy

  35. Piss off, you race-batiting rent-a-mob. There are dozens of reasons to dislike this fake as fuck skank, and her skin colour has fuck-all to do with it.

  36. Andrew's rumoured to be Lord Porchester's son. Maybe that's why he's her favourite.

  37. Why do Meghan's supporters always pull the race card whenever someone criticises her ? It's really sad and pathetic. People are not blind,she clearly comes off as extremely fake and there are tons of rumors about her that she did everything to get Harry or any very famous/rich man. Shes spending more money then any royal right now and her family is trash. There are tons of blind items about her here. And yeah,UK doesn't care about her,so some of her fans need to stop lying.
