Saturday, September 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 14, 2018

This B+ list celebrity offspring got this foreign born former A+ list tweener on his oxy while he came down from his meth and that is what it takes to get him to agree and sign on the dotted line so to speak.

Hailey Baldwin/Justin Bieber (so, when you look at his tweaking video, just remember you saw the truth here long before it)


  1. Could someone link that video? I'd like to see this
    tweaking, I've never paid attention tbh....

  2. I was just reading NYP and was reminded CDAN doesn't do enough Aaron Sorkin coke binge blinds.

    1. One million jihadists being kept in counter extremism camps in China. Tasty.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

  4. The video is pretty bad. Yikes

  5. Thanks MandyCandy, I'm going to check it out!

  6. Wow, that is pretty crazy!!

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Of course, @Jennifer! And yeah, Isn't it wild?!! He and Hailey seem like a swerving car about to crash...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. He looks a mess but she always looks put together. Does she take as many drugs as him?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @unknown hard to say, remember Kate Moss always looked presentable and stylish no matter how wasted she was, meanwhile Pete Doherty always looked like shit when they were together. I bet Hailey is probably a functioning addict.

    3. He was a pass-around a lot longer than she's been an Arab/Eurotrash toilet. And it started at a younger age for him. Either way it fucks you up but I think his situation is worse

  10. People and Enty both think they got married. TMZ and E! don't think they are because the pre-nup isn't finished yet.

    1. He doesn’t want a pre-nup because ‘he thinks they’ll be married forever’, but his team is trying to force him to sign one.

      Poor guy has always been surrounded by vultures, but now with the Baldwin’s & Hillsong in the mix, jeez.

  11. the tweaking video is horrendous

  12. Besides that video, all of the recent pics of them together are scary. He looks as if he’s hanging onto her for dear life, and she looks unhappy and bored. I wonder if her plan is to marry him for a few years & then get divorced, or if she’s in it for the long haul:

    option a) keep enabling his drug use until he OD’s,
    option b) (Amber Heard’s original plan with Depp until she realized he was running out of money); encourage drinking and drug use with the intention of getting him declared incompetent and taking over his finances.

    I feel so sorry for him. He just seems like a lost boy and there’s nobody that I can think of who will step in and try to intervene. She’s clearly in it for the money. If she truly loved him, she would not consider marrying him in his current physical and mental state.

  13. I do feel like the kid never really had a chance--on the other hand, he does act like a stupid putz all the time.

  14. Amending my poorly written earlier comment: I hope that he can be well/happy enough to NOT kill himself. He's a punk, but he deserves to have a fulfilling life, and it seems right now he's on a fast-track to self-destruction.

  15. Scooter Braun is taking credit for ‘saving’ him in 2015. He’s certainly doing a bang-up job with Ariana & Justin now. Both engaged to people they dated for a month, both with serious drug issues. Who is going to be the next casualty?

  16. that video is short and disturbing

  17. There are people commenting on other sites who are saying it’s not drugs but it’s stress of MK ultra or it’s him goofing around. LMAO. Just wow. The kid is high as a fucking kite in that video. How stupid can people be?

    1. @youre tired, you should read the comments by young fans on youtube, lmao, it's actually a bit sad people saying he was joking around because he was feeling cold! He was just trolling the paps. Or that he could never be tweaking because "rich people don't do meth"... Oh and a lot of comments saying that he looks ugly now.

  18. Though the video is disturbing to watch, I am suspicious as to why it's only 20 secs long. Without seeing what was said before or after, it's possble it is being taken out of context.

  19. Tweaking? What's that?

    You mean he was twerking???

    1. OMFG, the GD ADVERTISEMENT VIDEOS are beyond ridiculous it took me ten min to reply to this... Sorry for the mini rant, it's so damn frustrating.... Anyway, I was TRYING to simply type, no Tweaking.. Its what Meth addicts do, bc basically, the Meth has destroyed their nervous system and they have spasms, that look like, well, muscle tweaks, is the best way I can describe it.. You tube search Tweakers and you'll get a more than needed, or wanted, view of what it is.

  20. The girl that is being hugged posted more footage. You can see him interacting with the toddler her is pulling faces with. You can see Stephen Baldwin. I can't make out if he is goofing around or if he is tweaking. It's hard to make judgements on such a short clip.

    Around the 8.20 mark.

    I'm can't call it myself, I don't know. But here is longer footage for context, make up your own mind.

  21. Hailey's dad Stephen had his house taken by the bank last year, so he needs her to lock up that money.

  22. ok...watched the entire video and it really changes everything. Though he really looks a mess lately, I don't think he is tweaking here. He is clowning around with a little it and you will see. I am not some crazed fan and he obviously is going through stuff right now but I think this is a great example of when a video is taken out of context because of editing by the tabloids.
