Sunday, September 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 25, 2018

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who has won/been nominated for some of the big awards in his home country was a serial cheater on his long term wife who all of you know. Well, leopards do not change their spots and he was hooking up with a waitress last week which is probably a surprise to his new bride.

Vincent Cassel


  1. dont get his allure.

  2. Probably a surprise = she's probably not very bright.

  3. His poor wife. She's only 21 or 24 years old. Way too young to deal with the foolishness. She's beautiful too. Can't change a serial cheater's spots .

    1. His “poor wife” is only with him to get some fame. Once she carves out a niche, she’s out of there.

  4. Why would this churl cheat on Monica Bellucci? And why would a model that's 1\3 his age want to be married to THAT?

    1. No kidding. She’s such a classical beauty

  5. I found him attractive when he was a little younger, he's very charismatic I'd take him over Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp George Clooney and most other Hollywood leading men.

  6. I don't know if we can define him as a2 cheater"...MOnica has said that she doesn't expect fidelity, it looks like they had an open marriage or some kind of arrangement

    and i don't get his appeal, too..his physical presence ruined an otherwise enjoyable movie about the Beauty and the Best

    good actor, but lead romantic role? please

  7. Hopefully not being too offensive, but I guess the "Jungle Fever" wore off pretty quickly. They've only been married a couple of weeks.

  8. He's the kind of attractive that would be ugly if he was anything other than French.

  9. @Sara

    Yes, exactly right.

    Same with Isabelle Huppert. Totally average looking woman...except she is French and that makes all the difference. She's a goddess.

  10. But more importantly: Does everyone know that Catalonia is the region of Spain(principality) and Barcelona it’s capital? It’s most definitely not in Basque Country..... just wanted to update the geographically /reading challenged🤟
    *see original commentary😂

  11. He is old and fugly, she needs him because of his connections and money to help her career. I bet she probably is relieved that he is already cheating so she doesn't need to have sex with him everyday

  12. His new wife is absolutely gorgeous!

  13. He's sexy. Not pretty, or conventionally good looking. He looks as if he'd show you a very good time and he is known to be charismatic. I usually go for sexy over pretty to be fair.

    1. I agree.
      Sexy,mysterious, and a little bit dangerous
      Beats predictable and safe anyday(imo) anyway

  14. @Tricia

    "Does everyone know that Catalonia is the region of Spain(principality) and Barcelona it’s capital? It’s most definitely not in Basque Country"

    Not you, not you....

    Which shows you've never been anywhere near Barcelona or Basque country.

    Keep trying babydoll. Your fictional dreams might come true!


    1. Tricia1311:27 AM
      Thank you@SD/ferry to St. Martin yesterday ❤️
      Basque Country is beautiful... was there . Put it on your bucket list and go all through Spain if you can(especially Barcelona)

      That was my original post on the blind in which the lovely SD Auntie and I talked about Basque Country. Having been there (she as well though I didn’t know), I implored her to see it as I had the pleasure of doing traveling there from France.
      Barcelona was a destination I also adored and told her to check it out if she has the opportunity to go THROUGHOUT Spain.
      It’s all there, just saving time so people need not click through original blind.
      🥂 cheers Amiga (that’s Castilian for friend)🤟

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Amiga is spanish. Not just Castilian.

  15. I’ve been to both ... when yuh read the comments from the original blind it’s pretty evident you have not,however.

    1. Babydoll?
      How very- pedestrian of you and yet so, flattering at the same time Malibu.
      Shall I post pix of myself there as well? You seem to need (in a most bizarre fashion) proof of all I say?
      Yowza. Quite a sad testament to your own life.
      Oh wait-there’s a block party 🎊 tonight and you will be listening to music all night?
      You said you did that.
      I never questioned it....? (In fact did you have hot dogs or burgers-now that I wanted to know!)

    2. But couldn’t have cared less ,to ask.

  16. No Tricia, you've not been there, probably never will. Awfully sad the convulsions you go through to make up a fictional life.

    Damn little girl, you sound spastic there. Physical or mental issue?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oh wait, it could be booze mixed with Xanax couldn't it?

    That what's going on, dear?

    Maybe a little Ambien, too?

    1. Tricia135:21 PM
      I’ve been to both (as I repeat) just as I live now where I live .. ..something you also refute based on nothing other than ignorance.
      What’s your reason for being so obsessive with my “fictional life” and comments I post to fellow friends/commentators about the life I lived and continue to live? It’s rather’s as if you don’t have your own.
      Going back to your erroneous commentary in trying to challenge me .... and utter fail—-
      Yeah. Address that , not deflect per usual .
      Don’t strain -we know it’s hard for you.
      And we all anticipate your next 10 and your last word,but I won’t be reading it.
      Again. You failed to grasp my exchange with others about my travels and turned it into an attack on me.
      Keep up the sad work:)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. Regrets on still living at your parents house.
      At least there are block parties though👍🥂💃🏼

  18. @Tricia

    "comments I post to fellow friends/commentators about the life"

    You came here and commented to me, sweetie. Have you forgotten already in that haze of yours, living in Trinidad?

    "Address that"

    Address what? You are all over the place.

    "but I won’t be reading it."


    "You failed to grasp my exchange with others about my travels"

    I didn't fail to grasp that you've never been to Northern Spain.

    "Regrets on still living at yields parents house"

    LOL! Yep, Xanax. Too much apparently.

    1. I’m far from all over the place. I called you out for telling me I was liar about being places I’ve been (as if you’d know a thing about my life the last 20 years). Here is my above response and juatbso you’re clear I’ll
      Post the original thread(the link to this reveal )if I must . But it makes you look more of a lunatic than we all previously thought.

      Tricia1311:27 AM
      Thank you@SD/ferry to St. Martin yesterday ❤️
      Basque Country is beautiful... was there . Put it on your bucket list and go all through Spain if you can(especially Barcelona)

      That was my original post on the blind in which the lovely SD Auntie and I talked about Basque Country. Having been there (she as well though I didn’t know), I implored her to see it as I had the pleasure of doing traveling there from France.
      Barcelona was a destination I also adored and told her to check it out if she has the opportunity to go THROUGHOUT Spain.
      It’s all there, just saving time so people need not click through original blind.
      🥂 cheers Amiga (that’s Castilian for friend)🤟


    3. Dont worry Tricia, I KNOW you have been to Spain and have THE Life! And yes everyone I have been to Spain, France! Tahiti, Mexico , hawaii and NYC. So many haters and stop with the hate towards Tricia. If you disagree about subjects then keep her family, whereabouts and lifestyle out of it. Stick to the goddamn subject! I really don't care where u live or anything about you personally plot. And I do read what u have to say. Just keep it impersonal.Sheesh

    4. Hey SD:) I don’t have “the life” but it’s a good one and the one I post pix of and live. Not sure why that’s so confounding for certain people 🙄, but all the same I’m grateful for it and always will be. It’s not like I said I time travelled to Saturn last week and we are buying a condo FFS😂
      Glad we both know where we been... and Spain is magical for sure ❤️Xx

  19. Excuse me. If anyone in displaying abuse of something(so eerily similar to others that have gone before you “plot”, ‘‘tis you.
    For the 3rd time. I don’t live in Trinidad ,friends from there that have homes there. I live where I have said 25x and is in my profile?
    Why are you so distressed and forgetful?

    1. Don’t you pride yourself on being about facts? And no personal , just here as “the great arbiter” of facts etc.

      So why are you so embarrassingly invested in me? I just here to guess blinds yo.
      🙏🏻It’s all good.
      Breathe deep

  20. was I to know?
    she was with the Russian's too!

  21. @Tricia

    "If anyone in displaying abuse of something"

    I thought you weren't going to read my response? Promises unkept...

    "I live where I have said 25x and is in my profile?"

    uh huh. What alleged stalking victim keeps posting their location AND the location of their children? None I've known of. So either the stalking is a lie, or the paradise of Trinidad is a lie.'s all a giant lie, like ever having been to Spain.

    "So why are you so embarrassingly invested in me"

    Why do you keep following me from board to board? I really don't care, honestly, it's kinda cute in that boozy old aunt way.

    1. I’m here defending myself as I have always had to and will
      Continue to here.
      I couldn’t give a toss about you and all your former incarnations/alters which you make more obvious with each post.
      Why again,have I never been to France or Spain? The original thread is hilarious (at your expense ,unfortunately).

  22. "I called you out for telling me I was liar about being places I’ve been"

    But you are, you are a liar.

    Like you aren't going to read my posts anymore, remember? Yes, Tricia, you LIE, BIG TIME.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Tricia135:56 PM
      I’m here defending myself as I have always had to and will
      Continue to here.
      I couldn’t give a toss about you and all your former incarnations/alters which you make more obvious with each post.
      Why again,have I never been to France or Spain? The original thread is hilarious (at your expense ,unfortunately).
      They are beautiful, by the way.
      Hope you make it out of the cellar one day to see them🙏🏻

  23. "I’m here defending myself"

    You are defending a fiction.

    "I couldn’t give a toss about you"

    Maybe. Maybe not. You do seem to follow me around a lot, though.

    You supposedly care very much when anyone doubts your stories of living in paradise and taking wonderful vacations, though.

    1. No I’m concerned for the well being of someone that seems so unhinged that they would question it. That’s kinda psychotic .

  24. Formatting issues again or blurred vision as a side effect?

    "Hope you make it out of the cellar one day to see them🙏🏻"

    Oh if you only knew....nah, you'd choke with envy, can't have that.

    1. I’m legitimately happy to hear all is well on your world ,plot.
      Hopefully it will shine through a bit more here😉💫and we can see some of that sunshine kiddo!

  25. Tricia, you don’t have to explain yourself to that idiot savant. You live in the BWI and she can’t afford to send her kid to football camp. Must have something to do with her constant haranguing of people on gossip blogs. But she swears it’s the last time! that she will set up a Gofundme.

    1. Ha! So true... Thanks @weekkittylass.. I was hoping to educate them a little but that’s likely impossible.😉

  26. Tricia- dont waste your time.

  27. @Auntie

    "stop with the hate towards Tricia. "

    Your words might be better aimed to Tricia herself. I did not seek her out. It's the opposite.

    Tricia is not hated. She is, however, a sad liar.

    If you believe her, that's your choice. That makes you no better or worse than anyone else. For those of us who don't, afford us the same respect why don't you?

  28. @Tricia

    "it’s a good one and the one I post pix of and live. Not sure why that’s so confounding for certain people "

    It's not confounding, to me at least. It's an obvious lie. Either you didn't have the stalker you claim or you don't have the life you claim. Or both.

    It's not being confounded at all. It's pretty simple.

    "I was hoping to educate them a little"

    About what? Trinidad? Yourself? The false front?

    1. I’m a liar because your miserable?
      Get help ,dude.

    2. BTW genius, pretty sure because you’ve been here under different names all of which I stated,(and are becoming more apparent /obvious again), you are well aware I was harassed. Very aware. And since it was evident to many longtime readers here I never had to assert I had a stalker.That said, if you think I’m going to not live my life or post pix as my avi (if you noticed there are no others in my blogger profile), well you are more daft Malibu,Trilby (cant recall all other names), than even I can surmise after all the years here. Let me guess-if a girl wears a short skirt and walks down a city street at night alone she deserves to be accosted?
      Stick with what you know. Sickening pedo defense and -we’ll that about covers it,really. And leave people with actual lives alone to live them and be here for the right reasons... to perhaps enjoy this site.
      You’re “plot” to ruin that won’t ever succeed, hard as you try and fail.

  29. Why does anybody care if Tricia is who she says she is or not? All I really care about is whether she's right or not, and she very often is. Her pleasant demeanor and occasional personal anecdotes for insight and perspective are just a bonus.

  30. @Tricia

    " pretty sure because you’ve been here under different names all of which I stated"

    Why? Because it is only possible for one person to doubt your little stories and your fabricated identity?

    " you are well aware I was harassed"

    I'm aware you claim so, that is all.

    "if you think I’m going to not live my life or post pix as my avi "

    And post photos of your alleged kids, too, which is the strangest part. Yes, this stalked woman throws her children into the mix as well, cuz NO ONE IS GOING TO KEEP HER DOWN!

    Crazy? Deluded? Untruthful?


    1. Jesus take the wheel. Sooo Let me just swoop in to wrap this up.

      Who hurt you?
      I know there are therapists who can help. If not in Pohokee proper, but somewhere there in florida.
      Good luck.

      *Tricia, we need you over here in Monday, girl xoxo

  31. Tricia's the one from Florida. She tries to use British slang though. She thinks it's 1997 and it's "hip".

  32. Tricia's one dumb bitch!

  33. Oh, shut the hell up. Who cares where someone lives and have or have not traveled. Seriously, go out and get some fresh air.

  34. @plot/Maryscott_Oconnor - Air Conditioning does wonders for one's mood. Expecially because you're at the menopausal age where flying off the bitch handle about stupid shit can cause regrets.

    It's not Tricia's fault your insides are a rocky place where no seed can find purchase.



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