Friday, September 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 30, 2018

Apparently there was not a role for his wife as he led her to believe, which is one of the reasons this A- list dual threat actor bailed on a film.

Alec Baldwin/Joker


  1. Dont say he never did us any favors

  2. The producer is nothing short of a hero.

  3. An immeasurable loss to cinematic posterity.

  4. I don’t know. I always say that what every comic book movie is missing is someone doing yoga, and I will shout it from the mountaintops until poor Hilaria gets a role!!!

  5. Fine, but Baldwin would make a great Joker. Not Ledger great, but Nicholson great.

  6. Yes I agree Alec would make an amazing Joker. I think his ego may pull out front and he will end up doing it.

  7. LOLZ! Excellent answers one and all, thanks for the laughs! I needed them!

  8. HAHA on YOU Hilaria!
    So this is interesting someone commented late on "The Cartoon" blind from Tuesday and reaveled her daughter had been pitched the same shady deal and revealed the celebs involved with the scheme are JT and Jessica Biel. Guess since her stupid kid's restaurant failed and no one liked "man of the woods" they need some extra money.

  9. But I can think of no one more suitable for a role in The Joker than someone called Hilaria. They wouldn't need to think of a role, just put her in there as herself.

    What on earth is the problem? Just ply her with laughing gas if the bitch isn't actually funny. She'd probably do it for free n all.

  10. What, you mean aside from the fact that it was a horrible idea? He's neither scary nor funny, just good at playing pissed off.

  11. Alec has a better role for Hilaria on his mind - popping out more babies.

  12. Ok wait, Paris Hilton is A+ but Alec Baldwin is A-? Whoever is writing these is basing their ranking on political ideology. Is Kellyann Conway A+++++ along with the Queen?

  13. What would be her role? Pregnant doing yoga or taking a pospartum lingerie selfie?

  14. Good. 1 less place for me to have to deal with Mr. Insufferable.

  15. Baldwin wasn't going to play the Joker. He was going to be Bruce Wayne's dad in the Joker origin movie.

  16. You people are confused. Joaquin Phoenix is to be the Joker - Baldwin was slated for another role.

  17. Yes more genius casting, can't wait to not go to the theater and watch it later on Netflix. Not a dime you sh!tty casters, not a dime! ;)

  18. Yeah, sorry, not buying this. Nobody was ever going to hire Hilarious to act.

  19. This is a cover story. Baldwin is going to Gitmo! ;-)

  20. I love Alec Baldwin as an actor, especially his voice. But he's clearly one dumb motherfucker.

  21. Did he lead her to believe what he was led to believe? Otherwise, why bail on the film if he was just blowing smoke up her ass.

  22. HIlaria's character could be like Doctor Strange, but use Yoga poses to conjure constructs from the names of the poses.



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