Monday, September 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 27, 2018

A big financial backer is sticking with a movie that is probably destined for failure after a huge casting change. The reason? He is hoping to sleep with this foreign born former A list tween/teen actress who all of you know. She is probably B+ list at this point and just replaced an almost A+ lister who knew the script was garbage.

Emma Watson replaced Emma Stone in Little Women


  1. They're remaking this again?!?

  2. They both suck. The 1995 version was sufficient and it does not need to be remade again.

  3. Enty will just not give Emma any credit for Beauty and the Beast it was a massive block buster movie. But i guess it would of been sticking any actress in the role. But she did a good job as Belle in my opinion.

  4. Entry said Bradley’s Star Is Born would be a fiasco and what happened? It is a triumph Cooper would be the new big auteur and Gaga has many chance to be nod

    1. Yeah, he's been pushing for several months that A Star is Born is going to be a huge bomb, and now it's getting great reviews. It only cost $30 million, so there's no way it's going to lose money either.

      Just like Enty has been pushing that Watson's career is over, even though she is not far removed from a huge blockbuster. So, he needs a story about how it's only because somebody wants to bang her. Nobody was ever going to kill Greta Gerwig's followup to Lady Bird because one cast member fell out. There are several other names in the cast already.

    2. If you go back a couple of years until just after her UN speech, you'll see that Enty ran a blind about how some big names in Hollywood were pissed off by Emma's feminist activism, and were determined to punish her.

      Since then, every blind he's run about Emma (and remember, Enty doesn't just make these things up, they're "leaked" to him) has been calculated to trash her professional reputation.

      Gosh, one wonders if there's a connection!

  5. The version of "Little Women" with Winona Ryder will never be topped. Magnificent film. A remake with the wooden Emma Watson is unnecessary and will indeed fail. Sad that the once-adorable Emma Watson has turned into such a notorious coucher.

    1. Eh? Hoping to bed her doesn't mean she is a coucher.It is like u just predict the future b4 anuthing happened.

  6. Greta Gerwig is a good director. The movie isn't set to be released until December of 2019. Surely something can be done with the script before then.

  7. It boggles my mind that anyone could bungle a script of Little Women. I'm hoping they don't make the mistake of giving her the part of Jo.

  8. Imagine lusting after Emma Watson?
    Jesus,these Hollyweird fuckstains really will stick their dicks in a crack inthe pavement.

  9. Gerwig's a good writer, too. I really doubt she could screw up an adaptation.

  10. Emma has fans whether she can act or not. On whole around the world she is probably more popular than Emma while Emma is more accomplished.

  11. Enty loves Emma Stone and dislikes Greta Gerwig (or his writers do, anyway) so blinds are always going to be slanted in that way.

  12. Film makers should have stopped remakes after the 1933 version. None of the others have been as good. The worst version was with June Allyson and her lispy little girl voice-yuck.

  13. How can A Star Is Born be a "triumph?" It hasn't even been released yet. The shilling is smelling.

    1. Star is Born played at a film festival this weekend and there's such a thing as *screenings* where critics see films before wide release for every movie but the worst that are hidden from critics.

    2. The only place where I’ve heard anything negative is on this site.

  14. Greta Gerwig is a bottom feeder. She got famous for sleeping with the married husband of her friend on set.

  15. Is this the "sci-fi" version of Little Women they were looking at years ago? It sounding awful back then.

  16. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Winona Ryder was absolutely breathtaking as Jo March. She deserved the Oscar. At least she was nominated.
    The chemistry between Ryder and Gabriel Byrne....
    ~Professor: "But I have nothing to offer you. My hands are empty."
    ~Jo (Takes his hand, as rain pours down on them.) "Not anymore."
    Damn onions.
    Perfection. Magic.
