Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 14, 2018

Police are looking into reports that this alliterate rapper got into an argument with a drug dealer selling a block from a high school three days before he died. Those closest to him saying he was trying to stop the dealer. Others are saying it was just a beef over prices. The police are at least looking into it.

Mac Miller


  1. Another OD\suicide turned into a murder on this fucking site huh Enty? Are you going into PI work? Shorting with Hedge sure isn't working out too well is it?

  2. @sandy

    why keep showing up if you think its BS?

    1. He can say whatever he wants. Been here way longer than you @ notthisagain. This is BORING

  3. Because the disclaimer at the bottom of the site tells me it's b.s. that's why. I'm sick of him turning suicides into murders to feed his new audience that thankfully seems to be drifting back to whatever hellhole they came here from.

  4. Drug addict with bad judgment ends up dead. Not a big deal.

  5. @sd

    the question still stands. we have limited time on this earth. why would you waste your time here then? have nothing else to do except go to a default platform and complain....maybe using that to deflect from whatever current issues in your life you're having, hmmm?

    also Sd would you know if you've been here longer than me?....I have previous aliases....and yes, I remember you, you've been here a while. so has sandy. why thats the case is beyond me - you seem to have so little to do that you'd come here and bitch.

    1. Actually my life is great. Just returned from Tropical location and enjoying life. Have free time in the morning for next 30 days. I keep myself busy in the am by coming here. Not always but to keep my typing fingers busy. I'm not bitching just starting an opinion.good day

  6. Maybe we come here because we are working on computers in any case and pass idle time here, you can fathom that can't you? I know SD has a decent job, and I'm doing research mostly. I'm not here when I'm not doing shit on a tablet or PC. Don't use this site when I'm using a phone, although I can use this tablet as a phone if I choose to.

  7. @notthisagain, wouldn't it be great if people who disapproved of things online just went and did different things online?

    This is enty's blog, and he should post whatever he likes. Some things I find interesting, some I don't. Some I find plausible, some I find ridiculous. There are lots of other websites I think are stupid, or phony, or trying too hard, or whatever. So I don't go to them. It's a big internet.

    As for "I've been here longer," it's really sad when people start to mix up blog comment sections with real life relationships/friendships, and imagine themselves possessed of some sort of "old-timer prestige." But I guess everyone's struggling to get by, and looking to find affirmation in whatever little droplets it's available.

    1. I interact with SB in other forums. Nice writing though J.

    2. People are allowed to voice their opinions on content. They don’t have to go anywhere else.

  8. @sandybrook

    with @nta on this one. half your comments seem to be you being sour over the content that you came here to see. take a chill pill.

    1. His bitching about the site getting getting old. It is obnoxious. He acts as if he owns it, and anyone who doesn't agree, is nothing.

      I keep hoping he'll just go away.

  9. The content here has been and can be better. Most of us who complain remember how the site was with news stories, a few BIs, Entys stories, sets of randoms. Look some of the BIs are really good some are completely ridiculous, which when you do 15-20 a day is expected. If you can't do 15 a day, don't. Put stories and news back for us to comment on. When himmmm was back here a few months ago, that was more like what it was and OGs were back here commenting, until something chased himmmms away.

  10. @SD point still stands -- what's with all the "old-timer prestige" as J puts it? does you and SB's having visited this site for longer than other people really have that deep set of a meaning to you? is there really any affirmation in that statement to you? doesn't seem that important IMO. consider me confused.

  11. @BM with you on that!

    @SD i hear where you're coming from, but don't you think the content change may be due to the shifting interest of the viewers? longtime lurker here, i imagine the blinds are far more interesting to lurkers than the news and rand images. point is, you've said before that you don't like xyz content (why don't you make a list??) and i'm glad NTA said something. getting ridiculous, sb.

  12. You can find some parts of the site fun and entertaining and others disgusting and distasteful, we are allowed to voice that opinion enty doesn't care any views or comments only raise more money for the site anyway.

    The site use to be different less of the conspiracy type blinds that are so prevalent to attract a different audience.

    It hardly takes a minute to read a blind and make a guess and respond to follow up comments. I for one enjoy Sandybrooks comments especially calling out entys bs.

  13. Original Enty and og commenters were much better and have left due to the 4chan, reddit Klan. Cdan was way more salacious and accurate without political leanings. Others have started their own blogs due to the presence of some really awful.folks on here. Feel free to say what you will but I appreciate and read SB comments first.

  14. I don't know because the old school way the site was done had far more comments and maybe more readers than the way the site is done now. Do you know how I found this site? Through D-listed. MichaelK used to redo BIs here on his page under "I Guess, You Guess" title and on reveal day he would post links to the site for all his readers to read the reveals. He doesn't do any of that anymore. So I honestly don't have an answer for you.

  15. @Leanne & @SD : to each their own, I suppose. I find them distasteful. was very pleased to see that others feel similarly.

  16. O tempora!

    O mores!

  17. @subst if you've been here long enough you know there's always been people here calling out Enty, many a lot worse than I do.

  18. What the constant complainers about this site do not understand, is that they need to take personal responsibility. I can Overlook a blind that bothers me i e all the rapper blinds. What is hard is the constant whining about what it used to be in the comments, because you people are what makes this intolerable. You are not going to change the course of the blinds. You are only making yourself look like asses. Go away if you don't like it. Just go away. You will not be missed.

  19. "Sonny, you shoulda seen the people who came here voluntarily to complain about what some guy put on his blog -- instead of starting their own blogs perfectly tailored to their interests, mind ya -- back in the day!"

  20. I support you Sandybrook. I read this site for many years and it was great. Also found it originally through Michael K. When it got too difficult to read with pop up ads, combined with the fighting in the comments, I left for Anarchy Gossip. When she closed down, I came back here. I guess you and I keep checking in in hopes it goes back to the old days. No such luck. Take care.

    1. And yet, you support the instigators.

    2. Well good for you now leave us be boo 😂😂😂😂😂 no need to announce your hypocrisy

  21. Another od that's not a od eh ...surprise now take off your tinfoil hat...he's an addict who was in active addiction I highly doubt he's arguing over where his dealer sells if so he's a hypocrite

  22. I also found this site thru D-Listed, way back in the day. Honestly don't know why I stick around with all the political and conspiracy shit. Fond memories, I guess? Used to be a great site. Still has its moments.

  23. And my two cents; I am almost from the beginning and you could definitely see the difference from back then and now. Back then there was a greater possibility that there was a sort of credibility of the things that have been written by the OG Enty. Then later for certain reason there were some things that started to not at up. Misspellings, bad grammar (and that is an understatement) and (I know that people do not want to hear this) the blinds started to become waaaay too obvious of where the sources have come from; DM, social media and all that jazz. If it was once then you would think that it is one off. However it just goes on forever. It is just not THAT funny anymore.

    Yes, you would think that I would go if it is that bad (and actually it is), but it seems that I just want to be entertained AND it just became a kind of sport to guess which source he ("Enty") will be using now.

    If you (those who are now saying that we should not complain) were that as long here as we are then you should have known that "Enty" is posting these days re-hash old blinds, obviously bandwagon on certain emotions of people who dislike certain people and even worse, thinking himself as someone who could figure out old mysteries that have never been solved by ACTUAL investigators for years. (What is going to be next? The identity of Jack the Ripper or who have actual killed J.F. Kennedy?) Sorry, but his credibility is tarnished by his own fault.

    But there will always be people who takes everything as granted here. Why? That is because there is a certain possibility that they just want (read: LOVE) to hear bad things about certain people that they do not like and this place just only feed on THAT kind of emotions. Just to gain followers, hits and money. If you know what I mean.

  24. That is because there is a certain possibility that they just want (read: LOVE) to hear bad things about certain people that they do not like...

    Works for me.

    Yes, you would think that I would go if it is that bad (and actually it is), but it seems that I just want to be entertained AND it just became a kind of sport to guess which source he ("Enty") will be using now.

    The sport is guessing which source some dude uses to make up things which aren't interesting to you in the first place? That's too many derivatives, in my opinion. But I hope you do enjoy this and other things you do to pass the time.

  25. Edit: Not to mention he became a hypocrite. 1) He always seems to whine and bitch about other people getting drunk or something while he is getting drunk as well! 2) He seems to keep on claiming that he will not out people who are gay/lesbian/bi and what he is keeping on doing all the time? Out them. 3) And now he suddenly comes with "that certain people are only naming the victims and NEVER the perpetrators" Now that really sound familiar, right? If you know what I mean.

  26. @Best Man

    "What the constant complainers about this site do not understand, is that they need to take personal responsibility."

    Oh okay, Dad, we'll get right on that.

  27. I'm a way old timer from the Timmy Shimmy days,bad grammar was a hallmark of Enty from the get go. The "good old days" consisted of Enty being misogynistic himself,cons for money, twilight stans flooding comments, Enty promoting reality shows that paid him,obviously different writers that made blatant contradictions to old stories. He always catered to what was current clickbait. Then the porn popups. Non stop viruses. I miss the random photos,I miss the news stories. I have been through all of it,.

    1. OMG the porn popups.... that was some hardcore shit, too, lol. Thanks for THAT fond memory!

  28. Oh,and I stay for the interaction,between commenters and Enty, and because it is a unique place that can at the same time make a difference and do a cringe worthy reality show blind. Just like the real world.

  29. Arcachnar D,Enty always was a hypocrite about drinking, many have called him out. The fat drunk is his public persona,it was likely always a disguise,and I never took it seriously. The outing used to be more subtle,but bearding is more annoying now.

  30. Didn’t Enty pose a question awhile back as to whether readers would prefer to have blinds delineated by category (i.e., celebrity deaths, reality shows, rappers, etc.?) I actually think that’s a great idea, and it seemed as many others did as well. There are some categories that I neither know (nor care to know) anything about (i.e., teen moms & dancing boy) just to name a few. Delineating them might offer readers an easier way to focus on what they do like on the site.

  31. Lol, I'm with J @ "it's a big internet"

    Yeah no shit if you don't like it here then fuck off to somewhere else. You don't see me logging into Bossip so I can correct everyone's grammar and start asking people to show self respect!

    Like many of you, I've been here since around 2006-2008 or whenever - pre Britney meltdown and I love all the original crew. Best part is having our beloved black format back.

  32. I miss when OG Enty used to post famous dick pics. I vote to bring that feature back. :)

  33. @Guesser

    Remember the online interview show Enty wanted donations for? That didn't offend me but it was funny as hell.

    The old Enty was taking money to publish publicist blinds, there is no doubt about that. We all knew and figured it was simply part of the site, as with any gossip sites.

    The difference is that Enty has changed profoundly into a hater of Hollywood, humanity, posters here (that fucking Hmmm rant, jesus!), really everything.

    The old Enty seemed to love Hollywood and enjoyed telling his stories, and half truths or full on lies, but he seemed so happy about it all, who cared. The daily celeb photos were fantastic. His sourcing for those was terrific BUT they didn't provide more page views as they were open. So sad.

    The commentary has always been interesting here. When it became hard to view the comments, because of spam and some really buggy shit going on, it was easier to visit other places rather than wrestle this site.

  34. Hey don't forget Enty now does the podcast too on top of the 15/20 blinds you want him to release!

  35. Maybe Miller was telling the dealer to get out of his turf!

  36. Wow! Timmy/Shimmy that was a blast from the past like Coke Mom. This place has changed in huge ways and not all for the better. Once upon a time it was a great place to "hang out". Hollywood Kids,Ted C...there use to be fun places to go read about gossip.To read about that certain star who spent 3 days and nights with a certain producer to land a huge vampire movie (before Twilight), or how Coke Mom left her baby in the car to score and do drugs with her dealer, or the starlet who has movie contract stating she needs to be clean and sober but was on the red carpet in strappy high heels and fresh needle marks in her feet. I don't come here and complain everyday because why become a part of the negative b.s. that drives people away?
