Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 10, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actress who has also been doing some television as of late was telling a story about when she was in between husbands she hooked up with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor from two separate huge franchises. She says that she only had sex with him one time because he smelled of booze and cigarettes and it was on her and her bedding to the point she said she bought all new bedding. At that point, this B+ list actress who is a celebrity offspring of someone higher on the list chimed in and said, "I had to move after a week of sex with him because the smell was so overpowering."

Reese Witherspoon/Robert Pattinson/Zoe Kravitz


  1. It's nice they have something to bond over, who knew dating an alcoholic could have drawbacks. They always could have made him shower before he sprayed them.

  2. I stated this complaint in the blind but I'm stubborn and want to restate it:


    I disagree that one side role in a single movie of an 8 movie franchise qualifies as being a part of that franchise. Do we consider David Tennant as having a stake in the Potter franchise?

    Love & Bacon,


  3. I love humble-bragging.

  4. Question for the ladies, at what point does the poor hygiene/bad smell negate the hotness? We are not talking at the end of the night after 8 hours of sweaty dancing on ecstasy when the fumes are still fresh either but days old funk.

  5. Yet she slept with him FOR A WEEK.

  6. So Reese likes the booze herself, it must have been the cigs she couldn't stand. As far as moving out? There is only one human being in my life that made me want to vomit when he got in proximity due to smell. It wasn't due to booze, cigs, BO, piss or shit. Must have been a medical condition and I used to feel so guilty when I had to wait on him for holding my breath and showing my obvious distress. That smell he emanated was horrific.

  7. So you'd take a look at his guy with greasy hair and looking like a filthy pig and you're actually surprised to find out he really is a filthy pig? Yet Reedus gets away with it too.

  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethylaminuria ??

    Trimethylaminuria (TMAU; primary trimethylaminuria), also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome,[1] is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a defect in the normal production of an enzyme named flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3).[2][3] When FMO3 is not working correctly or if not enough enzyme is produced, the body loses the ability to properly convert trimethylamine (TMA) from precursor compounds in food digestion into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), through a process called N-oxidation. Trimethylamine then builds up and is released in the person's sweat, urine, and breath, giving off a strong fishy odor or strong body odor. A variant of TMAU (secondary trimethylaminuria or TMAU2) exists where there is no genetic cause, yet excessive TMA is secreted, possibly due to intestinal dysbiosis, altered metabolism, or hormonal causes

  9. I refuse to date a man with poor hygiene. Musty, crusty ballz are not sexy. Funky underarms and smelling like a goat do not excite me.

  10. @R I read that sentence to the tune of S&M by bad girl rhi rhi lol

    And agree. the point that bad hygiene outweighs hotness is as soon as you're close enough to get a whiff

  11. They didn't say BO, they said booze & cigs.

    His british, they hang out in pubs in their free time drink & smoke, and he's admitted this in interviews.

    Reese was a complete mis-cast in Water for Elephants.

  12. R - the best is when guys with questionable/poor hygiene don't want to go down on women because they think it's gross or unappealing. Yet women are supposed to be happy to suck their dicks and balls, even when the men don't clean themselves well enough. And if women don't want to, that's a real problem, because men are supposed to get blow jobs, no problemo - it's a given, while cunnilingus is purely discretionary.

  13. He isn't even hot to begin with.

  14. How does reese go from ryan to this slime bag. hes looks like a character from bobs burger

  15. Never got his flat faced appeal and he looks smelly so they can't complain. However Norman Reedus just has sex appeal.Don't get me to explain.

  16. 'He's British...' You know we still shower in England, right? He's just a smelly little dirtbag, being 'British' has nothing to do with it.
    I still don't get why two attractive women would sleep with a skunkman. We all know you could smell him before hand. That's just nasty.

  17. I'm British, OrangeSoda. While you are correct, to be fair to Thursday November s/he wasn't saying RP didn't shower. S/he actually pointed out that Reece said he stunk of cigarettes and booze, not BO. The only thing TN did get wrong was smoking in pubs, which is not allowed in the UK since the smoking ban.

  18. If you have fame and money, chicks will look past a lot of shit.

    Blink 182 once said that as a joke, they were curious how long they could go without showering and still get chicks to fuck them. They said they got as far as 15 days before chicks turned them down. That's 15 days of touring and performing on stage drenched in sweat.

  19. It must have been some Super D for her to keep sleeping with him for a whole week with the smell

  20. @longtime Immediately. One whiff of anything offensive and we are DONE.

    @Kiki As I hear it, both of her parents are pretty gross themselves.

  21. @Cee Kay As a musician, I worked with Lenny in the 90s. He definitely had a noticeable B.O. I was a little more naive at the time but was clued in by the more experienced people around that B.O. is kind of a side effect of people who smoke shit-tons of weed though. It has to do with the chemicals coming out of their pores or something.

  22. I wonder if Nicole was there? She could have mentioned Lenny, in the 90's many talked about his "scent"

  23. 'sleep with a skunkman'. Don't think you have skunks in Britain, but they are truly brutal over here. Clothes need to be burned, dog's fur doused in ketchup. Even after months the stink stays. Homes that have had inside skunk attacks are gutted. Driving the highways at night every so often, the familiar smell of skunk wafts through my window.

  24. but skunk is an excellent insult! just not quite accurate. I've been close to really smelly people. Perhaps, a rotting corpse or infected toad? or Christ Almighty! wash yourself!

  25. Anonymous10:05 PM

    ....and Reese probably smells like the bottom of a whiskey bottle; so, they were well suited.

  26. I'm not even surprised..id be drunk and chain smoking too if i had to be in the Twilight franchise. Though he's not like that anymore. He quit smoking and started working out ...id totally hit it.

  27. two things: if that is the guy from the Twilight movies (which I never saw), I don't understand anyone finding him attractive in the first place and also, I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes and would NEVER get close enough to kiss a smoker, much less anything else. ew. the only smell worse is fabric softener and that stuff is almost impossible to get out of clothing.

  28. So Viking Song is british, that explains SO much....
