Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2018

Everyone just laughed nervously and nodded a lot while dealing with this permanent A+ list singer from a singing family at an event. She was so far out of it, no one had any idea what she was saying. She was in her own world and then back in the present and was making horribly off color jokes and comments to people which was really making people uncomfortable.

Janet Jackson


  1. She's bad, she's dangerous, she's...history.

  2. She was probably on pain killers due to whatever she had done to pull her face so damn tight. That shit can't feel good.

  3. I want to hear some of these off color jokes.

  4. Reciting the Cork script from the SNL skit?
    Damn Italians

  5. Miss Janet was pretty blitzd out when she was a huge star too if you've ever seen any older interviews with her.

  6. This is a story about Control.
    Control of what I say.
    Control of what I do.

  7. The pics of her shoting a vid in brooklyn look like they are from the early 90's. Think she's gonna get a wake up call when this tanks, like Fergie & her last solo attempt and that joke of a video with Kimbo Car-trashian.

  8. It's no wonder coming from such a horribly dysfunctional and incestuous family.

  9. @Akhaldan, after reading about all the celebrities at CDaN, do you think the Jacksons were dysfunctional? The family was just a soft target by the media to paint crazy, just like they did with Michael.

  10. I thought this was her normal, was there ever a lucid period there?

  11. @little miss sunshine, whoa!!! You are joking, right? If you aren't, name a functional thing about them. Seriously. I'm not being condescending. I will grant you that they made themselves extremely easy targets but it was by their own doing.

  12. Wow there is some staggering shilling above

  13. Little miss sunshine must be a Jackson? Well hello Paris. We are rooting for you. Your Aunts and Uncles are parasites.

  14. There is nothing wrong about financially supporting your siblings when one of the bunch is doing well. Whitney Houston did it, so did Dolly Parton. I don't know about much about other celeb families as I have a regular job, but don't mind helping out my family when they need some cash.

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Awwww...I love Janet but she does always seem a little giddy.

  16. No one ever listened to the "lyrics" of her songs I guess. At least in the African American community she was always known as a bit of a freak so no surprise about off color jokes.

    As for her being blitzed I'm not surprised. You have to do something to escape the reality of taking your grandson and making him out to be yours. She's not going to sell to the younger generation no matter how much plastic surgery she has and the older generation doesn't care anymore.

  17. Wow, an actual person who doesn't believe the Jackson-freak-show is fucking bonkers!


  18. Look, what I read today! Les Moonves was obsessed with ruining Janet Jackson's career.

    Still not buying how media is obsessed about slandering the Jacksons? Things Entry will never tell you.



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