Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 17, 2018

If you are ever thinking of taking the child molester's side because you want him to be able to work steadily or something, or don't believe the victims, take a look at this from a mom who had a daughter working on one of his films. She enclosed a picture of how he had her dress on set from the actual set, but it is creepy and I don't want her recognized.

I let my daughter work on ____________. She had done Broadway but this was her first feature, and it was literally just a feature background role. Non speaking. The child molester invited my daughter to eat lunch with him. She was 7 at the time. I've been on MANY sets. I have NEVER seen a director ask a background actor to lunch, let alone a child.

Cafe Society/Woody Allen


  1. why not separate artist from his craft?

    1. .... do you not comprehend? The artist is on set looking for little girls to possibly molest....................... his recent movie was about a teen girl falling for an older man. When his films starts reflecting his reality it’s kinda hard to separate the artist from his craft, no?

    2. He uses his craft to abuse...use your head..the blind spelled it out or you just going to defend a pedo no matter what

  2. Maybe because they use their craft to enable their degeneracies? Among many other reasons...

  3. If I had a seven-year-old, he/she wouldn't have done Broadway, let alone Hollywood.

    1. Some people want to live vicariously through their children. They expect the kids do do what they would do to get jobs. Showbiz is sick.

  4. +100, @Unknown. WHY did the mother allow the lunch? Why did she even allow the child be a non-speaking extra? It's not for the money. He has alienated too many former fans for his films to merit the mother allowing any of that IMHO; so many of us will boycott.

    1. It doesn't say that she allowed the lunch. Just that the girl was asked. Which is enough to send up red flags.

  5. There's always not wanting to financially support the artist in any way. Also in entertainment it's not like the artist's name can just be removed from any connection with the craft. Loved House of Cards, but that's still Spacey on the screen no matter what mental gymnastics you do. Same thing for the Cosby show.

  6. Why are they still working? It escapes me! Woody, singer, Ratner, Munchin , spacey and Tsujihara all molesters and still working!

  7. There’s a difference between overlooking shitty behavior like cheating, being obnoxious, drug abuse, etc, and overlooking horrific behavior like child abuse. I’m not saying the former is right, but the latter is inexcusable.

  8. Yeaaaaaah, feeling it even less after what Soon Yi had to say about Mommie Dearest Mia. The Child Collectors are always more deranged than the animal collectors.

  9. @Jonathan Jones, the swarming attack Mia in the comments/media because Woody doesn't have any track record of being into young women isn't working anymore. Just saying. Fire the PR firm.

  10. @Kris

    Woody lost his Amazon contract and no one is supporting his efforts financially anymore. Ratner's career seems to have come to a screeching halt as well (which says to me that there are unreported accusations against Ratner that couldn't be ignored privately.)

    Spacey is GONE. No one will work with him, no TV shows, no British theatre companies, no movie production houses.

    Singer is a big old question mark for me. How he is able to fly under the Hollywood radar is a mystery, though he does have a handle on movie box office and how to optimize the profits of his movies.

  11. "why not separate artist from his craft?"

    I hope that's the stupidest thing I read today. Separate Woody Allen from his movies? He *defines* his movies, and inserts himself into them in multiple ways. You can see 10 seconds of a trailer and know it's a Woody Allen movie. People talk about them like they're a genre unto themselves, and hold film festivals dedicated to them.

    While we're high-mindedly separating the artist from his craft, the artist continues to make films and to cast young women who probably tell themselves, "This isn't going to be pleasant, but this credit will kick off my stardom, so I'll close my eyes and take it." How enlightened we are these days.

  12. @Cail

    Um, Woody ain't making movies anymore, so that point of yours is not applicable, not matter how Outrage! Addict! your description of it.

    I don't care if you can't separate art from the artist. That's your business. I don't think you are inferior for taking that stance either. So why so defensive? No one cares.

  13. Of course Plot pops up every time a pedo is mentioned. The rest of you guys need to stop wasting your time conversing with her. She'll keep insisting that some pedos are better than others, or something.

  14. @orange

    So what pedos have I claimed are better than others? I'm sure you have it memorized by now.

    I pop up when people seem a inventing things for Outrage!

  15. orange, she seems to think all pedos need support. Not sure she discriminates.

  16. @J

    What? What support are you talking about?

    I give a list of successes of those who fight sexual victimization and you call that support????

    Are you serious?

    What is wrong with you??? Is this real or fake J?

  17. Laurel Griggs https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7098219/?ref_=tt_cl_t12

  18. are you friend with Mia, aren't you? the thing is anyone who present a accusation will be a heroe for the media and Hollywood, and enty said victims ,then where are they ?

  19. If Spacey's last movie brought in $200 million at the B.O. instead of $12.00, he'd be working.

  20. edit -

    I give a list of successes of those who fight sexual victimization and you call that support for pedophiles ????

    Seriously, J. Admit it. You aren't on the side of any victims of sexual abuse, adults or children. You are here to help men establish their headship over society no matter what they do.

    In this, J1 and J2 seem perfectly aligned.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. A wee bit hysterical IMO but, then again, I don't live in California (anymore, thank God).

  23. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Children do not belong in the entertainment business.
    Children do not belong in fashion, film or television or stage.
    It is too easy for them to get hurt.
    Children are here to learn, grow, and to be loved. Period.

  24. I have belived the crap about Woody Allen for many years but recently I did my own deep dive into the case with Dylan and came to belive it was faked by Mia for their court case.

    One of the reasons is that there were never any other accusations. He has been married to Soon Yi for over 20 years now so that is not pedophilia.

    If there are other stories, people need to start talking. It protects future victims. That is the thing that the whole #metoo movement has shown. Cosby has over 50 victims. Every one of the creeps has many victims, so the more people start standing up the more we can stop the real predators.

  25. I wouldn't trust the testimony of a mother who drags her own 7 year girl from Broadway to Hollywood to get her a part. Because she's not a good mother nor a good person. Ergo I don't trust any of the words that come out of her mouth.

  26. I believe this is written about Laurel Griggs, who just passed away. So, so sad.
