Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 14, 2018

This foreign born A+ list singer/rapper e-mailed some proof of conquest so to speak to his former A+ list rapper who then confronted his A+ list wife.

Drake/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian


  1. Ahh Kiki is Kim and Drake is pinning away for her I guess both are gross

    1. Keke is NOT Kim. Keke is Kyanna Drake’s ex. Kanye is just an idiot who refuses to google shit

    2. He made a post yesterday calling out Nick, Tyson and Drake. Keke ksnt kim, but I agree with Kanye. He (Drake) has no problem letting people think that it is.

    3. Kanye said Drake shouldn’t have named it Kiki. Lmao. People can’t use Kiki now cause Kanye is in his feelings. Who gives a shit what that narcissistic psychopath thinks.

  2. Totally gross, but I totally LOL'ed at the thought...

  3. Lmao so is he baiting drake in the hopes he releases the evidence and that’ll give them a storyline for the new season of keeping up with the kardashians? I mean they did use a sex tape to create an empire

  4. Half the NBA had a ride on that bike, why be jelly?

  5. Poor Kangaye!! Didn’t he figure when that H O upgraded from Kris H. to him that she would do the same thing to him??!!

  6. If Drake fucked Kim it was probably a few years ago. They all need to just shut up about each other.

  7. @paris, I think this happened several months ago. There was a blind about Kim and Drake together at some party/cabin.

  8. Did he send the emails before or after texting MBB how much he missed her? Can't believe people take this clown seriously.

  9. I sense a boxing match coming up between Kanye and Drake and whoever gets his ass beat, we will be the winners!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yes Kanye had an awesome video explaining the real insult was Drake using a name in a song that Drake knew other people would interpret as Kim, and then not loudly denying it.

    Honestly, when can we get Kanye to run for public office? He was in Chicago, will he throw his hat into that ring? The police there solve fewer than one in six homicides! Like you could seriously murder someone there and you'd only get caught if you had really bad luck.

    1. Kiki doesn’t belong to Kim. People are allowed to use that name however they want. It’s not all about those losers. Kanye has no right to tell soneone not to make a song called Kiki. Fuck out of here lmao

  12. Kanye is annoying... the blind on him are the most boring zzZz

  13. Why is Kanye acting all surprised Kim f*cked Drake?
    Of course she did.
    She f*cked everyone.
    Kanye is delusional at best.

  14. Oh my, and he had the nerve to make that silly video

  15. Ok, so Kim's a slut. And this surprises who?

  16. Look at it from Kanye's perspective, he can't ever leave the family because PMK would destroy him, so what's he supposed to do, he has to put a good face on things.

  17. Wouldn’t it be easier to just make a list of people Kim hasn’t fucked?

  18. I love Kanye. Why he married that skank I'll never know. But at least he got 3 beautiful kids out of it. I can't wait until he gets rid of those harpies.

  19. Thanks for those odds Brayson - BRB - inviting a "friend" to Chicago...

    Agree with someone else - Drake's sin wasn't using the name Kiki, it was not denying Kim's association which is where he was a dick about it.

  20. My kind of town, Chicago is. My kind of people, too.

    1. Chicago is actually a great city when you look past the's just the trendy thing to do to talk smack about it.

  21. At this stage the more interesting question for Kanye would have to be....who has not yet fucked my wife? Sorry but she is a bicycle that is very well ridden. Those tyres are worn through and the chain is squeaking from overuse Kanye.

  22. Maybe Drake was boasting of banging Bobbie Millie Brown and Kanye asked for proof. I doubt Kanye cares whether his wife sleeps around
