Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 3, 2018

It seems like a fatherly kind of thing trying to get full custody while mom is away getting help for her issues. This isn't your ordinary father. The C list celebrity is just attempting a money grab and hoping he can turn something temporary into something that gives him a huge monthly check.

Stephen Belafonte/Mel B


  1. Wait, is she saying her PTSD is from her divorce? That's the official reason for all the rehab.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      She should br ashamed of comparing marital issues to real traumas

  2. Previous blinds about Mel and Stephan is that he beat the crap out out of her. Sounds legitimate to me.

  3. Well since he isnt related to Harry Belafonte real name Stsansbury beat the shit out of Mel and another girl he was with over a decade ago, I think the judges should find another place for the kids besides this violent con, con artist

  4. Right! And he needs to get a job!

  5. It came out recently (possibly through the ex nanny I can't remember) that Stephen wasn't as abusive as Mel made out. When she appeared on tv covered in cuts and bruises she allowed Sharon Osbourne to loudly presume she was a DV victim rather than admit she fell down the stairs while blind drunk. Not saying Stephen is innocent, but they're at least as bad as each other.

    1. And the kids are far better off with a third party

  6. Mel B is just as vile as him. Horrible human being.

    1. Men who beat women, children and animals are the scum if the earth. Your comments just REEK.

    2. Yeah and being too paralytic and off your head on drugs when around your children is really admirable. Her bruises were caused from falling over drunk on numerous occasions. Proven last week by various witnesses. Not all women are victims of domestic violence just because they say they are.

    3. Before I get jumped on, we have just had an evil cow called Roxanne Pallett accuse a man of beating her up in the Big Brother house. The footage proved he didn't touch her. She nearly destroyed him. It has been massive news over here in the UK. Some women lie.

  7. He is the biggest piece of shit among many big pieces of shit. Absolute fucking loser.

  8. Just asking for a friend can Mel B be away getting help for her issues when we see her live on AGT two nights a week? Most serious rehabs wont even let you off the premises for a couple of weeks at least. Does she have a guardian follow her around even in the bathroom? (Hoping so cause more drugs are hidden/done in toilet stalls than anywhere else!)

  9. @Auntie There is plenty of info out there suggesting Mel hurt herself while drunk and let people think Stephen beat her up. They're both garbage, but stop defending her just because he's the man.

  10. No, @Cee Kay, no one has to stop at your sayso.
    He has a history of beating his girlfriends. That's enough for me.
    You can turn a blind eye all you want, I could care less.

  11. Amy +1

    the pitchfork and torches crowd will believe any woman, even an alcoholic, drug addicted, skanky piece of shit like Mel B. I think she's abusive as well.

    Oh and another thing: if this Belafonte guy did not want to get custody of the girls, then enty would have had a blind along these lines :

    "Which selfish C-list wife-beater/abuser, cares so little about his child/children, that he is completely disinterested in taking care of them, even though his foreign born celebrity wife is currently on an extended rehab stay for her numerous issues?"

    I'm not defending them I'm just saying, that she is definitely not better than him. She might be worse.

    1. You're right in my opinion. Spot on. I don't think he is a nice person but I also don't think she is at all. I hate that women can now say one thing and completely destroy a man. He wants custody and you're right, if he didn't want custody he'd be a scumbag too. Maybe he does actually love his children but he's a man so how can he possibly? According to some people on here... .
