Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A- list three named actress not named Chloe Grace Moretz has been doing her best to start a fling with this older probable permanent A list mostly movie actress not named Cameron Diaz who doesn't really act any longer. She thinks if she can get the actress to take things public it will be a huge boost to her career and help her wallet which has been thinning as of late. Oh, and she has had multiple relationships simply for the publicity and then dumps the other person whether they be male or female.


  1. Evan Rachel wood/Angelina

    1. Interesting! Wonder why ERW's wallet would be thinning. I assumed Westworld would have made her successful and given her career a big boost.

  2. Jennifer Love Hewitt?

  3. @tricia

    I thought angie too, but she just wrapped malificent 2...so?

  4. I thought about Drew St. is permanent A Drew maybe

  5. I think Enty calls Angelina A+. I could see gross Evan Rachel Wood because she even dated Marilyn Mandon, who is disgusting. Drew Barrymore said she was bi, so maybe her as the older.

  6. I don’t know if Enty considers Animated films acting (I’ve never seen Maleficent 1), but maybe so... Drew is possible.
    Maybe it’s ERW and Sandy Bullock?

  7. Sandy’s only done 1 film (oceans 8 in the last 3 years) and 1 in preproduction

  8. maleficent 1 and 2 are live action tho

  9. ERW is such a walking nightmare. I don't know why anyone with any choice in relationships would choose her. Besides the drugs, the sexual confusion that flips from day to day, the untreated or self medicated bi-polar and depression, she accused an anonymous former romantic partner of raping her!

    To be clear I am very sympathetic and supportive to people who have been raped or sexually abused.
    a. If she truly was raped by not naming and charging the rapist she allowed undoubtedly more women/girls to be raped.
    b. by not naming the rapist she cast a cloud of suspicion over everyone who has been known to have dated her. Horrible place to be in for them.
    c. If she wasn't raped and just wanted to jump on the MeToo publicity tour - f*&@ her. I hope she sinks deeper into the pit of misery.

    So yeah - ERW and whoever the other actress is I hope she stays away from the trap. I cannot see ERW every brining anything but misery to a person who gets involved with her.

    1. I think it's supposed to be Marilyn Manson ..yuk in the first place

    2. A) A rape victim is not responsible for any asshole's subsequent rapes. Ever. He bears sole responsibility.

      B) Boo hoo.

      C) She made her claims in 2016, well ahead of MeToo.

  10. On a side note if it is ERW and Drew B, it would be interesting since they both dated Justin Long.
    I was going to ask: Whatever happened to that dude? But that is what IMDB is for. He is still working, just in nothing I ever heard of or would ever consider watching.

  11. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Not Drew, she did Santa Clarita Diet recently, and has a movie in pre-production. She's been acting regularly for quite a while. IMDB exists, folks.

  12. I can see it being SandyB if she's ready to finally come out.

  13. "Doesn't really act anymore" is kind of an ambiguous clue.
    It implies she does some acting, but how much? Or maybe enty is taking a shot at the quality of her acting?
    I haven't seen Drew in her TV show to know if it might apply to her or not, but she mostly produces now.
    In other words I wouldn't rule her out based on that clue. It is not like she doesn't just keep playing the same perky but sad girl over and over again. You could probably say she rarely ever truly acted.

  14. Angelina and Drew still work.

  15. Dame Judi Dench and Doris Day.

  16. ERW and Angelina - foolish business for her, I don't think she has the tools to fight Angie's crazy.

  17. Plus Angelina Jolie would NEVER go public with ERW, it's off brand and low market.

  18. Yeah ERW for the first.

    Not seeing Drew for this, she grew out of the crazy chick phase a long time ago.

    Angelina could be game but she seems to prefer the D, which she's been getting on the regular according to past blinds.

    It would be cool if Sandra came out, but who knows what her tipping point is.

  19. You are probably right Brayson. The only reason I didn't rule this out as Drew was because it didn't sound like the target A lister was interested.
    If it is Angelina she needs to have a lot more bank than ERW to even tempt her. Someone like JLaw for instance might do the trick.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Does Betty White still act?...

  22. Sandra has been described as "probable permanent A list mostly movie actress" before.

  23. Jodie Foster for the older actress maybe?

  24. how do y'all know Sandy is gay?

  25. a. I never said she was responsible. I said: "by not naming and charging the rapist she allowed undoubtedly more women/girls to be raped."
    If he continues raping girls and women I don't see how you could possible argue that as not being a true statement.

    b. Yes, let's all do that in the face of injustice or unfairness - "boo hoo!" Empathy or compassion is no longer needed for humans.

    c. You are right (something you and Angela would never do admit when you are wrong) As far as I knew she first made this accusation in her testimony to congress on 2/27/2018, but she did in fact mention it in an interview with the Washington Post in 2016.
    But my point still stands. The interview was very much "I am empowered and refuse to remain silent, but I won't name the rapists." Which is pathetic.
    But hey, if the creeps are still raping women - "boo hoo" right?

    1. Umm...

      "something you and Angela would never do admit when you are wrong"

      Dude, I don't comment here frequently enough for you to know shit about what I would or would not do when I am wrong.

      Did I personally attack you? Shall I start?

      Do you need a hobby? A hug? A real life friend? Is this site the most important part of your day?

      A) "She allowed" more rapes to happen certainly assigns responsibility. Not what you meant? Choose your words more carefully. However, since you're still defending those words, it's obviously exactly what you meant.

      B) "boo hoo" because SHE was the rape victim. Do not speak of empathy, and lament it being dead, while you sit in judgment of a rape victim. Injustice? You react to the reveal about the Game and then come to this post and slam a similar victim for being too scared to name names. How about "hypocrisy"? Does that apply to you? Is hypocrisy "just"?

      C) Your point does still stand. In all its wrongness. For all of your best friends to see. In perpetuity. You will always be "that guy" who is more concerned about pointing his finger at what the rape victim DIDN'T DO rather than at the rapist.

    2. How about this, Neal? Make your guess and get out. Nobody wants to read you wax harmonic on what female survivors should have done. Guess what? You arent a female rape victim. You've never been in that situation.

      I would never, not for a moment, blame another victim for what my rapist did. That's on the rapist. How victims survive is their own struggle. One they didn't ask for. And one that shouldn't be mandated, judged and picked apart by some anonymous asshat who has too much time, and not enough sense, on the internet.


  26. evan rachel was SAG nominated for 'Thirteen' but her film career never really took off

  27. Feels like Chloe is a hint for a younger actress...

  28. Yeah Kay, I am the one with no life, while you go on and on arguing that her not reporting or naming her rapist hasn't allowed him/them to continue raping other woman, and all the while thinking you are the good one standing up for women.
    How about you follow your own advice and make your guess and get out?!?
    Yes, you couldn't even admit you took my statement out of context by saying I said she was the one responsible. You couldn't acknowledge the fact that I am clearly coming from a standpoint of wanting to protect other women from being raped, in your efforts to virtue signal.
    If I needed a hug, some cold angry men hating viper like you would be the last person I would want it from, and the last to ever offer it. Now go feed your cats, I know all I need to know about you.
    Wonder how you would feel if it was a man who knows a rapist and refused to tell anyone? Would you still be defending it? (don't answer, I know the answer...and don't care about the lies you want to tell, or the cognitive dissonance you employ of why it would be so different and of course the man would be evil for not telling and saving other women (and he would be evil - The same as a woman who doesn't care about protecting other women are evil.)

    And for your other stuff - "boo hoo".

  29. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6191ey/angelina_jolie_is_involved_with_child_traffickers/

  30. PS Kay, my friends are sane and not deranged like you, so when they see my statement that she should name who the rapists are and protect other women, they don't see hate for women. They agree with it, and also think protecting other women from rape is more important than virtue signaling and pretending anyone who wants the rapist named is some misogynist blaming victims. How many women have been raped by them since then, who knew nothing about them being rapists? But hey as long as blame is properly assigned who cares about our responsibility to protect other women. Small price to pay for your virtue signaling and her acting like she is brave and empowered while refusing to do the right thing. Boo hoo indeed.

    But hey, enjoy your amazing life. I am sure you earned every bit of it. lol

  31. Evan Rachel Wood and Drew Barrymore, or Sandra Bullock. Drew's talked about dating women, but good luck getting Sandra out of the glass closet. That'll never happen.

    The Lesbian community knows how problematic ERW is, with "lesbian" relationships and working those for publicity. The sexual abuse has nothing to do with this post

  32. How about Goopy for the older actress?

  33. @Kay

    Holy shit! +1000!

    Neal, learn when you are beat and STFU. YOU don't make the rules on how victims deal with rape because you have a dick and want to virtue signal YOUR amazing moral superiority using victims.

  34. Thanks Plot. When the board pedo defender/normalizer, lines up against you because they want rape victims to remain silent and not out Hollywood elites, you know you are on the right side of the issue.
    As if anyone with any moral clarity at all would ever doubt that naming and charging the rapists and protecting future rape victims is the right play, and not just talking about how brave you are while you refuse to name the rapists and let them continue on amassing victims.
    You're the best, and you Kay and Angela deserve one another, if you are even seperate people. True lighthouses to warn others of what dark thoughts sick minds produce.

  35. @Neal

    "As if anyone with any moral clarity at all"

    Which would not be YOU, bub. Go use some more victims to show the world what a good guy you are, how noble you are, how morally superior!

    The ethics in question here are not mine.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Aw Neal, you seem hurt to have your playthings denied you. Sorry, victims are not entirely at your disposal to judge or vilify or use anyway you choose. Sad little man.

    1. Anonymous1:36 AM

      You all derailed the thread with your bickering. Get back to the blind.

  38. @Angela Black

    Sorry about that. The Qanon incels have recently lost a home so their little games of victim blaming and pedo hunting are probably going to escalate for a while here. I don't like Enty's tendency to degrade women and how it encourages them.

  39. I tried to report my childhood sexual abuse twice & the police were not interested. In fact, I was chided for not being able to give more precise info. I was a child. I didn't know what would be important. I tried to hide it. I didn't want to be different or weird to the other kids. I reported it twice as an adult & both times the cops didn't care & were aggressive.



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