Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Item #8

This former A list Disney actress turned B+ list adult actress who I also think has the possibility of a different type of acting in her future has gone to the powers that be five times at her previous home to complain about a producer who molested her and other girls her age. Nothing was done. The producer is still working and still "mentoring" tweens and teens.


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe Kenny Ortega for the producer??

    2. Maybe it it were boys.
      Ortega is an out and proud gay man

    3. I thought there was on old blind about him and Dove Cameron??

  2. Well, thanks to #metoo the chances of her seeing justice got a lot smaller.

    1. Shes jumping off the metoo train.

  3. How on earth could anyone let that cow mentor their kid.

    Then again, there has always been a never ending supply of thirsty people who flock to the business. None of this will ever stop. So sad.

  4. The molested victims, really need to speak up as one on this they are fighting a many headed monster.

  5. B+ list adult actress

    An adult actress is an actual PORN STAR. That's the way I read it, anyway.

    We need to use a different term.

  6. Interesting considering Bella denied anything happened to her at Disney.

    So who was the producer of Shake It Up?

  7. !J - #metoo is a far larger movement than just "past victims seeking redress for harms caused". It has opened the conversation about the constant & ongoing predation women have had to put up with & dance around for YEARS! It has allowed women to speak up and say "ENOUGH"!

    Would Bishop Ellis have been called out about his hand placement on Ariana Grande's breast two years ago? F##K NO!!

    Now, people notice!!! They saw her body language - which said loudly ""I am NOT OK with this, but I can't cause a scene!" Sadly, that is how women have been conditioned to respond, and still do respond. She may not have been able to, but... society did!!! Obviously still far to go, but don't trivialize #metoo as merely one thing. It's way larger than that!

  8. The thing with Ariana Grande was gross, and that preacher shouldn't have a job.

    However, by saying #believeallwomen and letting obvious opportunistic pigs and frauds become the "movement's" leaders, #metoo has completely debased itself.

    I believe tnis will make things worse, not better, for REAL victims.

    1. Are you saying that by calling out previous bad behaviour, future bad behaviour will be condoned and approved? Please explain your logic...

    2. I don't remember having a vote for any "leader", that's all the media's doing.

      Sometime's people are victims, but also predators (in the case of Asia)

      It can be both. It might not help the cause, but if people only focus on the negative then they don't really want change anyway.

      Some people will lie yes, but more people need to be honest and others need to stop sheltering those who prey.

    3. Nobody is saying that tho?

    4. @A patathetic- J doesnt use logic, he uses his hatred of women to fuel his outbursts and posts his rage. No logic needed for him.

    5. Rage? Rosie, you're the one who blames your vulgarity on being a sagittarius, remember? I'm typically pretty calm.

    6. See, there you go not paying attention again. I made a fleeting comment weeks ago that Im a Sagittarius" because I call things exactly like i see them, it was mean in jest, silly, thats it and thats all.
      But you don't like that I have your number and that I call you out for being a woman hater and disrespectful- so you continue with all youve got, which is simply "DERP.CUZ YER A SAGITRAIUS,DERP" thinking somehow that will draw attention away from your inner rage and hate filled posts against women- let me ask you-
      how do you think thats working for you?

    7. Hey I'm a sag too ....yeah J hates anyone who don't agree with his "logic"

  9. It's worth mentioning, if you recall the story about how Victoria Justice got her own show (father threatened producers with outing Schneider?) - and that she was presumably not molested (or molested less), or protected somehow...

    And now look at Victoria Justice's career. It's NOWHERE. She's essentially been blackballed because she's not willing to play the game.

    So. Yes. This is what one can expect for speaking up or for saying no. NO CAREER FOR YOU!

    Meanwhile JLaw stars in everything she can fuck for. Go figure.

  10. I only point it out to disabuse those of you who actually think #metoo will fix anything.

    I don't think it will.

    1. JLaw hasn’t been in anything for a while... coincidence?

  11. Well, Jennifer Lawrence was going to play Elizabeth Holmes... LOL.

    Lots of frauds

  12. Not that I have the most faith in the LAPD, but if this is true I hope she goes to the police or the FBI and reports what's happened.

    Not exactly surprising that a high up hollywood type wouldn't want to rock the boat. (Referring to whoever she spoke to)

    Sucks when time goes by and all you have is your own testimony. I hope she can make a case of it.

  13. If it is an actual adult actress, maybe Maitland Ward. She's doing porn now, and was from Disney. Probably never A list though.

  14. Name him,Bella. This has been Enty's description of her,but B+ is a big stretch. And I wonder if she is a source for "Big Love" Blinds?

  15. I'm certainly not saying all women should be believed. Not at all! Some will lie. Some will use it. And - Yes - some men will get rolled over by it by women with bad intent. Although unfortunate, I can't say I have too much sympathy, as now they may understand that this has been happening to women for years - ever! The pendulum will swing wide before it settles, and there will be casualties. Women are beginning to understand that it's not "just them" that this happens to. It is most women!! I don't know ONE woman who cannot recall feeling uncomfortable at one point or another in their professional lives. NOT ONE! The degree may vary, but literally EVERY woman I know has a #metoo story!!!

    The point is - once women have started to grasp that they are not alone - they have started to say "NO!" - with a roar! Sorry if some men get rolled by the wave, but they should have stood up to it long ago!! If they weren't part of the problem, they sure weren't part of the solution.

    IMHO. I'm sure others will disagree, as is their right, but this opinion of mine has been shaped by this movement.

    1. Notice how the discussion is always reverted to the women who lie? Not like women have been raped for centuries or anything. Nope. The conversation has to be about the minority who lie. It’s always shifted to make women look bad and away from the rapists.

  16. I see Bella trying to rise the right way. It cant be easy.

  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    My first thought was Vanessa Hudgeons/Kenny Ortega, not sure he's just after guys or not.

  18. isn't it ortega where there are videos of him being handsy/possessive of dove cameron on red carpets and in interviews?

  19. #metoo only when it #suitsyou ! You realise metoo is females only? So no one to stand up for male rape victims!!!

    1. Anthony Rapp and Terry Crews are also a part of the #metoo movement and Ronan Farrow the first whistle blower, so no it’s not women only. Men just find it even harder than women to step forward because they are afraid to have others question their masculinity.

  20. +1 Ophelia and MD, more than one blind, age is probably more important than gender to him.

    Himmmm was never afraid to out him before.

  21. Cree, LAPD's OWNED by the studios. Was told that fact years ago by a retiring detective. SAG-AFTRA is also a total joke, believe me, when it comes to dealing with complaints.

    NO ONE wants to end their entire career by speaking up when neither LE nor their union will take any serious action to stop repeated abuse. Enty's exposes & reveals potentially do more damage to the evil, abusive jerks, especially when there's CIA complicity.

  22. Right, Youre Tired!

    I mean, it's not like Asia Argento has been doing everything in her power to get attention for the past year or so, right?

    Besides, women don't lie, remember? #believeallwomen and all that?

  23. Walls of text are a heinous crime, no matter the gender.

  24. No, not Disney! Commenter Plot has assured me that Disney is a wholesome family-oriented corporation that's totally devoid of any pedos or perverts.
    Almost all former Disney child actors and actresses bloom into balanced, happy, squeaky clean young adults.
    The stern Disney corporation keeps them away from drugs, booze and even sexual activity, as their contracts stipulate they remain chaste, virgin and pure until they turn 21 years old. Right, Plot?

  25. I'd consider Bella B- (if that) more than B+, but she should skip dealing with this privately and publicly out the molesting producer. Take a lesson from Brendan Fraser - he tried to deal with it by complaining privately, and was blacklisted for it. And because it was private, no one knew. Tell the world, Bella, before these people try to bury you and your career.

  26. R quill, She can't (most can't) because she cannot defend herself from a massive defamation/ libel lawsuit. The actions would be extremely hard to prove. All of these people have most likely spoken to lawyers. It is literally giving up their money lifeline over accusations. Harvey's case will be extremely hard to prove because of the agreeable communication between parties. The only way it would really happen is if a parent/child team decided to pursue charges criminally, and then civilly, with the knowledge that they will not continue in the business what-so-ever.

    1. I imagine it depends on the details - if there's witnesses, if she told other people who could testify to it, if the other girls would come forward as well, what they could say to disprove her, etc. And that's with the assumption she even wants to battle this in court. If the producer took her to court, he has to prove what she says is a lie. He can't just claim libel and win without proof, just like someone can't claim assault and win without proof.

      If this blind is true at all, Bella's already complained about it, just not publicly. She should take a look at others who complained privately and had their careers destroyed because of it. Silence is how these predators keep getting away with what they're doing. If she doesn't make this public, this producer will keep on molesting people, she'll be blacklisted from her career, and 20 years from now she'll be kicking herself wishing she had done something when she had the chance.

  27. Anonymous2:12 AM

    This is why we need laws to keep children away from the entertainment business. Period. Children are not put here to entertain. They are here to learn and grow and be loved.



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