Sunday, September 02, 2018

Blind Item #7

This actor was barely there to begin with. When he couldn’t get work anymore, he started promoting wild accusations to make a buck.  He’s been making even more of an ass out of himself than usual lately. The obvious drug use doesn’t help his prospects either.


  1. Or Shad Moss/lilBoW WOW

  2. Dancing Boy, quite obviously.

  3. Randy Quade ????????¿?????

  4. Tiger Woods, Kendull Jenner, Dancing Boy or Iggy Azalea!

  5. +1 for Feldman. He’s a loser. Wrong Corey was taken away from us, I’ll gladly trade the one we have now.

  6. Feldman is fake as fuck.

  7. Isaac Kappy? I thought Feldman at first but isn't he normally child actor turned.. etc.

  8. LMAO Sal Salington.... YASSSSSSS it’s Dancing Boy LOLOLOLOL

  9. @Sal Salington - Allow me to buy you a cocktail!

    And then, let me develop of series of multi media events around your life, starting with you just entering your teen years. I have this idea...

  10. Kappy his Coke use is to obvious

  11. Kappy is trying to find another source of income since nobody in their right mind would hire him. Druggies who may be predators themselves.

  12. This really does sound like a reader blind sent in by a Dancing Boy hater. Not Cody Feldman,he was an A list child/tween star.

  13. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Isaac Kappy challenged Gabe Hoffman (producer of 'An Open Secret') to an MMA-match.

  14. Desperate for cash. He needs to go to University and become a certified substance abuse counselor.He is not believable and needs to get out of dodge pronto!

  15. I was on Titus Frost with kappy and Vegan mike. I stayed out of the squabble.

  16. If this is about Isaac, he's not the only one making an ass out of themselves; so is Gabe.

    I agree with calling people out for what you think is bs/lack of evidence, but this whole shit show is out of hand.

  17. Sounds like Tom Arnold.

  18. @free. And they read these blinds and make videos about it. Give me a break! Get a real job.

    1. Like I said; I take no issue with Gabe calling out Mikey or Kappy, I just don't appreciate the approach.

      Gabe blocking people for politely asking questions on information is childish, especially when he does it under the AOS twitter.

      Gabe going on a long twitter rant with Kappy about setting up a fight is also childish. The spotlight should be on victims and the cause, not about who can hit the hardest.

      Let the evidence speak for itself, don't give more attention to the games of children.

      As a victim of sexual/incestual child abuse I don't give two shits about their petty squabble if it's unrelated to facts.

      Examples of good posts? Evidence that Mikey has a warrant for his arrest (character), police stating they [allegedly] didnt recieve any complaints, potential evidence into paypal fraud.

      Examples of bad post? Blocking people who ask where information came from, going on and on about wanting to fight Kappy.

      They both need to grow up. Outside of that I don't care who's selling t-shirts or who's a a "shill".

    2. Btw, sorry if im coming across as rude to you SD auntie. I have no issues with you or your opinion on the situation. Just watching twitter was frustrating.

  19. Anthony Bourdain called Jimmy Bennett a 'donkey' so I hope this 'ass' reference doesn't point to the poor kid. )People in their 20s are still kids to me.

  20. I thought the Feld Man to be sure. but it doesn't say former child actor. although everything else fits. Including making an ass out of himself to make a buck. Actually, if you made a blind like this with slightly different wording it could be Feldman anyway. Maybe it doesn't even matter that much what the answer is. There are so many that probably fit that it is too encompassing.

    I really wish the Feldfam would wake up though. He's still got desperate middle aged women who fell in love with him in 7th grade sending him their money because they believe he's going to expose all the pedophiles and make Hollywood safe for children. No. He's not. He's using your money for drugs and vacations and anything else he desires on someone else's dime. You are being scammed. He lets out a few trickles here and there and you are satisfied with that? Please.

    The big names aren't coming. Not out of Feldman's mouth. He's not going to do that. He'll placate you with the names of nobodies and small timers and you'll wait for an eternity for the big names to drop. But they never will. Wake up Feldfam.

  21. +1 to thecatwhisper, Cree, and Adrastia.

  22. Kappy always seemed liked controlled opposition to me, another example of someone who tells some truths but acts like a nut while doing so. This makes the general population write him off, along with everything he says. See: Alex Jones, etc.

  23. Fortunately, I have had interactions with folks like this and dial diagnosis people will lie, cheat and steal to get away with their own illegal activities. Alex Jones is a covert narcissist and I ho

  24. I hope Jones loses in court and goes straight to hell. Justice for the Sandy Hook families! And go to hell to anyone making money of of crimes against children.

  25. i think they're talking about Jimmy Bennett

  26. I don't think this is Corey Feldman, as it would state child actor, but I do wish people would cut him some slack.
    He's severely damaged, as is plain to see. He came out with all of the info necessary to rein in Hollywood pedophiles and was dismissed by the LAPD and, from the looks of it, pretty much everyone else.
    Having gone through all the shit he has and top that off with the collusion of police and public opinion, I'd be batshit too.

  27. Anonymous12:56 PM

    @DDonna Tarttty absolutely...nothing to see here!

  28. Wouldn't Jimmy Bennett also be labelled a former child actor?



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