Saturday, September 08, 2018

Blind Item #6

I get that ultimately you make your own decisions about what enters your body and which substances you take. However, I also feel that if someone is battling to stay clean but they are being encouraged by their significant other to not be a party pooper and they should join in or else, than that changes the dynamic. If they are using a power they know they have over the other person, I think that changes things. So, when that person does say no and doesn't go to a party, and tries to do the right thing, what are they supposed to think when they get cheated on at the party they didn't attend. As I have been warning you, it could very well happen again. Very easily.  


  1. And Ariana...hence Macs death

  2. RIP Mac. Sad, really. I don’t think his OD was intentional but he needed help.

  3. Everyone thought Pete would die first. Mac Miller should have been in rehab due to his DUI.

  4. Wow another let's blame Ariana bandwagon for people to jump on, he had these issues before they started dating. Maybe you could tell us about the people who were with him when he died and cleaned the drugs up before the police got there, maybe they were more worried about saving their own skin than trying to actually help him.

    1. Right Leanne. Drug dealer must have been present. Where was that scum bucket that OD Demi? Could have been him.

    2. I don’t think any of us were blaming Ariana nor really was Enty. He basically said it in the first sentence. In the end it is Mac’s fault and he should’ve been getting help. But it’s also not like Ariana’s actions didn’t influence the way he felt.

  5. How are you saying she influenced the way he felt? You wanna pretend as though he wasn’t going through shit before they even met? If she didn’t want to be him, she didn’t want to be with him. Nobody should be blamed for what happened to him especially an ex. Staying with someone so they won’t do drugs or hurt themselves isn’t a reason to stay! Even if she did stay you don’t think this would’ve happened anyway?

    1. That wasn’t what I was saying at all. If I was cheated on by my significant other, who then dumped me and got engaged to the other person, that would make me feel pretty shitty. I also would likely turn to other methods to cope. The situation could have been handled better by Ariana. If I take my own life though, that’s my own fault and that would be the choice I made. The people in your life and yourself influence the way you feel all the time.

    2. Andrea- I agree & feel the same way.

      WTF. WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER. Stop mistreating people behind your vag & dick impulsive shenanigans.

      Grow the fuck up & stop making excuses for Ariana. She has shown us who she really is.

  6. Pick a different partner.

  7. Adults make their own choices, end of story.

  8. My 2 cents. I don’t care if Arianna Grande was traumatized because of a terror attack at her concert. To me she will ALWAYS be the pig who licked the donuts and thought it was funny to put them back on the shelf for unknowing customers. I know people well who are close to Mac Miller. Sad situation.

  9. How can a skinny little thing like her be this drug taking seductress and still be alive?

  10. The nasty part is that she basically said that she dumped Mac because of his addiction / lack of sobriety and weeks later she got engaged to another junkie with bordeline personality disorder. No wonder Mac felt like a worthless shit and considered suicide. But ultimately it was his choice.

  11. A donut licker. That is what she is.

  12. @pixiegothy Yes. Perfectly said. I’m tired of seeing people say Ariana HAD to leave a toxic situation. She left for AN EVEN more toxic situation and got engaged to it 3 weeks later. Malcolm was a complicated, brilliant, amazing individual. When he loved you he loved you with everything he had. In Ariana’s case, he loved her ever since they met as 19 and 20 year olds. He waited a long time to be in a relationship with her, she was his world and the love of his life. He was also completely sober when they started the relationship. But he wasn’t a pushover and a yes man, like all her employees, family, team and management are. He stood up to her and established boundaries, as any adult in a relationship should do. She had enough and found herself a willing idiot. One who will never tell her no or ask her behave like an adult and a lady. She has spent the last 4 months rubbing his nose in her new relationship, in a way I’ve never seen a celebrity behave before. Now, there’s great concern for how SHE must be feeling about his death, but there was zero concern for how Malcolm felt when she publicly humiliated him and flaunted her new relationship daily. No one called her out, no one wanted the click bait and the page view train to end, so it was encouraged. RIP Malcolm

    1. +10000000
      Well written.
      RIP Malcolm

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. One of the first things you learn in recovery, is that you need to leave your party friends behind. Even your partner. ESPECIALLY your partner, if they can't support you.
    As long as addiction has existed, there have been addicts who think they are smarter and stronger than their addiction. If they are not strong enough to leave their enablers behind, they are not strong enough to stay sober.

  14. @bellabella, true that.

  15. Ariana must be so attractive and intoxicating in person that she drives men to do these things. Helen of Troy effect

  16. Agree with bellabella. Ariana did seem to be flaunting her relationship way too much,and the quick engagement. Now she is going to realize she will be trapped by her actions for fear of what Pete might do. She even admitted Pete was using drugs, something a person with his mental health issues simply can't do.

  17. Why is there no mention of Ariana’s drug use? When she left Mac, she said it was because he wasn’t sober and their relationship was ‘toxic’. She then made another statement which was pretty rough.... something along the lines that the relationship was very difficult throughout and that she was not his mother. Yet this was the guy that comforted her after Manchester. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound after a break-up. Mac definitely had issues, but to publicly flaunt a new relationship right after the break-up & get engaged after 4 weeks? Just no. Show some respect & compassion Ariana. As far as Pete, there’s his drug use as well as his BPD, so she sort of went from the frying pan into the fire, making her statement that she didn’t want to be with someone who wasn’t sober a joke.

  18. Its not her fault a drug addict did drugs, but she is in the wrong/to blame when she convinces a drug addict to do drugs again.

    She can sing well and she's very pretty, but imo I knew she was fake when she broke up with Big Sean (for the reason she gave).

    You can like her music and still question her choices. If she's doing drugs herself she's no saint.

  19. Thanks @bellabella, glad I'm not alone with these thoughts... This whole situation is very upsetting

  20. +1 bella. Ariana is a heartless bot, a devil with a clip on ponytail.

  21. Thank you - i agree Bella. I would understand if she left because he was toxic and a addict, but then you get engaged to another addict with bipolar?! sounds like a bunch of excuses she gave. I see past her I'm just a small girl/I'm a sex goddess persona. She rubbed that new relationship in a vulnerable persons face. She has every right to move on, but to do it in such a public fashion was horrible and uncomfortable to watch. No wonder the guy was depressed.

  22. She's disgusting trash and I would be concerned about any male who thinks her permanent 12 year old girl pedo bullshit is hot shit. Fucking gross on so many levels... drug addiction would be just one of many issues I would think for these kind of fellas.

  23. And if AG was being such a not nice person in public, makes one wonder what kind of not so pleasant things she was saying to Mac in private.

  24. Surprise drug addicts od. Even bigger surprise drug addict friends bail when you start dying on them

  25. When did this happen i'm trying to work out how recent this was the VMAs are the only real party for celebrities. But Pete attended, only thing I can see is her recent trip to London without him?
    Help someone lol

  26. "And if AG was being such a not nice person in public, makes one wonder what kind of not so pleasant things she was saying to Mac in private."

    Or, maybe she was living her own life and minding her own biz. Shocking concept I know, when it was easier to believe a blind item or unsubstantiated gossip about a guy who is barely cold and his ex.
