Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Item #6

In a recent interview this foreign born alliterate sometime actress didn't deny she played a role in the murder of this A list celebrity. She also confirmed what I have previously written about his cheating. Does she know with whom? I think she does, which makes this all the more interesting.


  1. Replies
    1. And my beloved Bourdain

    2. And Rose McGowan of course

    3. Beloved Bourdain 🙏🏻❤️
      Definitely with Rose McGowan ...

    4. My sisters film festival just held a special screening of his last episode of Parts Unknown... sold out❤️

    5. I feel awful for him ..I feel like Asia used and manipulated him and now she's using him to get pity in that interview :(

    6. Absolutely @stupidpervs

  2. +1. Didn’t think I could dislike her more but she proved me wrong.

  3. Asia. If they hadn't gotten together, he would still he here

    1. He took his life ..it's on him don't coddle suicides..it's greedy to put all your pain on others bit hey your not here now so it's all good for u

  4. The man obviously liked crazy, it's the difference between juggling eggs and torches.

  5. I hated reading that this morning "he cheated on me too". doesn't she realize how classless it is to point her grubby fingers at the recently deceased?

    1. I’ve yet to see her explain how Tony had to pay off Jimmy Bennett for “his raping her”?!
      She is vile

  6. She "didn't deny she played a role in the murder"? Uh..........right.

  7. I didn’t think it possible but this hag continues to sink lower and lower

  8. Behold the leader of #metoo.

  9. I haven't been able to see her interview. I loved Bordain.

  10. Argento is a disgusting narcissist. That interview with her giant cross and fake tears, like she is some pious widow. By the way, she considered Bourdain to be cheating if he spent ANY time with his daughter and wife, they actually had to hide when he visited because she would lose her shit. Remember, he and Ottavia were not divorced. It must chap her hide that she could not help herself from breaking her toy before she sucked all the money out of it.

  11. Ugh. I wish she'd stfu and crawl back into her cave. I'm sad for her kids, but DANG. She's odious.

    She's like a petulant child, having been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. "He did it too!" That excuse didn't work for my kids, it won't work for her. She needs to own up to her actions and stop trying to blame a dead guy.

  12. I think he killed himself because of depression ..I think him buying her boy toy off led in part but their dysfunctional relationship is on them both..they both played ball

  13. Dingus, how do you know she was jealous of his wife and child? Btw her interview is with the Daily Mail and they're promising more. So gross.

  14. Asia? But rose said they were in an open relationship??? See the new pic of her ? She looks like shit!!! "Anthony left a hole that cannot be filled" But Jimmy tried!

  15. LOL! Asia has been filling her hole with anything that gets within snatching distance, like one of those trap door spiders.

  16. Bourdain apparently had horrible judgment in women. Poor insecure fool, the evidence suggests.

    His friends should have talked some sense into him way back when, upon his announcement he was following some girl to Vassar... instead they probably just did the natural thing and laughed at him.

  17. Asia, telling the world Anthony had no problem with her fucking around on him, since he can't speak for himself and deny it.

  18. Of course he had no problem with it. I mean, all he did was off himself when he saw pictures of her with another dude.

    Totally chill!

  19. Murder?

    How has that been established?

    Oh right, Enty speaks French and knows that authorities.

    Otherwise, Asia is a known piece of shit who will allow her dead boyfriend to take the blame for anything and everything she does. Nice gal!

  20. Why is everyone so in love with Bourdain?
    I used to like to watch him...way back.
    His newer shows smacked of elitism and pretentious
    viewing of "how the little people live".
    Saying that...he might have been a nice enough guy and
    CERTAINLY did not deserve the red scarf treatment.

  21. @Unknown- Bourdain was no saint, and was the first to admit it. I liked him because of his honesty, his curiosity, his openness to learn and try new things. He was a damn good story teller, and if you watched him over the years and various shows and books, you could seem him mature, soften a bit around the edges, and grow.

    It was a beautiful arc. I'd have liked to see more of it.

  22. @Unknown

    Everything you say is correct about Bourdain. It's true of most of CNN's traveling road shows - they smack loudly of Western and Class elitism (fuck Lisa Ling trying to convince us with convenient tears that a soul lies somewhere inside her. HATE her.)

    CNN panders to the self satisfaction of it's audience almost as much as Fox.

    Now, you have to admit that Bourdain in many ways was an outlier, even though he followed the CNN script. He didn't play dumb - he WAS dumb, many times, often displaying his own ignorance and stupidity of the places he visited. That made him miles beyond the regular tourist shows with their clipped deliveries of arrogant two line summations.

    Yes, Bourdain overused his spontaneous obscenities, probably in the same way he used them during moments of insecurity since adolescence.

    But, he did try to find new angles on countries and politics through food. Bourdain had a personal philosophy that the world is a better place filled with better people if everyone can sit down to a great meal. He didn't waiver from that. His magic is that he brought his audience to the table as well, proving an often clumsy conduit for us. THAT was highly enjoyable!

    I'm not alone, I think, that when I try new food or cook something special I can't help but imagine what Bourdain would think of it. He's managed to worm his way into my food experiences and imagined discussions about it. Damn him! So it really pisses me off that he's dead. I hoped for more conversation.

  23. 🤮 on that last platitudinous and vapid paragraph.

  24. Get outta ma head Weekittylass, you cracked me up lol :)

  25. lol. I cook shit all the time without reveries of what dead celebrities would think about it.

  26. Bourdain went for a certain type. Crazy. He knew what he liked and many men fall under the spell of crazy means depth, means good sex and passion but the other side is toxic. Ask Brad Pitt. I dislike the woman but he was an adult. He is no victim. He was incredibly naive.

    1. Men love Arianna Grande too and she is the same. Toxic and goes mainly for vulnerable men like Asia, just like a predator BUT the men should get no sympathy for finding something sexy about a lunatic.

  27. Sometimes crazy means spirited while other times crazy means crazy as a shithouse rat. On the other hand, some guys would rather deal with an arsonist than a constant nagger. ;)

  28. It's absolutely his fault for killing himself. You'd think he'd stop being such a mooning sucker by the time he reached 50.

    Doesn't mean she's not a monster. And, it seems per California law, a rapist.

    She belongs in prison. No one is safe while rapists walk free.

  29. I believe Jimmy Bennett's story about Asia Argento, just because I personally know of a woman who twice sexually abused a gay man. He was her friend. He was very upset by it, and it basically ended the friendship.
    She could not believe any man would deny her attractiveness.

  30. I disdain Asia and if Anthony did bang Rose I hope he had relapsed. Only because he could do better.
    RIP Anthony, you are beloved.

  31. Plot and Snifter hit the nail on the head about what Bourdain did for food and travel shows. He could've done the usual Europe, Southern and Midwestern US, maybe venture into Mexico but he took us to cultures and foods that would make many uncomfortable. No one is going to do what he did any time soon.

    My favorite episode was the one in the Czech Republic. A great time was had by all.

    CNN aired the last episodes Sunday I think. It's still too soon for me.

    He is sorely missed.

  32. I see. Two guys kill themselves and it's somehow, someway, always a woman's fault. If she had only...

    Why is this old rotten stereotype carted out from it's coffin whenever some guy dies?

    Bourdain killed himself for his own reasons. He admitted to having suicidal ideation for eons. Asia is not my cup of tea; frankly she's disgusting. But Bourdain's suicide is no one's responsibility but his own.

    And Grande isn't responsible nor the reason for MM's death either, no matter how vapid she is.

    Get a grip, people.

  33. Plot- He's totally responsible for his own actions. What I find repugnant is her public response. She's doing no one any favors by piling $hit on a dead guy.

    Aoife- check out "Somebody Feed Phil." He pitched it as "Just like Bourdain, except I'm afraid of everything." Not as deep as Bourdain could get, but a fun show nonetheless.

  34. Thanks Snifter. I may check it out. :)
