Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blind Item #6

It isn't a rumor that this B+ celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister has hooked up with relatives before. It has happened in that household many times.


  1. Are they really related, though? I mean is guess he's her godfather or something. I guess "relative" is kinda relative here.

  2. What a load of toad shit. Macaulay Culkin is with the lovely Brenda Song.

  3. Pseudo relative /godfather... been called here before. Hope it’s not one of her brothers!?
    Just thought MC because it’s been insinuated before:(

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Tricia13, think it might be about her and her cousin! ^

    "Paris Jackson, 20, shared screenshots from a fan page of news headlines speculating about her sexuality and a new relationship after she was pictured with her arm placed around a man.

    She told viewers that the man in question is in fact her cousin Austin Brown, 32.

    Paris and Austin, who is the son of Michael Jackson’s sister Rebbie Jackson Brown, were captured during a night out at an Eagles concert."

  5. Well...since I do not believe that Paris is in any way biologically related to Michael or any of that family so what?

    1. For your own mental well being I dont think you should have romantic relations with family, even if you are not biologically related. If you're raised as family then that's your family.

  6. Thanks@MandyCandy👍

  7. Ice Angel-------you made me spit my cola on my iPad...It's the whole truth

  8. Kinky little devil

  9. Not suprised that one of Rebbies kid is involved. She is a hard core Jehova Witness and I doubt Paris would adhere to their constant bible studies and other requirements.

  10. Yeah we're talking zero biological relation and it doesn't seem they were raised together. Trashy sure, but it's not Lannister level keeping it in the family.

  11. @Tricia, I am not mad at you. I am pissed off at fucking fat Enty who takes ludicrous gossips from social media and creates narrative to fit his hate preference. She is just attending a concert with her cousin for crying out loud.

  12. Am starting to get a Bobbi Kristina Brown vibe off of Paris lately.

  13. I'm with Brayson on this one, not THAAATTTTT big of a deal.

  14. Is it certain she is a blood relative of MJ and co? Or was she debbie rowe + donor?

  15. Mc
    And her are not kin..

  16. "Well...since I do not believe that Paris is in any way biologically related to Michael or any of that family so what?"

    "Kinky little devil"
    OMG! I see what you did there...LOL

  17. "Hooked up with" or was raped/molested?
