Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born former A list singer is kind of fanning the flames with her new song that perhaps she has been replaced by a body double.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Avril, fueling that dumb-ass conspiracy theory to try and keep herself relevant.

  3. Haha but it's such a fun conspiracy theory! :)

  4. It really isπŸ˜‚
    The real Avril is with Jimmy Hoffa somewhere lol.... and πŸ•ΊπŸ½ elvis

  5. And Paul McCartney.

  6. Obviously she's living on Tupac's island ;)

  7. This is pretty tongue in cheek lol

  8. Traditionally seeing a doppelganger was considered an omen of imminent death.

  9. She's just being Miley.

    Except it's not Miley. It's totally Avril.

  10. haha I immediately thought of Avril's statement that her album was inspired by her death or something like that

  11. Remember that time Garth Brooks tried to that Chris Gaines thing? This sort of reminds me of that.

  12. That Chris Gaines play by Garth Brooks was one of the strangest career moves the music business has ever seen. I was part of that, there was supposed to be a movie and a tour, he was really going to embrace this entire alternate persona. The album has a couple catchy tunes, but overall it was a disaster.

    Avril, on the other hand, has worked the cosmetic surgery bait'n'switch to better PR proportions than anyone, ever. The replacement angle is priceless.

  13. Sasha Fierce? Beyonce pulled that too.

  14. @DDonna - it is comments like yours (and I think you've chimed in on this before) that keep me coming back for the golden nuggets of CDaN, thank you.

  15. Avril having fun with that stupid conspiracy theory.

    Is she actually relevant anymore now?

  16. I really don't want to slag off on that Chris Gaines album. It consumed a very large part of my work and life for a very short period of time. I have good memories and the album is respectable. It's a weird mix of pastiche and tuneful. A few of the Beatles-esque knockoffs are a ton of fun. There's an obvious "Penny Lane" ripoff that is no less pleasurable for being an obvious ripoff.

    The Wikipedia entry does it some justice, and this sums it up pretty well: "The album received mixed reviews, and fan response was often bewilderment."

    I'd forgotten the movie idea came first. By the time I got on board, the movie was already back burner, the push now was to move units of "Chris Gaines Greatest Hits," or "Garth Brooks in ... The Life of Chris Gaines." Branding was a problem the project never surmounted, but it was not the only problem.

    We were all star struck and thought it was going to be a huge hit and Garth was going to reinvent himself and "Chris Gaines" was going to be a whole new thing in the music business, with a faux autobiographical theatrical film and a club, then stadium tour. Life in the Bubble!

    Of course it didn't turn out that way, the Chris Gaines persona actually made people think Garth Brooks might be a little nuts. They didn't "get it" at all and the album, though it sold about 2million, was considered a flop.

    Ironically, Garth Brooks' only top 40 hit (top 5, actually) is from that Chris Gaines album: "Lost In You":
