Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Blind Item #3

This CEO told everyone he wasn’t going to Burning Man this year, to focus on troubles at his company.  He sneaked over there anyway, stayed inside, and went on a wicked bender.

He also made the mistake of answering  questions from a journalist, about a controversial recent story by email, while in that state of mind.


  1. Elon sticking to his guns on the pedophile guy.

  2. Definitely Musk. I'm still waiting for his "leave of absence due to exhaustion".

    I wonder if we will get a blind item about this today:

      Me name is MacNamara, I'm the leader of the band
      Although we're few in numbers, we're the finest in the land
      We play at wakes and weddings and at every fancy ball
      And when we play the funerals, we play the March from Saul

  3. Ok, but the emails were sent over a week ago, days before he was supposedly at Burning Man.

  4. I hate to tell the same joke twice but



    GET IT?

  5. If it is Elon Musk, he tweeted out 7 hours ago that he'll be on Joe Rogan at 9:30 PM on Thursday (tomorrow).

    Just happened to see a the tweet after reading this.

    1. If that's true, I can't wait to tune into that shit show.

  6. Apparently, He is the most interesting CEO in the world. He says, "Stay thirsty my shorters."

  7. Why stay inside? You should have put on a mask like everyone else and enjoyed the art Elon.

  8. Burning Man, I wonder if he is a REAL "Burner" and understands it's it's real portend, it's sordid history, beginnings and what it has morphed into. Of course the official story is somewhat different but the Burning man was born from the ancient celtic practice of Wicker Man, a pagan festival where oftentimes a human victim would be sacrificed.

    I wouldn't think the truth is out there in abundance of this festival and most of you think it seems like the hippest thing on the West coast next to a Grateful Dead concert where it's nothing but peace, love, happiness and the American Dream. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Of course we can see that it is not only difficult to reserve a space and get tickets, expensive and is jam packed full of silicon valley moguls and techie nerds to trust fundies and what it seems nowadays are people with WAY too much free time on their hands.

    It gets MUCH darker than that. What you are witnessing in the Black Rock desert is another full blown pagan festival laid out every year according to a very precise grid AND pentagram. It is the STREAMLINE of the FUTURE of concert events and festivals.

    What you are observing is another continuing experiment in the CONTROL and MANIPULATION of the FLOW of PEOPLE and RESOURCES. It is the EVOLUTION of the festival and concert experience to be IMPLEMENTED all around the country in combination with the TSA and other security measures because of the tightening threats around the world.

    Everyone there is being TRACKED (admission bracelets) by military satellites and the Burning Man team studies the results, having an intimate knowledge of the possession and flow of goods and services at the festival, what you do and how you do it.

    This is a continuation of the spook programs you california freaks like to run on the rest of the country out there in the land of sunshine.

    There are a few researchers that have dug up ALL the dirt on you occult scum that have infiltrated the good thing all people want: Real Freedom.

    Steve Outtrim – “Shadow History of Burners, Pt 7: Social Engineering on the Electronic Frontier""

    Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1

    1. Wrong. There are no admission bracelets. They don’t even take your tickets to get in. Sorry to disappoint but I’ve been twice and plan events for a living and it is not as sophisticated as you imagine.

  9. OMG! This must be the interview, from Twitter 18 hours ago:

  10. @solo

    what bracelets? I never wore a bracelet on playa... maybe tighten up the tinfoil hat?

  11. My brother has attended Burning Man more than once and he wasn't involved in any occult business. I'm sure there are always a couple weirdos but from what I've heard, it's mostly a good time for everyone.

  12. Jimbonius said...

    what bracelets? I never wore a bracelet on playa... maybe tighten up the tinfoil hat?

    Ok. I'll take that. I must have misinterpreted some of the Steve Outrim's video above. I was under the impression that they had been giving out those bracelets as a prerequisite on grounds as they do around much of the country already after the ticket had been surrendered, and that was the vehicle for the rfid.

    NICE attempt at trying to discredit me with the tinfoil hat comment considering ANYONE who would spend ANY time at a Burning Man festival HAS to have had JUST AS MANY if not more illicit substances in their life than I have, so I probably wouldn't want to call you a role model for society either bud and we all make a few mistakes here and there. I still won't concede that any of Mr. Outrim's material is incorrect in any way and Burning Man IS a CIA experiment no matter how hard you protest or disagree, the video will speak for itself. I do know that tracking is done somehow and it IS as simple as pointing a satellite at you because they can see a dime in your pocket. Satellite resources are utilized for this service specifically for this experiment.

    I do appreciate your effort.

  13. @ solo

    Lighten up francis. I was just having some fun with the tinfoil comment. I'm sure if they wanted to park a satellite right over BRC and watch every individual, they probably could. Not sure to what end, as it's basically a big party in the desert.

    I will say Satan must love fitness, because the city layout meant I had to bike 5-7 miles a day just to get around and see/do things.

  14. keep up the copying and pasting you stupid piece of shit. WE DO LOVE THAT SPAM asshole. And once again you cocksucker before you even try today go fuck yourself troll.

  15. Anonymous9:29 AM

    He sounds suicidal. Mmm

  16. I've never been to "Burning Man."
    No desire to go either.

    I hope all who do attend have a great time and arrive and depart safely.

    Best of Luck to all "Burning Man" attendees!

  17. I wondered about those odd journalist tweets in my feed last night (but not enough to keep me from going to sleep).

    Thanks CDaNers.

  18. sandybrook said...

    keep up the copying and pasting you stupid piece of shit. WE DO LOVE THAT SPAM asshole. And once again you cocksucker before you even try today go fuck yourself troll.

    You really are a piece of shit.

  19. Burning man is for dorks. As far as Elon goes he might be the "most talked about CEO" but it's in the how not to do it not positive way.

  20. +1 Super Comic, great link

    I totally called it to a friend that Musk must have thought that old British guy went to Thailand for the kids not the food.

  21. I went to Burning Man many years ago, not the first but one of the first, in the early 90s, before it jumped the shark. It was debauched and occult even then. I did not like it and have never and will never go again.

  22. But not quite the rancid pile of shit you are you cocksucking gutless motherfucker am I Solo? You've got me way beat there almost as much as my IQ is much, much higher than yours and my bankroll could buy and sell you at least 500,000x over. Think about it you fucking loser. And while you're thinking about it you worthless piece of shit, think about leaving this fucking site too and going back to InfoWars with the rest of the conspiracy theories idiots you adore. Understand pussy?

  23. @solo You are HILARIOUS. From over here. I'd imagine you're quite frightening up close. Look, you can make any claim you like, of course, but when it's clearly ludicrous you can fully expect to be called out on it.

  24. AkhaldonSolo is right. I've known this for Yeats. I'm glad others are waking up

  25. Solo reminds me of that guy on Sirius that just croaked. Riley Martin . 🤣🤣



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