Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blind Item #3

As I predicted, this A list singer, who is going through a lot right now mentally, has been seeking comfort with one of her exes who made news with her. That leaves the current boyfriend wondering his status. If they do split, he will lose it.


  1. Ariana/Davidson

  2. Only other ex is Big Sean. That's a real dumb move if true.

  3. Where's Tricia? She seems to know this stuff more than most.

  4. What "big news" did she & Big Sean have? She's in DM today for skipping in the rain in NYC...

    1. He started dating her before breaking up with the GLEE chick. I think the Glee chick was pregnant too. I don't know, I could be getting my blinds mixed up 😁.

  5. I tried to sleuth (clearly not my forte) and Big Sean was posting from a plane on instagram 2 days ago - so he could be in NY?

    And I thought demi was single/exploring her bisexuality rn but Wilmer has been snooping around

  6. Imagine seeking solace in those trackmarked arms and butthole eyes.
    Big Sean on the other hand, big?

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  8. How about Ariana Grande and Ricky Alvarez, that dude she licked and spit on donuts with? The very second I began to loathe her....

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

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  9. Has to be Ariana because Demi is A- LIST . if it is her then the current boyfriend would be Valderrama and the ex someone else .But this is probably the former Nick star and not the former Disney one

    1. Can’t be Demi, Valderrama is her ex and Enty said Demi is hooking up with a female in Rehab about a week or so ago, he said the two started a relationship.

  10. @TellMeLies +1! I was trying to make Alvarez fit but somehow forgot he was there for donutgeddon

  11. Really that Pattinson blind should have all of CDAN wondering how nice Davidson smells after shitting himself whilst on a bender

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Ariana and Ricky, he made the news with her during that donut fiasco.

  13. Adrianna's love-goggles for Pete seem to be fading fast. Her what-the-fuck-am-I-thinking moment is in 3....2.....1.....

  14. Pete and Ariana moved in together 3 months ago, so I doubt this is true.

  15. @TellMeLies I think you cracked it I forgot about Ricky tbh hope he's good lol
    Wouldn't be surprised she liked Ricky it seemed but donutgeddon really ruined her image for awhile.

  16. @Ophelia- I think the news she made with Big Sean is that she was the other woman... she's the reason he and Naya broke up.

  17. I think Ariana did the math and realized that if a current boyfriend OD's right after an ex did, even her most blind fans will know she's using. If she dumps Pete and he's OD's, she can always claim she couldn't live with his drug use anymore.

  18. I read Davidson just got another tattoo for her. (Jesus, take the wheel)Can't judge though because in my early twenties I confused infatuation for love too . Meh. Live and learn.

  19. He isn’t her boyfriend, he’s her fiancé.

  20. Naya had previously been pregnant, but not by Big Sean. The father, according her her autobiography, was her now ex-husband. They had broken up just before Glee took off and she found out she was pregnant shortly thereafter.

    It makes me sad that I know that. Naya was cute back then. Big Sean had an obsession with Kim Kartrashian and Naya got a ton of plastic surgery to look more like her. It ruined her, as far as I'm concerned.



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