Monday, September 24, 2018

Blind Item #3 - Guess The Athlete

There was a meeting recently in regards to this athlete and their ego. This athlete is at their peak and one of the best in their respective sport. One may say they’re one of the best EVER in their respective sport. The higher ups spoke with the athlete and voiced their concerns on this athletes ego. Tone it down, or you will be made an example of. The athlete agreed and then proceeded to disregard the concerns of the higher ups. This, was not a wise decision. There was an event recently in which this athlete competed, and was fully expected to win. This athlete came prepared and fully expected to win. This athlete performed very well and fully expected to win. This athlete did not win. The message was delivered very clearly to the athlete. 


  1. Serena. I don’t get it, what the hell do they want her to do? Why’s she being punished when so many men are able to do what she did but worse and get away with it? I’m sick and tired of this

  2. Serena... Tennis has a problem with ladies of color.

  3. its not serena... she's not at "her peak" whatsoever and far from it
    Its not tiger woods cause he just won a tournament

    i bet on some basketball star, ego is such a crazy thing in that sport

  4. Yes, Enty, we get it, it's Serena.

    Yes, Enty, we get it, these blinds will continue because Reddit (and by association, Serena's husband) banned QAnon/Great Awakening/hate group crazies.

    Also, what's with the implication that "the athlete" lost because of punishment for past behavior? Is this meant to say that Serena was actually right about the judging? Nice message there. Play well, bring our sport attention, make us money, but don't you dare forget your place.

  5. How does tennis have a problem with ladies of color? Venus & Serena have been mega stars for years.

  6. LOL, this sounds like NFL fans every Sunday..."We lost cuz the refs blew a call cuz therz a conspiracy by the league against my team"

  7. Serena. Tennis doesn’t have a problem with her. She’s made herself the problem.

  8. Excusing or deflecting obviously shoddy behavior by blaming other people takes away the person’s agency and autonomy as an individual. Serena is an extraordinary athlete and she should be even more popular than she already is but she has made some bad decisions which tarnished her image. SHE made those decisions. Don’t blame other people.

  9. So does this mean commenters can finally stop derailing unrelated posts to argue about Serena??

  10. @Anonymous... If Enty hates Serena because of her husbands actions why is Enty taking Serena's side by reporting she is a victim of a conspiracy ?

    You know how stupid that sounds ?

  11. As an alternative, Gennady Golovkin, or some other boxer or mma guy? The ability of the governing body to dictate the outcome is highest in there. With GGG the ego thing doesn't fit the public image but he was "owed" a decision which he did not receive

  12. This sounds like a sport where judging determines the winner. Ice skating, gymnastics etc... Serena isn't at the top her game right now, shes been eliminated early in a few tournaments.

  13. Is this a gymnast?? Serena isn’t at her peak and she didn’t perform well at the Us open. Naomi beat her fairly.

  14. Serena is fat and out of shape. She dug her own hole. Her defense of Kaperdick isn't helping her popularity in her particular sport either.
    Get in shape and make a comeback or don't let the door hit you on the way out. Talk about your sport and not politics and it is amazing how popular you can be forever.

  15. @MDAnderson at their peak and possibly best EVER for gymnastics would be Simone but I hardly believe she has an ego problem. Her instagram is adorable & she seems very grateful for where she is.

  16. For a different take Brock Lesnar and the WWE. Brock lost the WWE Universal championship to Roman Reigns at Summerslam on August 19.

  17. Sounds like F1 driver Sebastian Vettel to me. Been having lots of issues lately. And yes, he is one of the best ever.

  18. Re making sure Serena didn't win: After considering this I suppose it's possible that the US Open purposely put Carlos Ramos in the chair because he's the strictest umpire and wouldn't care that it was the final. But beyond that what more could they do? They couldn't make Naomi Osaka play well. They couldn't be sure Serena would break her racket.
    So I'm not sure how this could be her.

  19. It's nothing to do with race. As another poster pointed out, she and her sister have been sport celebrities for years. I do agree with the hypocrisy of her being punished severely compared to male tennis players. McEnroe and Becker, who frequently lost their temper, were being "competitive" and "had character" while Serena has been portrayed as a child throwing a temper tantrum even though she's grown up. To be fair, she very rarely kicks off.

    1. McEnroe was 40 years ago. This is a day and age where everything is heard, repeated ad naseum and never forgotten. He wasn’t exactly beloved either. Serena is the greatest female athlete in her sport ever. She is worth millions upon millions of dollars. And she’s neither stupid nor a victim. She controls her own behavior, no one else. She just doesn’t want to take responsibility for it.

  20. Yup it's Serena

    "In the final, the American was given a code violation for coaching, incurred a point penalty for racquet smashing and was docked a game for verbal abuse.

    Williams denies she was being coached from the stands, despite her coach Patrick Mouratoglou saying he was sending her signals."

  21. Thsi is total and utter nonsense. Anyone who saw the match knows that Naomi Osaka beat Serena fair and square, and would have beaten her regardless of any controversy.

  22. All the penalties in the world weren't the reason Osaka kicked Serena's ass 6-2 in the first set.

    This is a judging sport. NOT Serena.

  23. I can believe this, the tennis world is run by c19th assholes. The only reason i watch Wimbledon every year is if serena is playing. DGAF about any other player.

  24. Play Euro games, win Euro prizes

  25. She freaked out at being called out for cheating (which her coach admitted) because she knows everyone assumes she's been 'roided to the gills to do what she's done, just like Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, and every other athlete who does what seems physically impossible. So she's highly sensitive to that charge, and was losing to a relative nobody, so she lost her shit. Then she doubled-down by claiming she was fighting for fairness for women, which was nonsense since her opponent was a woman. It was a shitty thing to do, since it marred what should have been a magical moment for the winner.

    I generally like Serena. She seems like a nice girl trapped inside a super-competitive machine, probably not of her making. But that was a bad show by her all around.

  26. Oh, and as others have said, Serena was getting trounced long before that penalty. No chair umpire can swing a match by several games. So this blind isn't about Serena, unless we're supposed to believe they doctored her racket or sedated her or something to make her lose.

    Tiger used to have a huge ego, but he's really scaled that back and seems almost humble this time around. Plus he won his tournament, so it's not him either. There was just a boxing match in Vegas that had a mildly controversial decision, but I don't know enough about it to know if it fits.

    1. Serena has zero agency and the patriarchy conspired to force her to act out and set a poor example.

  27. So we're going with roid rage then?

  28. I'm not even a casual watcher of tennis, but the way she behaved was pretty awful. It also seems like it wasn't her first rodeo when it comes to abusing officials when the match isn't going her way.

    For everyone saying the men do far worse without penalty, I say put up or shut up. Post the videos so we can evaluate it - stop speaking in anecdotes.

    I feel like this has less to do with her being a woman or black... and more with her being an asshole.

    1. Good lord, Google is your friend. Google John McInroe and Ily Nastase. Plenty of far worse behavior from them and no penalty. Nastase was so vicious his nickname is "Nasty".

  29. Not Serena---she is far from her peak as the blind she is 36 and has a gazillion in the bank from her past deals no higher up would raise the issue of her ego now that she is near the end of her career.

    1. "Far from peak"
      "Near end of career"
      Which is it?

  30. I'm guessing that the people defending Serena's little rant didn't bother to look into statistics and history. If they had, they would have seen that men get punished significantly more for showing much less unprofessional behavior than she did.
    But sure, yeah, sexism, yadda yadda. Nothing to do with the fact that she was completely unprofessional. That couldn't possibly be it.
    Jimbo - google it, dude. This isn't your own personal wiki.

  31. They were penalized regularly. Male tennis players are penalized far more than female tennis players.

    Serena can easily come back from this. People in general want to see her succeed. I certainly do. But her behavior in that match was awful, before and after the match. She got beat and she continued to make the whole thing about her. Bleh. Now we'll see if she learns from her mistakes.

  32. The subtext... sports are rigged... message received.

  33. This is GGG vs Canelo Alvarez, bcoz in both their encounters he lost based on judges decision which have been controversial, and both of them took place in Vegas! Judges cannot influence tennis matches to any large extent! And the bosses Enty is talking about, WTA head and US OPEN head actually threw Ramos under the bus!

  34. Screams Conor. Drug use - drinking. Bashing the Sport - it's fighters - UFC Brass and Dana White. Drinking during Press Conferences. Chair Throwing. Womanizing and beating his long time GF Dee. He's spiraling out of control. Setting up for a huge crashing fireball.

  35. Pretty sure this is Serena.

  36. McEnroe and Ilie Nastase were FORTY YEARS AGO, people. They literally changed the rules of tennis because of their outbursts. So it's really not a good comparison.

  37. @s.s.

    "why is Enty taking Serena's side by reporting she is a victim of a conspiracy ?"

    Enty does that all the time - takes both sides with opposing blinds. It means that a whole lot of this is nonsense.

  38. @Amartel

    "Male tennis players are penalized far more than female tennis players."

    Not for being coached from the stands they aren't, not ever in fact, even when it is obvious that a dialogue is going on between them and their coaches while playing...Pete Sampras being a prime example of this.

    It was an extremely weird call. If you can find other examples of it happening to male or female players, it would make your point a touch more accurate and interesting.

  39. Anonymous10:43 AM

    1.) I watched Serena's match. She lost, fair and square. Her manager admitted to cheating. She may not have seen him, but he did it. I don't care if everyone else does, you know the rules, follow them. If you are taking a test in class and you get caught cheating, the "everyone else is doing it" doesn't fly. Not good role modeling. In saying that, they need to enforce the rules fairly. She broke her racket in anger. She called the ref a liar (when her manager later admitted the ref was right). She didn't hit the ball when it was aimed at her. She lost by more than the penalty.

    2.) Tiger Woods just had about 1,000 people follow him to the 18th hole to watch him win the Championship. He is definitely a winner. No one stopped him from winning.

    3.) Gymnastics- not Simone. She came back and won her first tournament she went to, after over a year off (U.S. Championship) by over 4 points, which is HUGE!!

    4.) About the whole black thing- Tiger is revered by millions of people- white, black, polka-dot. He is the #1 fan favorite in golf, plain and simple. The GOAT. Serena is revered by millions of people- white, black, polka-dot. She is the #1 fan favorite in women's tennis, the GOAT. Simone Biles- the GOAT for gymnastics. Millions of little girls idolize her. Lebron James, Stephan Curry, ______ (fill in the blank)- they are the fan favorites for basketball. Michael Jordan is still revered today (and in my opinion, the GOAT). Football- name your top favorite players- several black players would be on the list. After all, OJ Simpson still has people begging him for an autograph, and we all know his past. Michael Strayhan parlayed his football career into T.V. and he is high on the t.v. list.

    I could go on and on about black people being loved by black people, white people, whatever color. If you are likable and good at what you do, people like you. Yes, there are people who will cause you trouble and say mean things, but that occurs for all. Can we all please move on from the color thing? I probably know more white people I can't stand than black people.

  40. She acted like an ahole and is getting treated like an ahole. This has NOTHING to do with race or gender. Get over it and quit trying to make her a victim. She needs to grow up.

  41. @orangesoda nah, don't care enough to google. I wasted enough time even commenting here about it.

    But just like McEnroe, Williams seems like a jerk.

  42. Serena was OUT OF ORDER. She acts like a princess that everyone needs to worship. Princesses love digging their holes deeper and deeper.

  43. Enty makes Guess The Athlete Blinds difficult on purpose.

    I agree with the person who said this is a judging sport like gymnastics or ice skating. Nathan Chen has not competed yet, so not him. I hope he got his wake up call at the recent Olympics. Otherwise his Harvard classmates will be more than happy to give it to him.

    Could still be Serena unless this is one of those times we are to take the blind in its entirety at face value.

    This is not a race issue. Serena lost to a biracial woman. Naomi is half Japanese, half black (Haitian is not a race). I still think Serena was triggered to lose her mental focus. Just because she lost the first set does not mean she would have lost the US Open. Plus that umpire or whatever they call those people is known to be less than fair. I felt bad for Naomi, then I saw all her new endorsement deals. She'll be crying tears of joy as she goes to the bank.

    As for Simone Biles, she may not have an ego problem but she is not above throwing shade and throwing other gymnasts under the bus. Search her Twitter if you like to read Tweets. Read her interviews. Not a fan. As far as her GOAT status, would she have it if she were not taking Adderall (I know, she has a legitimate medical condition)?

  44. It was amazing how many baseball players came down with ADHD when drug testing for speed started.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. +1000 @Brayson87.

  47. McEnroe's assholishness was never considered just "competitive" or whatever other BS VikingSong is trying to serve. He acted like a dickhead, as did Williams, and they are correctly thought of as such for their boorish behavior. Informing the judge I'LL HAVE YOUR JOB? Uh, ooookay.

  48. Stop comparing athletes from Forty years ago to a player today. It only makes sense when a contemporary is given as an example. This one probably is meant to be Serena.

  49. I think the real issue is Serena publicly supporting Kapernek, and becoming outspoken in general. She was always sold to the masses as non political, easy when she was a Jehovah's Witness. It is not gender,race,or even a bad attitude. They want the"old" Serena, or a new fresh face. And Serena handed it to them.

  50. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Everyone sees the elephant in the room, where Serena Williams is concerned. Right in the middle of the F'in room. Waving its trunk at everybody.

    But nobody says a word.

    Do your research.

  51. The term "Greatest of All Time" (GOAT) is usually reserved for Roger Federer in tennis.

    If this is true it explains how he comported himself in Chicago this past weekend.

  52. Phil Heath lost the Mr. Olympia title to someone nobody expected to win.

  53. Can't be Serena, she's way past her peak and was already well beaten by the time her nasty bullying side kicked in. As the blind said the athlete 'performed very well'-not really if it's Serena.
    Would be nice to make it fit but it's far too much of a leap.

  54. Serena got OWNED by Osaka so I'm not feeling her.

    Could be GGG but he actually lost his fight to Canelo. You don't call out someone to fight Mexican style and then back away from them the whole fight. His face looked like the backside of one of Charlie Sheen's hookers after the fight.

    Probably some more obscure sport I'm not familiar with like gymnastics.

  55. Serena had a bad case of roid rage at the worst possible moment. If you still need a smoking gun to prove she's on steroids other than her bulging muscles and budding penis, there's that.
