Sunday, September 09, 2018

Blind Item #3 - Creative Arts Emmy Awards

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress has a pay cable middling hit in which she stars. She also spent most of the night at an after party with her head down doing lines of coke. She would take breaks to make out with a woman who did not appear to be her date, but someone she met at the party.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SJW Me Tooing celebrities love their coca plant and don’t give a rat’s ass about the abject misery it rains upon innocents in order for them to have it. I hope they all get a bad batch and their hearts explode.

  3. Replies
    1. Westworld isn’t “middling”

  4. +1 for E R Wood. Bad news.

  5. Most likely Evan if she was there. Sarah's show isn't pay cable. If Frankie Shaw from SMILF was there, I'd consider her too.

  6. I can see Paulson cheating, but not the drugs.

  7. Agree with ERW, but not sure she was there. Might be from one of the girls from that show Vida on Starz. They were there.

  8. Ew. Hepatitis is a thing.
