Saturday, September 15, 2018

Blind Item #2

Of course this Mr. Burns look alike would say what he said simply because of the things he has done to his current wife and all the other wives of his past. He should be glad there ws no #MeToo movement back in the day or he would be screwed. He also thinks that all women will stay no matter what if the money is right. He proved that with the current one. Not sure why she stayed other than the bucks.


  1. Well, many like the bucks. That's not news.

  2. I would guess that his wife believes that he can't live much longer so why divorce now?

  3. He is gonna live past 100. Lol

  4. Does Enty sleep in on the weekends? Man I’m bored af I’ve been up since 6 Central time, refreshing the dang page...finally rewarded with...some skinny kids in undies and Furry helmets that I can never unsee, and...a Larry King blind? Plz feed me Seymour, I can’t thrive on this crap. Happy weekend, everybody

    1. Love the little shop reference

  5. OG enty would sleep in till 900 on the weekends. If it was really bad, he would post an explanation! 🤣

    1. Thank Auntie! I guess I shouldn’t complain then hehe 😉

  6. Blinds start at 8am on weekends Kit :) whether or not they’re posted at 8 am is another story... in this case it was an hour late. Lol

  7. My favorite Larry King moment was when he thought the cameras were off during a Bill Clinton interview when BC was running for president the first time and King told Clinton he was carrying a message from Ted Turner that Turner "would serve [him], if you know what I mean."

  8. You go ahead and sleep in on the weekends Enty, you deserve it. :)
