Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Item #2

File this under it only happened in her drug addled mind. I'm not sure the point of her doing this, but it didn't happen. This foreign born former A- list singer turned mess of an adult who still somehow has a several million dollar a year job did not hook up with this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list mostly movie actor. Her people leaked it and I don't understand why.


  1. Of course they didn't hook up. If she ain't got a big ol' penis then I doubt Zac would ever even look at her. He likes the "D"

  2. I didn’t believe it either and it didn’t make anyyyyyy type of sense at all

  3. She is probably looking for an endorsement for Raya (the dating app for "creative types") except that's not really their business model

  4. Someone's still trying to push Efron as a straight hunk, and Mel B's people will take any non-toxic publicity they can get.

  5. Oh Raya, that's like Bumble for white people right?

  6. The point is obviously to compete with the other hottest straightest interracial power couple of 2018:

  7. I could see this. She likes to use strap on so this very well could have happened. Mel does have a masculine energy and take charge vibe.

  8. I read this yesterday and immediately wondered on what planet that might have happened.

  9. Might explain what drove him to the other team, one night with Scary Spice ;)
