Friday, September 07, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A- list horror director/part-time actor has a secret child with a porn star he has been hiding for nearly a decade. He says if it became public it would ruin his career. I don't see how that is possible, but to each his own.


  1. Eli Roth makes more sense.

  2. Eli Roth comes from a conservative family so might be concerned about this news, is young enough to fit the bill, and Cronenberg is close to 70 yrs old... though in Hollywood anything seems possible.

  3. I hardly think that would ruin Roth's career, but it still fits him best. Must be some other reason he's hiding it.

  4. I side with HeatherBee. Wan seems more apt. Roth brought torture porn into pop culture. No one would bat an eye to a child with a porn star. Whoever it is, they need to man up and be a Daddy to that kid. He needs to be proud of the kid. Tell the world you love your kid. If they don’t like tell them to fuck off.

  5. Some piece of the puzzle is missing here, either something about the conception or the treatment of the child.

  6. I was thinking Rob Zombie, but not sure all his credits, which are mostly V.O., fit the bill here.

  7. Ben Jagger

    The guy that produced and directed that blip on the screen and such a failure Corbin Nash that typecast Corey Feldman as the blood sucking Lubavitcher (pagan cult "Jews that call themselves Jews but are not" hiding in Judaism) Transvestite dicksucker that he is in real life.

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Maybe the porn star was underage at the time getting pregnant? If he's proven via DNA to be the father, I could see that ruining a director's career.

  9. Roth is the one that fits.

  10. Eli Roth. Britney Skye.

  11. Roth. why would it ruin him?? i don't get it

  12. Who the hell has sex with a porn star unwrapped? Oh, wait....

  13. eli roth makes sick shit but he seems very normal in interviews

  14. I don't get why it would ruin his career. Is the kid not being provided for? Is something wrong with it and the father doesn't care?

  15. Definitely Eli Roth, but I don't get how it would ruin his career, nobody cares about that kinda stuff anymore, unless of course it's a male porn star or something like that ya know

    Maybe it's his fear of the public finding out that he possesses advanced knowledge that was given to him in the form of sacred texts & long ago weather eroded scrolls from our Ancient Ancestors (if you know what I mean and I know, you know, what I mean)

    Thing is though, I knew Eli Roth was a pioneer in the horror genre, I mean a maverick, but science fiction as well? Perhaps the film "Splice" was his life story, right? Or no?

    Could you even imagine giving birth to a director's child? It would probably go a little something like this...

    "Um, the lighting wasn't bright enough in that last delivery scene, so um, could we put that there baby back in your birthing canal and get a few more retakes"

    Said baby carrier would have a big X in white tape on their belly so the baby in question would not miss it's mark, and so I guess one thing that they'd have to look forward to are the conception scene re-shoots

    amiright? or amiwrong?

    "I'm Left"
