Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Blind Item #1

I don't think he has been in contact with her, but someone reminded this former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress about all the footage that was shot of her naked doing all kinds of things which would be "leaked" if she says anything negative about a certain permanent A lister.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Selena has enough money to last.

  3. Selena naked doing all kinds of things, like folding laundry and doing taxes.

  4. Sorry to burst your bubble but the music industry is not the lucrative animal it once was. Hardly anyone buys "records" due to cyber piracy and unless Selena writes her own music then she has no publishing and that's where the money is. So she along with her musical contemporaries are not swimming in dough.

  5. Demi's Overdose Mansion is on the market as per NYP

    1. What does Demi’s house being up for sale have to do with this blind about Selena?

  6. Selena Gomez and Woody Allen. What could she possibly say that would be worse for him than what Dylan & Ronan (and the judge in his custody case for the 2) has said about him? (To fair to Woody, his religion gives him the green light to rape and abuse goy children, so he isn't pretending when he doesn't understand what he did wrong.)

    @Hamdi - see if you can guess which religion that is? (I'm guessing it's yours too.)

    1. The only thing I can imagine a celebrity not wanting seen is a video of them participating in some Marina Abramovićesque ritual.

      If Lindsay Lohan can learn to live with being shit on for money, so can you.

    2. I'm atheist.

      Now....what's this.....Oh look, a survivor of islamic paedophilia...

      "I’m a Rotherham grooming gang survivor. I call myself a survivor because I’m still alive. I’m part of the UK’s largest ever child sexual abuse investigation.

      As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white cunt” as they beat me.

      They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress “modestly”, that they believed I deserved to be “punished”. They said I had to “obey” or be beaten.

  7. Footage that was shot makes it sound like during a film, the kind of stuff that professionally should have never seen the light of day:

    "all the footage that was shot of her naked doing all kinds of things"

  8. Anyone can do a quick internet search and find her naked. Who cares.

    If Amanda Seyfried has pictures out there giving bf's, what could SG be afraid of... amirite?

  9. @Montana she was the person with the most instagram followers for awhile and has several high profile advertising jobs along with the Netflix show.

    Even if music isn't lucrative she's got several side gigs and has made a pretty penny through her profile

  10. Seriously autocorrect? bf's?

    BJ's - I MEAN'T BJ's!

  11. +1 Geel for that rabbit hole

    "Abramović worked with Jacob Samuel to produce a cookbook of "aphrodisiac recipes" called Spirit Cooking in 1996. These "recipes" were meant to be "evocative instructions for actions or for thoughts."[25] For example, one of the recipes calls for "13,000 grams of jealousy," while another says to "mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk."[26] The work was inspired by the popular belief that ghosts feed off intangible things like light, sound, and emotions.[27]",_1996

  12. Aww, Jumbo- that autocorrect will getcha!😆

  13. This is blackmail. If it’s true she should go right to the police.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Talking of naked antics, according to the hadiths, muhammad would indulge in thighing and tonguing with six year old Aisha. How holy and spiritual.

  16. Drop dead, Thot Crimes, you fucking ignorant bigot.

  17. boy we are getting an awful lot of copying and pasting on CDaN today arent we?

  18. @Do Tell, you call out Thot Crimes but the shit Hamid spews is fine? WTF.

    This is why I hate ALL religion.

  19. @Do Tell - Don't blame me, blame Judaism; I dind't make the rules.

    Dylan Farrow was adopted, so she was fair game in Woody's belief system.

    Soon-Yi Previn was adopted, so she was fair game in Woody's belief system too.

    A judge in court came to these same conclusions in his decision to deny WA custody and visitation rights. Brayson posted the link to the pdfs, and if you read the whole thing, you would have the whole picture.

    Q: It has never once struck you as odd that Harvey has Zero victims from his tribe?

    I know, I know, more coincidence, right?

    1. That's why there's an epidemic of sex attacks and rapes by Jewish men in Europe, right?

      Oh, wait, it's actually muslim men who've turned Sweden and Germany into the rape capital of Europe.

      That's why there's an epidemic of child rape in Britain by Jews, right?

      Oh, wait, it's actually muslim men who've groomed, tortured and raped underage girls while reciting passages from the koran.

      That's why there's an epidemic of terrorism across the world since September 11 committed by Jews, right?

      Oh, wait, it's actually been muslims who've carried out over 35,000 terrorist attacks worldwide in the last 17 years, like New York, San Bernardino, Bali, Madrid, Miami, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, London, London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Manchester, Malmo, Molenbeek.....

  20. I'm with @Rosie Riveter. Selena should tough it out / call their bluff. .....Doesn't she have a 'little black book' of memoirs or something? I reckon she's nothing to worry about.

  21. @HeatherBEE, now i have an image of Selena Gomez doing her taxes while naked and i get it out of my head! Thanks for that!

  22. Deleted my comment. Of course it’s Selena and ?

  23. To me is Selena and Justin Bieber, she could easily talk shit about him, and likely he filmed her naked doing anything. I doubt woody would have access to that much filming and she wiuld do anything like that... but to a former love...

  24. Ariana? or Hillary Duff or Mandy Moore

  25. Ok, I'm not trying to call out anyone specifically but I'm getting really tired of the whole spirit cooking, Podesta pedophile art B.S. I've looked up Abramovic's so called "spirit cooking" and it's simply a performance art concept from 1996. Podesta does have a unique art collection but it's not pedophilia. There are so many conservative overtones to these claims, I feel like I'm reading Breitbart. I come here for the celebrity gossip and to do a bit of baseless celeb gossip myself. Not to hear the right wing agenda. This is getting ridiculous.

    1. No offense, but if paintings of half naked/bound children or paintings of children being sexually assaulted is considered "unique" and not "pedo-esque" I'm scared.

      As far as Marinas "art" she depicts canabilism so often, I wouldn't be surprised if she was into vore.

      Im neither D or R for reference.

  26. Somewhere on this site, last year, there was a blind about Woody Allen making it very difficult for Selena to get cast and forcing her to audition again and again, stripping nude for his camera, five times, before he finally cast her in "A Rainy Day In New York City."

    I'd bet Woody Allen's collection of similar starlets throughout history doing similar cinematic feats is rivaled by few. Perhaps that is why some actresses continue to stick up for him in public. They are all being blackmailed.

  27. I thought a blind awhile back said Selena could care less about anything Woody Allen has been accused of?

    Isnt she too busy looking for drugs to be coming out against him?

    1. That would be Elle Fanning.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. @Heather Topless and doing coke like a champ. Allegedly. I heard about this YEARS ago.

  29. i hope those get leaked asap

  30. It's been a long time since Woody had any such power over anyone. His US financiers left long ago and he cobbles together something out of Euro investors. Nobody would help Woody to such an extent.



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