Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Blind Item #1

Things are getting even worse for this permanent A list "singer." With no one to care about her except for herself, she needs at least a year off instead of being rushed off to rehearsals for more money making ventures she doesn't want.


  1. +1 she seems excited for the Piece of Me tour to end

  2. She needs to get a lawyer.

  3. +1 Tricia. That poor girl needs a break!

  4. Britney's father looks out for her ao not her. I think he keeps her busy because working keeps her sane. Who else?

  5. Britney with down time doesn't always work out so well, but maybe they could slow down the pace a bit.

  6. Should have rented her a centralized chateau and coptered her to shoes instead of living in hotel roons

  7. @B626, people do like shoes! ;)

  8. Its Britney Bitch, https://youtu.be/3HjIljJd-o0

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Her life is so depressing--first, she was pimped out to essentially make soft-core kiddie porn. Then when she quickly aged out of being a backwoods Lolita, she had easily $100K of plastic surgery so she could strip to Janet Jackson reject songs. Anyone she cared about betrayed her at some point (her mother, JT, etc.), she is mentally unfit to parent her two kids, looks much older than she is, and is being used as a cash cow for 100s of people. Isn't there something really perverse and sad about watching this used-up has-been with drug problems and kids who were taken away from her shuffle around the stage to 20 year old songs with her C-section scar barely covered?

    Frankly, I like some of her songs and always thought she seemed like a nice person. She had a couple of iconic performances but hasn't been culturally relevant since I was in high school...and I'll be 35 this month. She may have A-list recognition but in the eyes of Hollywood circles, she has always been in the bottom rungs socially. The best she ever did was JT before anyone cared who he was. Who else has ever dated her that wasn't a leech or possibly a paid monitor? She never seemed to have any friends other than when Paris Hilton latched on to ignite her music career.

    I think Britney would have done great as someone's back-up dancer--she never had much vocal talent (yes, she could scream as a kid on Disney) but before she messed up her knees was a good dancer and a great gymnast. She could have traveled the world, done what she loved, and been a Jenna Dewan-type, maybe appearing in a dance movie. Her mental health issues may not have been as severe and she would have been a lot happier.

    This is what happens when desperate people pimp out their common-looking and not particularly bright kid out of greed and a way out of poverty.

    1. Wow. That whole thing you wrote was peppered with so much spite and vitriol that it borders on hatred. You could have made your point without calling this woman a used up has been with her barely covered c section scar. Nevermind the ugly things you saw fit to write about this girl you don't know. Just wow. It makes me sad, to witness everyday the glee with which women tear down other women. Horrible.

    2. LMAO! "She had a couple of iconic performances but hasn't been culturally relevant since I was in high school...and I'll be 35 this month."

      Not even yourself believe this shit. Just because you don't see her as "relevant" doesn't mean she isn't. If the last time she was relevant to you was when you were in highschool, that means almost 20 years ago since you're 35 already. FYI Britney just turned 20 years into her career, so that timing doesn't make sense AT ALL. Britney was huge end of 90s, all 2000s decade and the first couple of years this decade. So who exactly are you talking about? It definitely doesn't match Britney. Not even Xtina is that irrelevant. Shit, not even Jessica Simpson is that irrelevant. So, please stfu. You're just a hardcore hater trying to be nice and shady at the same time.

  10. Hey Britney is permanent A list, unlike most of the clowns in Hollywood.
    If having an awful childhood, addictions, mental issues and a shitty love life detracted from one's fame, then no one would be permanent A list.
    She probably would have been happier down a different life path, but so would half the people in the world.

  11. Anonymous3:45 PM

    This whole Spears'conservatorship', ie other people taking her paycheck, and giving her an allowance like a child, is ridiculous.
    If Britney is healthy enough to travel, perform, etc, then she is healthy enough to manage her money and her life!
    Spears needs the best family attorney on the planet. She needs to pen an open letter to her family, telling them to make their own living.
    Respect Yourself! She's been doing this since childhood. enough already.

  12. Her whole sense of self is so tied to her being a sexy 'star' that she can't stop working without some kind of break down happening. Work props her up.

  13. Anonymous6:45 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Brayson87: Agreed that she has A list name recognition. I do wonder how much longer she is going to be able to trot out the 20 year old songs, sub-par performances, and rapidly declining looks though.

    Mercyprosperity: The sad part is that the allowance is only $60/day or something like that. That's not that much, if you think about it, in a high cost of living area, especially considering how much revenue her brand generates.

  15. Anonymous6:53 AM

    It's not out of hatred or anything like that: her story is that depressing.

  16. Interesting someone said you can still see her c section scar someone else lied said they had c section too an emergency one but there's no scar thanks for the input I knew there was surrogate in that situation.as for jt Brit hurt him and besides Brits mom said in book their relationship was also pr so that didn't count either.

  17. My very dearest friend has an anxiety disorder. After years of medication attempts (none worked) has decided keeping busy at what hes good at is best. At least at the end of each day he can see something for his time.



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