Monday, September 03, 2018

Blind Item #1

This could cause some drama. Apparently this A- list comic mostly movie actress is being wined and dined and spoiled by the same very wealthy man who used to do the same for a Housewife who has never quite got over being dumped by him.


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    1. Tiffany Hadish and Porcha maybe

    2. Well I wouldn’t want to be seen in public with her 😂

    3. Who Shumer? Yeah I deleted that because it’s oretty unlikely lol(also married) ... poor dude

    4. Yeah. She’s obnoxious and what her husband saw in her in the beginning will be a mystery! I don’t think they’ll last another year. Also this blind is probably Haddish, she has a bigger mouth than a whale and looooves drama.

  3. Tricia, maybe if you took the time to guess an answer that made sense-instead of having to guess first, we wouldn't have to see "comment deleted" first thing on every post. But you obviously have some weird obsessive compulsive thing going on here. That and reading about your delusional fantasy life gets old after years of the same thing everyday. But you do you, babe.

    1. She really must have nothing else going on in her life to sit and stalk this page just to be first commenter. Sad .

    2. Take your bitch pill this morning, eh?

    3. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? This is a gossip website all in good fun. Tricia has a good track record. I can be wrong, she can and so can you. The comment/guess she deleted was Amy Schumer and in ways that can fit. My comment was Kristen Wiig and when Tricia put forward Tiffany Haddish I deleted mine because I think I’m wrong. I think you’re upset you couldn’t see what her comment was 🤷🏻‍♀️ bye

    4. Tricia is fun, smart and funny so I appreciate her posts. Aside from that, I'd rather see bad guesses than no guesses at all.

    5. Thanks 🙏🏻 guys:)

    6. TRICIA is legendary !! If she was ever in New Zealand I'd love to take her out for a drink !

    7. Thank you that is flattering:)
      Must say everyone I meet from NZ is awesome . Great people,wonderfully spirited and open.
      Also love Yumi Zouma(kind of ambient,pop trio(quartet maybe) from your country. Yesterday is a brilliant song 🎼

    8. What's with the Tricia troll? I love when Tricia weighs in right away and usually she is on the nose!! Go sell your hate somewhere else ladybaus.

  4. Dining Schumer would cost millions

  5. Well, if bad guesses is what you want, Tricia is your girl. One just has to look at the original guesses on reveals to see that.

    1. Go away. You've been nothing but unnecessarily negative.

    2. Yes, yes dear - we see you. Now go color in the corner and shush like a good girl. The grownups are talking.

  6. Yeah cause this site is so uplifting and all. Time to adjust your tin foil antenna.

    1. This must be one of those stung agents, or stung actors.

    2. Listen Ramona eyes (so we know this person has substance/morality issues already)...why are YOU on this site lurking 4 years if you find Tricia & it drivel?! My guess is you are part of the Hollyweird machine that plants stories, cover ups and lies...or you are someone featured in these tidbits. Either way, the REALITY of CDAN & the fact that it cant be controlled and scoops every entertainment blog kills you. Crawl back under your Calabassas rock. #team.CDAN.tricia

  7. I was thinking this was Kim Z's ex.

  8. Or you could not comment on the blind and just bash people who attempt. Tricia is usually pretty good at guessing. I don't have a clue how it is, I'm horrible at guessing but love reading others' guesses.

  9. Hey guys, Trici13 is one of the last few unifiers left in this increasingly polarized socity, so please LEAVE HER ALONE! Thanks!

  10. Leave Tricia alone. Her comments are insightful and rarely off base. And, either way, we are all allowed to guess. Part of the fun is the back and forth discussions. So, play nice please.

  11. Somebody got out of the sanitarium I see. Want to see me put you back in like the first time? Fucking idiot.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I’m here for tricia’s guesses mostly so go support other women RAMONA

  14. "Get off Tricia’s jock or it won’t go well bitch."

    That's funny as hell.

  15. Complaining about deleted comments = NO LIFE LOSER.

  16. "Yes, yes dear - we see you. Now go color in the corner and shush like a good girl. The grownups are talking."

    Spot on analysis.

  17. tricia doesn't suck like you do derek. I'd be depressed and angry, too.

  18. Tricia is lovely. Leave her alone.

  19. Derek is plot. 🤣

  20. We love Tricia in Canada too.

  21. @ladybaus your jealousy is showing. It’s not a flattering look so do something different

  22. I rely on Tricia to work things out so I don't have to.

  23. Thank you each and everyone 🙏🏻❤️

  24. Really, with all the problems in the world/life why be concerned who is first or last? If Tricia is first and gets it right less work for the rest of us horz eh?

    Its more fun to rake these H'weirds over the coals not one of "our own". Let's play nice for a change.

  25. I find Tricia's answers to be pretty spot on most of the time, and even when she's not, she's not sitting around sniping at other commenters for no reason. #TeamTricia

  26. I rely on Tricia to work things out so I don't have to. - I'm with you Charity Channing...

    Doesn't it take more energy to be shitty than not? I mean snark I am here for all day long, but if you have to go out of your way to be shitty, is it worth it to show everyone you are a trifling ass?

  27. I don't think it's Porscha though. She is pregnant now - don't think she would care one way or the other about an ex

  28. +1 ohce #TeamTricia



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