Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #1

While on the outside it looks like this B list mostly movie actor who is a celebrity offspring is going down in self induced flames, he is actually being paid by several studios to do what he is doing and been promised more jobs in bigger movies.


  1. Replies
    1. Calling Kappy B list is beyond generous.

    2. Krappy is more like D list. With that mug and strung out look, how the hell did he ever get cast in anything? Oh yeah drugs duh.

  2. To elaborate on the Jake Busey thing... He's currently in a Twitter war-of-words with the Open Secret documentary makers, regarding the casting of a convicted sex offender in The Predator (which Busey has a small role in). The studio is Fox, and they're keen to keep any connotations with sexual abusers on the down-low, so they're getting Busey to fight this battle for them with the lure of more work. Fox, it should be noted, have a new Bryan Singer movie (that IS very much still a Bryan Singer movie) launching this fall...

    1. He's missed the boat on that then cuz Olivia Munn already called the cast and crew out

  3. @catnips


    Bryan Singer was never fired, they just made it look like it. He edited ALL of Bohemian Rhapsody and best believe he will be credited with any and all positive reviews/awards/WHATEVER

    my hope? that its BAD. a BAD movie.

    shame on you Rami for signing onto this film knowing Bryan Singer was directing. Shame. On. You.

  4. Who's going to agree to star in Red Sonja for Singer? No big name star would seriously do it. There are always D list actors desperate for any work, so he'll probably have to settle for Scott Baio, Pauly Shore, Carmen Electra and Randy Quaid.

  5. I don't know why they're bothering. The Predator is already out and everyone knows it's bad. There's also nothing about it that will get people to defend it on political grounds, so it'll be forgotten in a month like most reboots.

    As a 50-year-old white nerd, I beg them: stop picking 50-ish white nerds to write/direct franchise movies. Their fan-fiction films are embarrassing. Hire a woman or minority. They might do something interesting, and you score Diversity Pokemon Points in the process. Everybody wins.

    1. Please, kill yourself you pathetic self hating snowflake...

  6. Dont think Kappy is a celeb offspring.

  7. It would be great if they'd just start with a good script and work up from there. Instead it's Douchebag #1 saying to Douchebag #2, how lets make a movie about BLAH, then they dig up a scriptwriter to crank out something that might be okay, and then push it forward. It's why most of the good movies are adaptions of something else because there aren't many good ideas in Hollywood.

  8. Anonymous5:11 PM

    The reason you don't see a quality script these days, is because audiences don't care anymore.
    A "successful script" these days looks like:
    Gal Godot (one line)
    Chris Evans(one line)
    Back to green screen and kickboxing.

  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    *correction: Chris Pratt (I get them mixed up)

  10. * and Chris Pine
