Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blind Item #1

By my count, this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/actress has 14 different doctors and always looking for more so she can keep getting her pills.


  1. @AJ +1 she fits with her fibromayalgia.

    My sympathy for any of these celebrities that are actually battling these chronic conditions - but methinks it odd how many celebrities have rare chronic diseases...

  2. Lady GAG should be eating turmeric.

    1. Good advice Best Man !!

    2. I have fibro and use tumeric daily. It helps but nothing ever takes the pain away. Cannabis also helps better than any opiate.

  3. I have Fibro symptoms, many people do.

    Fibromyalgia is not a disease, it is a syndrome, and there is no test for it.

    Like all syndromes, diagnosis is quite subjective. If you tell your Doctor you believe you have Fibro, he likely won't argue with you. Not saying it's fake, but there are many people who think they have it, but don't.
    The symptoms are shared with several other conditions--none of them actual diseases.

  4. thanks for the insight @s.s.! I should have clarified a bit - I was also tossing side eye at the likes of the Hadids who now all have either Lyme or Hashimoto's

  5. There's a test.

    The FM/a® blood test is the 1st & only objective Fibromyalgia diagnosis.

  6. I have had fibro for years. Seeing how active some of these celebrities are who claim to have fibro, what a joke. It leaves you incapacitated

  7. She needs help ASAP, she will be dead soon.
    I think most take drugs to get rid of the feelings they have inside. They have to go through so man rituals to get where they are.
    It's really sad that your talent is not enough to get a contract, they have to use their bodies..

  8. Gaga is too damn busy right now to either be a huge Oxy addict or a fibro sufferer. My friends with fibromyalgia are in pain a good portion of their days, often laying in a darkened room, trying to force themselves to eat on schedule and searching endlessly for relief, not red carpets or movie sets.

  9. She's in pain, the doctors don't know why or can't fix it, the only thing they can do is treat the symptoms. Lots of people in that situation. Of course because of the ridiculous drug laws it's easier to buy a rifle than prescription pain medicine, so she has to get creative. Maybe she's learned from Demi's mistake and sticking to pharmacy pills vs street pills to avoid fentanyl.

  10. How is Enty privy to how many physicians Gaga has attending her. What about HIPAA regulations?

  11. I have fibro and have had it for years. The only thing that keeps me from becoming debilitated is actually being active. Unfortunately, I keep an active life, but tend to not exercise or anything like that, just lots of running around. The more I sit around the worse by fibro gets.

  12. I had CFS which is similar to Fibromyalgia, try changing your diet.
    Exclude anything that makes tummy grow excessive bacteria especially yeasts.

    Cut out bread, vinegar, yeast extract, beer, wine, champagne and as much sugar as possible. Milk may also make things worse, but it just makes me phlegmy.

    Also take caprylic acid to tackle yeasts.

    Worked for me. Could work for you.

  13. @Ice

    Thanks for the info! I think telling my friends to get out of bed, life awaits, get your move on, will not be met positively as they will think I'm denying they have an organic physical problem. Staying active and busy is ALWAYS good for us. Not surprised it diminishes your symptoms somewhat. You go!

  14. I thought doctor shopping was a big no no these days. How can she have 14 doctors unless some of them are outside the country?

  15. Celebs and there fake diseases nothing a bunch of low life drug addicts they think because they got money they aren’t as bad as the homeless junkies but in reality that’s what they are homeless junkies all the fame and riches are LEASED

  16. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Sorry....I have no F's to give about Stefani Germanotta. Oops, I mean "GaGa"



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