Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Blind Item #19 - Emmy Awards

This permanent A list comedian who has had multiple shows in various formats and mediums had hired his guest last night. He does that a lot. I think he thinks it is the only way someone will like him.


  1. Larry David? Or Seinfeld?

  2. @Chaps, Wash your mouth out with soap, permanent A list comedian! ;)

  3. @Brayson, lol I know, I know. The "having to pay his guests" to come on his show made me think of him. He seems pretty insecure as a human.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Chaps, haha I hear you. I wondered if the blind meant the comedian paid the person to be a guest, or he hired the guest for something else. I mean nobody pays a prostitute to be their friend, trophy wives excluded of course.

  6. So, I'm now reading this as a pretty accomplished comedian hired someone last night for the Emmys to be his friend. And the hired help was of some value, because the comedian hoped for their approval. How sad.

  7. ^^^ Exactly. He hired someone to be his date/ escort/ plus one.
    I guessed Louie Anderson because he's deep in the glass closet, right next to Richard Simmons. I did not see a picture of the escort, but I am guessing it is a man, and Louie introduced him as his "guest" or something other than date.

    Plus, Louie has notoriously low self esteem and lifelong depression, so it wouldn't surprise me if he felt he couldn't find a date otherwise.

    The multiple format clue fits, as he's done sitcoms, a kids cartoon, and hosted Family Feud.

  8. I'm throwing Bill Maher into the mic as he has admitted to hiring dates for awards shows in the past.

    1. Well, if Bill Maher, then he's not being paranoid. He's terribly unlikable.

    2. Sara, not for all the money in the world. 🤣

  9. There's nothing sadder than Bill Maher boasting about happy he is to be old and single while his friends 'have to get home to their wives' but he can stay out all night. Nobody envies a sad, lonely old man, Bill.

  10. I doubt Larry David gives a flying fuck whether hollyweird glitterati like him or not. That's what makes him so likeable.

  11. that woman is Lindsay Shookus, Ben Affleck's ex and she produced the Emmy's...doubtful she needed to be hired. she's a pal of Larry David's.

  12. Yeah. Exactly. That's Shookus, the award winning comedy producer.
