Friday, September 07, 2018

Blind Item #15

This permanent A list mostly movie actor all of you know threatened to commit suicide in front of his children last night.


  1. Is Ben permanent though? I thimk it would describe him as more than an actor since his AA nom and wins are for other than acting.

    I'm going with Al Pacino. He seems unstable.

  2. That’s messed up if true. Jen needs to take a step back from the PR and isolate the kids away for now.

  3. yeah Enty made Ben permanent A at about the same time he made Jen A list mostly movies.

  4. Ben is permanent A list coz of his oscar win. And as far fetched this sounds I think it might be true! He is treating rehab as a day spa by coming home everyday, and his new girlfriend is, in her own words "starting to get serious with the papz", so she will not miss an opportunity to be mentioned! Combine all this and it makes for a disaster!

  5. Written as if it was Ben, if only he had more support, he has always been/looked weak and troubled the only thing that kept him safe and stable was Jen, so it is just a matter of time to get eorse off.

  6. Wealthy, famous and drowning in self-pity. That's just wrong, stop it.

  7. Isn't this every parent when their kids drive them nuts? Thought Sylvia Plath was a shake'n'bake chicken for awhile there ;)

  8. Hey anonymous tipster, why don’t you contact social services anonymously?

  9. What about the "show me the money" guy from that Tom Cruise movie? Is he A list? Because if that's the criteria then he should be because he won an Oscar.

  10. This list criteria is whatever the gossip columnist wants it to be.
    So there's a lot of fiction involved.
    Ben Affleck is not a natural movie star. He's a manufactured product and they might be able to make repairs and rehabilitate him for future use so for now he remains "A" list.

  11. Cuba Gooding Jr is not even A list anymore

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It's Ben Affleck and he's been suicidal for years. His depression started pretty much around the time he was ridiculed over Gigli. I hope he gets the treatment he needs.

  14. There was a recent BI where Ben was the answer, and he was also permanent A, pretty sure. I think Enty considers him that.

  15. Oh no! The future of cinematic art hangs in the balance.

  16. That's questional parenting right there.

  17. Yeah, we don't need to know that. Did Jennifer Garner leak that?

  18. Ben is in the book The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe. He was interviewed by the author and said he was bisexual. I wouldn't doubt if some of his depression comes from living a heteronormative life while repressington the gay side of him because I highly doubt Jennifer would allow him to be sexual with men.

  19. Replies
    1. I thought that too but I think Johnny isn’t big on worrying his kids. He kept a solid front even after amber. Plus he’s rocking rolling it in other countries

  20. Heatherbee, anyone can call social services, you don't have to be family or even tangentially related or even know them. If you suspect abuse, you can make the call.

  21. Wasn't there something--I think it was related to recordings made in the New Orleans house, but I'm not sure--about an A-list actor whose drinking problem was based on tapes of him with a pre-teen? And lots of us guessed it was Ben?

    He hasn't been himself for a few years, and maybe someone has been hassling him about what they know/have
    (just speculation on my part, so please don't "conspiracy" me). And this caused/is causing him to go off the rails...

    Who knows, but its a pretty drastic thing to do

  22. I'm on the Brad Pitt bandwagon. Ugly divorce is ugly.

  23. It doesn't say he said it in front of his kids.

  24. That’s exactly what it says.

  25. Mac Miller dead at 26 RIP

  26. @OB, the theories were between him and Depp.

    1. Thanks @Brayson I didn't bookmark it for future reference but now I remember. It could be Ben, Depp or Pitt--all 3 meet the criteria

  27. J once again proving that he's nothing more than an asinine twunt.

  28. @Ophelia, overdose, wonder if it's more fentanyl?

  29. Damn, Ariana's current bf is suicidal and the last one dies?

    4 months shy of Club 27.

  30. I read it as he said to someone, "I'm going to kill myself in front of my kids", not that he walked up to his kids and said "Im going to kill myself." Did I take this blind all the way wrong?

  31. @Brayson good question.

    Regardless of what she accomplishes in life now she's already got all the pieces for a Lifetime movie: Schneider Days, Donut Licking Controversy, Manchester, "whirlwind romance" with Pete, Mac's overdose, and whatever happens to Pete.

  32. Actually, sounds like something Mr. Viking Song would say, had he the nerve.

  33. Whoever this is, needs a 5150 hold. I know it's not for long but it might be long enough to help them out.

  34. Ophelia, good observation. It could be Arianna: The Series with all those episodes. I wouldn't watch, but it writes itself.

  35. Ariana Grandes ex died of an apparent drug overdose!

  36. I thought Brad Pitt, but Ben looks likely.

  37. @Jon, the blind meant that whoever it is said it in FRONT of his kids. "I'm going to kill myself".

    Nice Illuminati sacrifice for Grande with Mac Miller. Didn't she just release some music? His death will extend her PR for awhile. Always something with that chick.

    1. +1 @Blissboo right, Ariana is going to use another death/tragedy for publicity. If I were Pete I would be far away from her as possible, he will probably the next one, that girl is bad news

  38. She can light more candles than ever now.

  39. Lololol


  40. I'm still pulling for evil Ariana, the villainess with the innocent face. Schneider didn't f*ck her, she f*cked him, spitted that fat pig over a table. Those peasants were lucky to eat her donuts. Davidson is just another toy she keeps around because it's fun to see how many drugs she can pump in him before he dies. Miller had to go because he was about to spill the beans, and there are no happy endings in her kingdom, not for anyone else at least. ;)

  41. john mccain
    and he;s ...GONE!

  42. This is a thoroughly sad blind, mainly because men are very likely to follow through on it. Maybe it was said while under the influence, which made me think Ben Affleck or Matt McConaughey (given the blind about an A-List actor ingesting a synthetic edible, which always seems infinitely more dangerous than authentic drugs). It could be Vince Vaughn, given that he's being charged for DUI, but dude has been arrested before, so I can't see this breaking him down to that level. Although things seem to be at peace, relatively speaking, concerning the Jolie-Pitt divorce, but Burt Reynolds' death (and the Burt/Loni divorce rehash) could have triggered Brad Pitt, since he lost two friends last year (Brad Grey and Chris Cornell) and he's seeing some resolving their divorces quickly (Nia Vadalos) or enduring never-ending mediation regarding custody (Gwen and Gavin). The only reason why I don't think it's Brad is because Jolie would've had her lawyers filed some paperwork which would, coincidentally, get leaked and splattered all over the blogs and media outlets.

  43. Grande is a massive manipulator.

  44. Johnny Depp sounds more likely than Ben Affleck. Jen wouldn't let that happen...


    it was ariana's fault

  46. this is not ben affleck btw

  47. It's so sad about Mac Miller but it's not Ariana's fault at all, she ended the relationship because of his struggles with sobriety and the toxic effect that had on their relationship. People are responsible for their own actions, it's so disgusting to use his death to bash her she cared about him more than you ever will.

    1. I agree. Its unfair to blame her for this.

    2. At Aretha Franklin funeral she was so high her rendition of "Natural Woman" was quite heroin-induced & lackluster. She was high as a kite. She is not innocent & that break-up was difficult & humiliated him.

      We are responsible for how we treat others we say we love. Ariana behaved like trash.

  48. No need to worry then. The ones who threaten to never just shut up and actually do it.

  49. @Cee Tell that to the kids.

  50. Charlie Sheen came to my mind. He is going broke. He can't pay all the high child support. He has drug and mental issues. He has HIS so he know he will have a hard, long death. It could have been any of the kids he has......
    Loved the guy but dude royal messed up "winning"

  51. I always thought Ben Affleck was the Corey Feldman to Matt Damon's Corey Haim, but maybe I got it backwards.

  52. An Open Letter To Brad Pitt:

    I know you are going through a very difficult time. Divorce and custody issues are never easy, but it is even more difficult when in the harsh Hollywood spotlight: trust me, I know.

    Please know that people are pulling for you, even if you somehow end up connected to that horrible accident that will practically decapitate Angelina Jolie on her door step.

    Just because you are the person who will be most suspected doesn't mean you are Guilty, and just because you may be Guilty doesn't mean you were Wrong.

    Stay strong my man,


  53. If Ben is still in rehab, I doubt he'd have private time with his kids to says something like this. This kind of outburst sounds more like a man whose kids have turned against him likely because of a spousal dispute/divorce. He wants the the family back on his side and thinks threatening suicide will bring the kids and/or the spouse around.
    Given my take on the psychology, this sounds more like Brad Pitt (I can totally imagine she's turning the kids against him), Johnny Depp (who isn't in rehab but his really unstable right now,) or even Ewan McGregor (his daughter really laid into him publicly.)

  54. No sympathy for Ben Affleck or Jen Garner from me. She's babying him and enabling him--wtf was up with the public Bible thumping intervention, honestly...and who takes a "break" from rehab when they haven't been in it for even 30 days? Smh.
    J-Lo, you dodged a bullet leaving him when you did. I know she's a teetotaler.

  55. You know you read this sight too much when it’s an immediate “poor Ben”

  56. @DejaBlue - I think Heatherbee’s point was that the tipster leaking this blind should have called social services rather than contact gossip rags.

    @ Laslo Spatula - Hilarious!

  57. Affleck actually has two Oscars.

  58. This could be someone with older children. I hope he isn't around his kids now. Also, the possibility of Angelina putting this story out is totally believable.

  59. Ben Affleck has TWO Oscars. One for Good Will Hunting, and the Best Picture for Argo.

    Whether you like it or not, he is Permanent A list.

  60. @Laslo, I always thought Ben and Matt were s couple, in the early days at least.

  61. Am I the only one worried that Ben might die of an overdose, eventually??!!

  62. People like Ben and Mac Miller are magnets for strong willed women like AG and JG. There is Nothing you can do for them except rehab and life long counseling. It is genetic and I have personally seen it with my 2 exes. One is straight laced family man married to a strong lady in charge and the other is killing himself with excessive drinking. They must be held accountable for their own actions and to blame a burned out partner is just wrong. You never lived with Mr. Miller and have no fucking clue what it is like to live with some one with substance abuse issues. How do I know? Because I have witnessed it myself and have helped many folks with their issues. Dual diagnosis is 10x worse and God bless any partner who sticks it out with their partner. Get over yourselves and quit judging folks who have been to hell and back with people who cannot say no to drinking, pills, shooting up or sniff the coke/meth. I know so many people who have lost their lives due to this crap. And it sucks

  63. 27 club is now 25 club with this new generation of Soundcloud rappers. Cough syrup, gang violence, and normalized/glamorized nihilism. Bad combo. I'm genuinely concerned about their extremely young and devoted fanbase. Kids are watching their heroes self-destruct left right and centre.

  64. Right Miss Beige and it's all the girlfriend or wifes fault. IDIOTS

  65. Mac Miller and his baby mama kids.

  66. People need to realize that addiction IS NOT the fault of a loved one or former love.
    AG broke up with MM bc of his addictions bc she couldn't handle it anymore given what she has been through in the last yr.
    Jen G has not finalized the divorce yet bc she wants to make sure her children have the daddy they deserve.
    My husband drinks, too much if you ask me, I never fix his drinks (unless he's had too much then it's sprite zero only) nor go to the liquor store for him. I get pissed when we stop after running around. I do not enable but I do love him and he is an amazing husband. Stop blaming people who live people with issues.
    He who has no sin cast the first stone.


  67. Mother: hey kids it's Daddy !!!!!!!!!!

    Kids: Yayyy

    Father: I'm gonna kill myself

  68. No way is this Brad Pitt. As if he'd give his heroin-addicted ex that kind of ammunition.

    There's 2 type of parents who would do such a thing: 1. raging narcissistic drama-queens, who are so self-centred they don't think about anyone else but themselves and their own feelings
    and 2. deeply dark and troubled drug addicts who don't realise the pain they are causing, saying such things

    I'd put Johnny Depp or Ben Affleck in category 2.
    I can totally picture Angelina Jolie - in category 1. - saying such things to her brood, but not Pitt.

    But this sort of shit can be horrendously traumatising for kids, no matter what age they are. Hopefully the culprit will seek help.

  69. Making that sort of statement around people who will repeat it and raise up a whole new flurry of media gossip and pap attention IS an Ben Affleck sort of thing. He won't have any intention of acting on it, but he has a HUGE ego, narcissism and serious addiction problems. He's lost control of the narrative. He has to get attention back on "me, me, me"..... expect more Ben-centric drama soon, very soon.

  70. If it's not Ben Affleck then Johnny Depp is a good guess. He's had a rough few years.

    People still believe Amber Heard's bullshit, even though all evidence is stacked against her (and that's without mentioning her criminal record and her own history of DV). His gay ex-wife used him to get a step up in Hollywood. Then, when he refused to let her ex girlfriend move into his house, she demanded a divorce and tried to blackmail him into giving her 50k a month. When he refused, she faux cried DV because a little bit of shrapnel accidentally caught her when he threw his phone at the wall. The fact his Mother had just died was of no importance to her. Twitter mentals were trying to destroy his career and were hassling people for hiring him/working with him. On top of that, he pissed off Trump mentals by cracking a joke about him...because they believe in free speech...until someone says something they don't like..

    He's gone from being super popular to super unpopular in a mere few years. He's now hitting his mid fifties and probably thinks the best years are behind him.

  71. SD Auntie where did I mention wives/girlfriends? It's never their fault unless they literally tell their partner to kill themselves. In the case of Mac Miller, he was famously depressed and struggling with addiction before he started dating her. She obviously loved him and tried for a long time. Perhaps she thought their difficult relationship was keeping him from getting better. Or perhaps she needed to look after herself first. Either way she did nothing wrong.

    My friend killed herself at 30 after being hellbent on suicide since the age of 12. I was actually shocked she made it through high school, let alone to 30. She had stable & supportive family, friends, teachers, medical crisis team, partners. But some people are just that unwell. They're fixated on death. It draws them like a magnet. Just like a recovering alcoholic will have to fight the urge to drink every day for the rest of their lives. They have to be so strong to resist that urge to self-harm. Sometimes they are strong for a long time, but eventually they're overcome by their demons.

    1. My reply to you @ Miss Beige was a sarcastic remark directed @Brayson and other so called whiners on this thread. I agreed with you 100%. Sorry about that

  72. I agree with @Jon. The first time I read it, I thought that he said it in front of his kids. But upon Re-reading, I realized, “He said last night, ‘I am going to commit suicide in front of my children.’”

    This is actually something Angelina would say. She’s threatened suicide before, and I can totally see her saying it again given the way the custody battle is going. Sadly, she may take the kids out with her.

    So perhaps she did leak this about Brad, but this is definitely not Brad saying this. He’s fought too long & hard to get to the point where he is.

    Don’t think it’s Depp either. Despite his issues, he adores his kids, so can’t imagine, whatever his state of mind, that he would say this.

    My vote is for Affleck or Sheen. Since Affleck keeps leaving rehab, JG is probably threatening to not let him see the kids, which could provoke this statement. The Sheen guess is pretty self-explanatory.

  73. @Miss

    " Cough syrup, gang violence, and normalized/glamorized nihilism. Bad combo. I'm genuinely concerned about their extremely young and devoted fanbase. Kids are watching their heroes self-destruct left right and centre."

    That has always been the case, though. Look at how the Brat Pack normalized beer for breakfast and martinis by lunch, and there were plenty of young stars who self destructed under that template. Today, there are as many ways to do substances as there are cereals on the breakfast aisle, though.

  74. LEANNE NORMAN said...
    It's so sad about Mac Miller but it's not Ariana's fault at all, she ended the relationship because of his struggles with sobriety and the toxic effect that had on their relationship. People are responsible for their own actions, it's so disgusting to use his death to bash her she cared about him more than you ever will.

    1) She ended the relationship with an addict to sign-on (within 4 months) with ANOTHER addict. OKAY...

    2) "She cared about him more than you ever will"... RE-READ #1.

    NOT saying that its her fault that he's dead, everyone is responsible for themselves, but her leaving him and then urgently getting together and becoming engaged to another addict I'm sure didn't help matters with his emotional state. Please don't drink her kool-aid and cutie pie look. She's not innocent and could give a shit about you sticking up for her.

    1. Obviously Bliss boo. You do NOT have any life experiences that would make your statement believable. you base it on her cutie pie looks and adoring fans. fans and Kool Aide statement smacks if immaturity, jealousy and ignorance.

    2. Or better yet, go volunteer at a homeless shelter. You will see lots of addicts and it's the same thing for every class of people. ITS THEIR OWN CHOICE.

  75. Or he said, "l'm killing myself in front of my kids." Meaning, like all addictions, "this addiction is killing me and my kids are watching."!May have been said in a group therapeutic setting, which really sucks that someone talked.

  76. Sigh!

    Such a desperate signal from this actor (whoever he is) that he needs help.
    He should hire a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist and go through the process of healing mentally.

    Mental Health is such an important part of life that the ACA was so beneficial to my family.

    Of course, insurance doesn't want to cover it. (They'd have to pay money out that they don't want to.)

    I have learned through the years that the single payer system will help most if not all get insurance coverage.

    So, it costs e extra money -- it's money that I'm currently spending for insurance coverage anyway.

  77. Oh here we go again. Junkie dies of overdose, so it's the ex girlfriend's fault. If he had never got with Ariana you would have pointed the finger of blame at his Mother instead. It's time men took responsibility for their problems and fuck ups instead of the usual scapegoating of the closest female..

  78. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The elderly become just as depressed and suicidal as younger people.

    Maybe this blind is Kirk Douglas, or another older actor.
    I've been wondering how Bob Newhart is doing since he's lost his two best friends, Tom Poston and Don Rickles. Bob is 88, I think.

    I also wonder how Dick Van Dyke is doing.

  79. Bob's kids won power of attorney over his estate over his last wife. He is suffering from some form of dementia or health decline and his wife was trying to move him to a cheaper facility. The kids won the right to keep him at his familiar facility and keep the wife out of his finances.

  80. Plot, Bob Newhart has been married to the same woman since 1963. What is this about his "last wife"?

    Bob was also on Conan in August 2018 and seemed fine.

    I think your "dementia" narrative must be about someone else. Maybe Mickey Rooney?

    That said, mercyprosperity s right in that Bob Newhart has recently lost several friends- including one yesterday. Bill Daily, who played Howard Borden on Bob's first series, just died. Bill gave Bob his start in show business.

  81. I think plots right. I remember seeing bob newhart years ago with a young wife/kids thinking he was old as shit then.

  82. Plot is confusing Bob Newhart with Tim Conway. It's Tim that's suffering from dementia and his daughter won conservatorship over his wife. She blocked the wife from moving him to a different home.

  83. This permanent A list mostly movie actor all of you know threatened to commit suicide in front of his children last night.

    This could be interpreted either way. This rephrasing is more clear:

    This permanent A list mostly movie actor all of you know threatened suicide in front of his children last night.

  84. +1 Brayson

    Except for 1 part. If Dan schneider fucked Ariana Grande, thats when she became a monster.

    People who are so weak/fame obsessed that they sick dock for a part probably have few qualms about doing the same thing to other fresh talent later in their careers.

    The casting couch is Hollywood. It's a whole system built upon sexual and aesthetic exploitation and fetishization

  85. The victims often become abusers, not all, but the usually the most successful.

    Society never eliminated rape. We just got better at hiding and compartmentalizing it so we don't think we see it everyday.

    But most of the media we consume is based upon exploitation. There are real world and spiritual effects when we consume this poisoned fruit

  86. @Nutty

    Amazonblue is correct and I'm dead wrong. It's Tim Conway, not Bob Newhart, who is have conservatorship issues. Must be my age!


    Thanks for clearing that up.

    BTW, does you handle refer to a blue fronted Amazon?

  87. No idea which particular self absorbed Hollywood A list shitstain made said "threat", but hopefully all of them make like Nike and just do it.

    Fuck them all, bunch of all talk, no shock chickenshit pussies with no follow through.


  88. I agree an actor who people start calling "the show me the money guy from Jerry McGuire" should not be considered A list.

    AJ Benza had a good story about Alec Baldwin doing this and apparently he has done it more than once too.

  89. Why would Brad commit suicide? He's cool. Ben is anything but.



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