Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Blind Item #15

Apparently there were two women sent from The Church to the rehab center where this A- list singer is recovering. One of them has started a relationship with the singer. 


  1. Replies
    1. Domo arigato Demo Lovato. 😂😂😂

  2. So she's well enough to be in a relationship? That is good to hear .all the information on this site kept implying stroke symptoms so it is good to hear she is beating the aftermath of her OD

    1. Just bc u ARE w someone doesn’t mean I should be or rehab EVER advises so. Just means someone is effectively preying on her at a weak vulnerable time!!!!

    2. Wouldn't be the first time .... And honestly she needs to remain single but all the rumors on this site implied she was impaired to an extent so news like that sort of counteracts those claims -

    3. I don’t take it as romantic relationship. Just a relationship in general like friendship

    4. There's no suggestion at all that she's okay. The fact that she canceled her tour, is selling her home, and she's still in rehab for the indefinite future strongly suggest otherwise.

    5. Relationships are frowned on in rehab or recovery ..New ones that is

  3. No respectable rehab facility would allow this to crap. But, I guess when you have a "star" paying top money, they'll allow anything.

    JFC, this is NOT going to end well with her. She won't make it to the 27 Club.

    1. Do the church ladies supply drugs or something?

    2. I have worked at rehabs, and unfortunately, many of them make.......questionable treatment decisions where celebrities are concerned. Or anyone with money, really.

  4. Sooooo, her family signed off on a couple of randos to visit, and one is now approved enough to be in a relationship with her? A horribly fractured young lady? In a rehab facility? Nope.

  5. Damn that really is a full service church. I was thinking guys but oh yeah Demi.

    I think people are missing that the church could have sent the women in as patients, not visitors. Most rehabs will keep the guys and girls separate and discourage romantic relationships, but there's only so much they can do.

    1. That’s a good point Brayson. Totally didn’t think of it that way.

  6. Yeah! I belieb this one entern

  7. so she is having a lesbian affair? one addiction to another, regardless.

  8. If you're in rehab/recovery you really aren't allowed to form relationships for a year. How does anyone think it's healthy to OD, have a stroke, and get lesbo all in a few weeks?

    1. @Boots/Jon, lesbianism is not a drug nor is it an addiction. She isnt all of a sudden lesbo.
      My understanding of rehab and recovery is no relationship for a year though.
      So after her year is up, Demi can pursue a natural, normal lesbian relationship. Shes been very open about her sexuality.
      Sheesh. We sure have some small minds and insecure men in these comments lately.
      If you got up off your gawdam couch you could get your own female

    2. @rosie. Don't fall off your Harley. I love you diesels. My point was that it's too fast to be in any relationship while in recovery.

    3. Ahh yes good point Jon. And its true. Ive personally never subscribed to AA or sobriety, nor abstinence for that matter. Also, as an aside, I abhor motorcycles.

  9. Demi is openly bisexual. The Church sounds like Hillsong, Scientology or that sex cult with the slaves and Small village actress.

  10. She must have recovered quite well then...

    1. She must be getting a great treatment lmao

  11. That's called 13th stepping

  12. So they spread a few thousand bucks around the staff to encourage blindness and deafness. Done and done. Or, if the people running the center are members of the Church, they just let it be known these guests aren't to be bothered. Don't know why any of this would be surprising. Do people think rehab workers are saints for some reason?

  13. Amusing how lesbians trigger misogynists. Is it because they get more pussy than you ever will?

    Good luck to them. Who are they actually hurting? No one.

  14. Exactly which church is "The Church"?

  15. Jeebus, Viking Song, why not just become a Dom? That way you can harangue, insult and beat your male submissives, make some major bucks and get some of that bitter anger out. You might be really good at it. How good do you look in leathers and stilettos?

  16. Well done andrea :)

  17. I've actually heard of quite a few cases of addicts and addicts in recovery that go gay. Drugs lower inhibitions. There's a reason so many female and male junkies end up sucking the D for their next fix.
    Anyway, regardless of her actual sexuality, Demi is getting herself into a very unhealthy scenario. A relationship is not what she needs after almost kicking the bucket.

  18. Regardless of the relationships, I'm pretty sure the bigger issue is her getting involved with a mysterious quasi-religious organization while in recovery. Oh sh!t, did I just describe AA? I meant the church, the church! ;)

  19. Curious as to whether it's Hillsong or the Scilons. If it's Scientology, they'll try to get her to leave rehab early because there's psychiatric treatment there. IDK Hillsong's position on this, but I assume they'll just try to get her to join Hillsong and dish out some money, so in this case they'd be the lesser of two evils.

    1. No same sex in Scientology. That is against doctrine. Hillsong or Children of God folks appear to be hunting for cash. Agree with Viking Song too.

  20. After careful review of Hillsong's beliefs, they'd probably want to do an exorcism on poor Demi, so it's possible that Hillsong would try to get her out of rehab early too. Guess we'll just have to wait and see who's with her when she checks out of there!

  21. So does that mean she’s back from Chicago and in the rehab facility? I don’t know I hope her partner has good intentions at least or maybe is just physical right now.

  22. Sounds like scientology.

  23. Hillsong is anti-gay as well, SD Auntie. They "cure" it with exorcisms, bible study, and cover-ups for their high-ranking gay members. Either one might bend the rules to recruit someone as high profile as Demi. Children of God/The Family is a good guess too. Place your bets.

    1. Thanks @ bitchysoisse! I'll have to look into this.

  24. AA *advises* no serious relationships for a year, nobody enforces it.

  25. It's not necessarily a sexual relationship; most likely a "friendship" to get her to join the chuch at some point, and bring all her money.

  26. No faciliy allows this, at least inpatient. I hate admitting that I know this first hand. Longest 30 days I've ever been through:(

  27. @rosie, i wasn't slamming her bisexuality or lesbianism....just the addiction to relationships/ or sex too soon in her recovery. sorry if i gave the wrong impression.

    1. Sorry about that, I misread it. Theres been a few comments lately that have seemed as though people have been stepping fresh out of their fundamentalist bible study right before posting so I was reading it like that. My apologies

  28. Demi Lovato's inevitable future biopic is shaping up to be an Oscar sweeper at this rate.

  29. I wanted to understand the problem with female homosexuality here, I've realized this for so long, just watch the blinds on kendall jenner, no one believed in any blinds about her being homosexual. When it's about a gay man, no one says it's a stage or you just have to find a real woman...

  30. Demi is a mess, always was. I do not understand why dating a woman is going to change anything, if it were a man people would think it would be cool because she would be being helped hahahahah the people are ridiculous

  31. I think the two women from The Church (Scientology) are there undercover, trying to take advantage of Demi's diminished capacity.

    As others stated, the rehab place would not allow overt romantic relationships to develop, so the person is there pretending to be a patient to engage with Demi.

  32. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Demi is obviously hurting, and probably having the worst year of her life.

    If Demi received such a visit, it is 1.none of your business; 2. highly unlikely; and 3.again, none of your business.

    Enty, I really believe you sold your soul a long time ago. Just like all the A listers sold their souls for fame.



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