Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A list everything in her mind has a big movie box office bomb about to land. She doesn't care though. She is also glad she took the gig instead of a more high profile gig because it would have paid less, been more work and a lot more travel to promote. She is perfectly happy taking very large checks for making mediocre movies.


  1. Yeh she’s got some stinker coming out

  2. Agreed on JLo, but what high profile pic did she turn down?

  3. Hey this is kind of JLo's specialty at this point.

  4. Probably not a pic maybe another shot of reality show @Basil

  5. 'She's got some stinker coming out.' Say it ain't so! I mean, all her other movies have been so great, right? That's why she goes years between movies, waiting for just the right piece of crap to come along that she can work her magic on and make even worse.

    I guess she was a pretty good dancer back when she started out on In Living Color, but she is what Enty might reasonably describe as a triple threat of no talent in three categories: acting, singing, and human. She's gone a long way based soled on a big rear end.

  6. Meant to say "solely" on a big rear end.

  7. Groggy +!million. This blind acts like she has a Godfather or Taxi Driver under her belt. She doesn't even have a Norbit.

  8. ^^^^ I have to disagree with you and say that I thought Out Of Sight was pretty good...she didn't ruin it at least

  9. J.Lo used to be stunning back in the 90s, but I was never impressed with her dancing tbh. It is more to do with her style of dance not being my cup of tea than lack of talent on her part, though.

  10. "This A list everything in her mind . . ."
    Def JeLo

  11. She was really cool in that Selena movie

  12. She can't sing, she can't act, but she can move around her fat ass 20 years ago to hip hop. Hollywood made her a star!!!

  13. Yeah so bored of J Lo and really wanted to love her. Thing is I have seen her in person and she is so non descript you'd look right past her. Her butt you see but she is all stylists, makeup, manufactured image. Where is Jenny from the Block? Wish she'd just go back to rom-coms she could sorta handle. Honestly she was never better than things like THE WEDDING PLANNER being high strung comedic. Trying to be serious, hard hitting, etc is just a waste for her. Know her market and range.

  14. Anaconda is in the so-bad-it's-good category. They make sure the camera follows her up ladders a couple times too, if you're into that sort of thing.

  15. Some of her best work was on In Living Color.

  16. I went on seventeen twitter (to hunt down some lies) and had a 2 day posting about kendall and ben simmons, about them being cute together. Does Kris Jenner pay for all sites? This is crazy, they're not even together.

  17. No idea... shrugs.
    I should probably google it, but we have such a wealth of knowledge here - How did that horrible movie by J Garner do (Peppermint)? I noticed the commercials for it went away REAL fast.

  18. Hey, gotta give her props. She knows what she's good at and she sticks to it.

  19. Maid in Manhatten is one of my faves, and i thought she was good in it. i know, i know.

  20. She does good romcoms, there’s no doubt about that. I might go see Second Act...

  21. Out of Sight, and Anaconda were both good, entertaining movies; and, JLo did a good job in both. Plus, she is absolutely, stunningly gorgeous.

  22. JLO was kind of the worst thing about Out of Sight, but she didn't totally ruin it. She is just not a great actress or singer. I don't know much about dancing so I cannot comment, but her rise to stardom was purely because of that ass. And she is not stunningly gorgeous, Hortensia. What are you, her publicist?

    Sorry, but never did I find her to be anywhere near as hot as the media claimed her to be. Judging from what others in here are confirming, after the bandwagon hype about her is now long dead, I'm sure people can finally admit that she was always just above average looking. Even after all the surgeries.

  23. Sorry, had to comment one more time.

    This movie looks so cringey.

    "I wished we lived in a world where streets smarts = book smarts."

    This movie is a low rent Working Girl, and J-LO from the Block is NO Melanie Griffith.

  24. @Neal

    Peppermint is being raked over the coals by critics and the few viewers who saw it. It's allegedly not only terrible but mighty raciest and classist as well.

    Very bad misstep by Garner.


    Ack! That quote was enough. Not "gobble gobble" bad but still up there with the rest of the dreck dialogue JLo is somehow always finding in her roles.

    JLo is admirable in one way - she works the hell out of what little she possesses. She is probably up at 5am for a vigorous work out and then an hour of skin treatments, another 2 hours for make up and hair, then she might leave the house, maybe. She has an incredible amount of discipline if not much natural talent.

  25. @Plot,
    There is no doubt that she is very ambitious and cut throat to get what she wants, but in the end she lacks real, natural talent. This new movie she is in pretty much explains her career, a person who isn't really qualified for a position but wants it so bad, she will do whatever it takes. While this may sound great in theory, in the end she can be as hard working and dedicated to making it, she is not a talented actress. This isn't a personal attack on her, but mostly what she represents to me.

    You ever have co-workers who were terrible at their job but were there because of networking, favors, etc, or just liked the idea of being top talent rather than truly understanding the craft/trade? JLO just irks me because she reminds me of those types.

  26. She's now worse of an actress than ScarJo. She rode the 90s zeitgeist and made a lot of money. I would have taken the cash and bought a small country, but that's just me.

  27. Her new movie has just been moved to a better release slot because it is getting good initial reviews, I don't get the JLo hate, she is an OK actress, no one is going to ask her to play Lady McBeth , she does what she does and most of her movies are very watchable.

  28. @Science

    I tend to think of JLo as the coworker who dresses impeccably every day, files every report on time, comes in first, stays late (looking great) when no one else does, let's the boss stare at her boobs and ass...but isn't capable of doing anything but the shittiest, most menial, projects.

    Someone has to do it. Let her knock herself out.
