Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A+ list mostly movie actor makes his wife log everything she eats each day and can't go over 1200 calories. He also makes her work out two hours a day. To make sure she does, he has a trainer come to the house every day even on weekends. Our actor gets to do what he wants.


  1. Other thought but she works full time no?
    Maybe it’s Ryan Reynolds?

  2. I wonder what he's training her for?

  3. I think she being an ex-model Wahlberg wouldn't have to force her to do anything though. She doesn't look over fit, looks pretty good in fact. Amal does work but from where? Italy is a central location for her I think.

  4. As far as Blake, she doesn't need to be forced, she'd actually force HIM to do life like that.

  5. Is bruce willis a+??

  6. Okay, I've got a crazy idea...she could leave him. She doesn't need to sign up for this mini Nxivm cult.

  7. He's now permanent A here Christina.

    1. Is there a list on here to see everyone's rankings or do you need to just remember them all?

  8. Matthew M? The last sentence made me think of the other BI with him doing drugs.

  9. probably Willis he is such an asshole. Markie doesnt seem the type. George does.

  10. He's helping her out. This is a kindness blind. Despite the media and political correct nut jobs telling us otherwise, there ain't noithing cute about a fat chick. Even the ones who claim they're healthy and walk around with goofy smiles know this to be true. You can see the desperation to be thin in their cold dead eyes.

  11. This isn't just forcing someone to be fit, it's malnutrition. Every body is different but if she's doing 2 hour workouts 7 days a week with a professional trainer, plus activity from usual everyday activities, plus her basic metabolic rate - she'd have to be hella short for 1200 calories to be enough.

  12. This is what Ben Stiller used to do to Christine before they divorced.

  13. No, Brayson, she can't leave him. She just can't. (Although it's never really clear why not.)

    And we're all supposed to worry about her.

    1. His lifestyle, game, money, she won't leave him.

  14. I vote Matt Damon or Ryan Reynolds....maybe even Gosling (only because of what Eva Mendes has said in the past regarding a rule about never wearing "comfy" clothes once she got married. Must always look nice for the man or something like that).

    Clooney is out. He doesn't give a shit what Amal does - she is just threre for "show" ...(besides, it appears she might have her own eating disorder and wouldn't need outside help - I could be wrong, some people are naturally skinny and bony like that).

    Matthew McConaughey is out too. If anything, I think Camilla pulls the strings in the fam.

  15. To be honest kinda jeslous.

    1. lol...I dream to have $$ again and hire a trainer.

  16. @jon there's nothing worse than a fat chick? how about a bag of bones with ribs sticking out? THAT is worse. NOT appealing at all. If you are consuming 1200 calories and working out 2 hours a day you are NOT getting enough food to burn off. It isn't helping her in the long run. If you work out a ton you CAN eat more, you NEED to eat more. This sounds like more of the old Ben Stiller blinds that he was happy when his wife was scrawny. You can certainly be fit and trim without subjecting your body to this. What happens when you age and your metabolism drops? You are screwed!

    And plenty of guys LIKE a woman with a bit of meat on her bones. You can't tell me this woman has any boobs or ass, unless they are implants, because she'd have ZERO fat in either.

    1. Jon is a homosexual male- therefore you'll have to read that in a queen's bitter voice, @kiki71.

    2. No Rosie, he like little girls. Prepubescent ones.too many weird comments from this dude.

    3. The only men who like fatties are the ones who have extreme fetishes or the blacks. Normal men will take a pass.

  17. I'm exhausted just thinking of keeping track of the calorie count of what someone else eats, sounds like this guy has a lot repressed energy, probably a closet case. Well if she won't leave then she should first try bending him over the kitchen counter and seeing how much he likes zucchini and cucumbers and eggplant. Christmas, this sh!t is easy, I really ought to be a marriage counselor. ;)

  18. Have a good weekend everybody! :)

    1. Same to you BraysonđŸ„‚đŸ˜Ž

    2. Tricia, you just used up so much of the 1200 calorie allotment on champagne 😊!

    3. Hahahah!
      Love that!

  19. Christian Bale is my guess...seems like a meanie. But so do Josh Brolin & Marky Mark. Honestly, there’s probably a bunch of famous azzholes monitoring their woman’s weight.

  20. @J what woman hurt you? You seem so bitter, and you tend to generalize. Were you treated poorly by a woman? Dragged through the court system, or something?

    1. Usually conservative men hate women. Pretty normal

    2. And lefty men wanna be women, so...

  21. maybe it’s some one who has a chunk’ wife already and is interested in the wife being ‘healthier’?

    Pierce brosnan- he seems to love his wife as she already is
    Hugh jackman - didnt he want his wife to go to the gym for a couple hours and she just dresses up for it and gets coffee instead?

    Harrison ford /Calista flockhart, maybe she’s not as naturally thin as she used to be and likes his wives thin

    Arnold- except they are seperated

    Chris hemsworth - his wife looks like she works out 2 hours a days or more.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Control freak asshole

  24. I'm guessing Travolta/Preston

  25. @Jon
    Normal men? I'd LOVE to see what you look like. I'm laying odds on pock-faced, beer-bellied, short, hunchbacked and eyes that are abnormally close together - and that's just your appearance.
    There's nothing normal about you.

  26. @Jon You're clearly trolling, because no sane person thinks like this. Or maybe you ARE serious. Either way, you're a loser and we all see it.

  27. trump keeps Melanie thin. I'll bet he makes her weigh herself in front of his big fat stomach and ass every week.

  28. My vote is Alec Baldwin. He's a super major prick and makes not effort to conceal that. His wife is spewing out kids and posting yoga the rest of the time...I have no doubt that he's telling her to keep it together and be thin, while he is a slob and out of shape and looks like shit.

  29. There is actually a subreddit devoted to people who want to learn how to make 1200 calories a day work:

    I'm not saying I agree or disagree with how this particular family is managing itself, just pointing out that 1200 cals a day has a whole movement behind it.

  30. 1200 is a lot of calories though. I don't know how people manage over 1000 without feeling ill. Everything's so damn filling.

  31. 1200 is not a lot of calories. Unless you're restricting, that's about two meals.
    People that you know that stick to 1000 calories a day likely have problems, fyi.

  32. The fact that it says he can do whatever he likes suggests he is not in shape himself. So that would rule out quite a few. So I'm thinking Bruce Willis?or someone else a bit out of shape with a skinny wife.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Actor gets to do what he want implies he is not in shape. So not Mark Wahlberg, although I would believe it of him.

  35. Fasting one day a week will keep you thin.

  36. @kelli

    "Christian Bale is my guess...seems like a meanie"

    He might be a meanie. He might be temperamental on set. But Bale's wife is in charge of that relationship and the family as a whole.

  37. Not Mark W. His wife has a super normal body.

  38. Yes, it must be some fat dude, with a thin/fit wife, like that asshole Alec Baldwin who calls his daughter a pig. He's just that controlling type of extreme douche nozzle.

    Trump maybe, but all his exes seem to have kept themselves in good shape post-trump, so probably no for him.

    Plus 1 for Alec B.

  39. J and Jon are both misogynists who think they're being "oppressed" by women. The fact they owe their existence predominately to their Mothers is lost on them. But the more these pigs vilify women and Mothers, the more they prove to women that they are nothing more than parasites unworthy of the agony and suffering of life-risking childbirth or wasting years of our lives raising them. Adios and good riddance.

  40. Viking Song, you racist slob, why do you go on and on about aborting people? Euthanizing people? Do you want your own little Aktion T4, you Nazi moron?

    I still grin from ear to ear when I think of the poor abused fool who is embarrassed beyond imagining to call you his wife.

  41. The way he looks at you... disgust and hopelessness.


  42. Maybe he is helping her to stick to her diet, she probably asked it herself? It doesn't necessarily mean that he is evil and controling and wants her starving so it's easier to manipulate her like some cults do... I mean someone prepping for a bodybuilding competition, or who needs to lose weight for some important event or movie role, or some surgery, heck even VS models do a little dieting before the shows.

  43. Jesus, you guys. Stop the madness.

    They (actors, agents managers pr ppl, politicians) want this site to devolve into chaos.

    Some of these posters are trolls purposely sent here to cause subterfuge & dissent to help us lose the narrative. PLS DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

    Besides, Rosie handles their asses like an MMA pro with one sentence knockouts. Team Rosie.

  44. Lol, Rosie doesn't know English. Blames her bad manners on the stars above.

    And uses the vulgar vocabulary of a Russian inmate.

    What a gal.

    1. I should of learned English better
      Pero yo se espaƄol, Satan.

      And I thank you, my dear Urban Rosebud xoxo

  45. There's a movement that believe calorie restriction leads to a longer life. Then there are those who naturally have very small stomachs on their super petite but healthy bodies. Being under a lot of stress makes them physically incapable of desiring and/or digesting food.

    However many also would be unable to function physically or mentally on 1200 calories a day, especially if they have hypoglycemia.

  46. Keith, Thank you for that link to the 1200 calorie per day Subreddit. They offer very tasty, easy to make, & super healthy recipes like pumpkin pie French toast, banana brownies, pumpkin soup, and a burger using giant mushrooms as the bun. Clever as I hate to buy a whole pkg of buns for just 1 person.

  47. If you go on jenny Craig or weight watchers and need to lose 10 pounds, 1200 is the goal. It's possible to eat well on it. Lots of veggies. There is an app called my net diary to count caloried.

  48. I thought Alec Baldwin too but he is mostly TV no?

  49. Anonymous11:08 AM

    1200 calories is plenty if you are eating healthy. I use my fitness pal to track my daily calories. You don't need a 500 calorie breakfast and 600 calorie lunch and 1000 calorie dinner. My breakfast is usually a breakfast bar and coffee, tea throughout the day, hardboiled egg and cut up carrots, cucumbers, and radishes and yogurt. That leaves me with about 700 calories for dinner, easy. People eat way too much.

  50. @Unknown - It might be because I'm a little older and/or don't really watch TV, but I consider Alec a movie actor that does some TV (and is a bloviated ass).

  51. I think JackRabbit got it.

  52. Hilaria's always been very into yoga and keeping in shape, and I've read a few articles where Alec's talked about how Hilaria got on him to eat better and get in shape and how he lost a lot with her help.

  53. I would absolutely love it if my husband bought me a Pilates Reformer, and a trainer every day... Absolute heaven.

  54. Anonymous7:55 PM

    @DDonna Tarttty sound advice I started fasting 1-2x/wk years ago for arthritis from Lyme's and it works wonders
    This is actually pretty common, some of my customers have this built into their prenup. Most of the husbands are wrinkled, fat and alcoholic asshats. A few of the wives have pool boys...

  55. Off topic: but did we lose Scandi because her new movie was so successful?

  56. I got hella sick a while ago & was amazed at how few calories you can survive on. I'm packing it on now, but 1200 cal for a 5ft 5in chick is def enough & not starvation depending on how hard you're exercising.

  57. 1,200 calories is neither a lot nor is it too little. If spread out sensibly over 2-3 healthy meals, they can fill you up, but it doesn't leave you any room for a nice dinner out.

    I track calories too (and macros) on an app, and work out 4 times a week, because I want to enjoy myself and not feel guilty about drinking a couple of glasses of wine over the weekend, or having a dessert. During the week I will do 1 or 2 half-fasts, which is easy if you have very early dinner.
    And btw way J, my husband is the one who insists I share desserts and fried appetisers with him, he'd be horrified if I were to become a bag of bones.
    So each to their own, I doubt the Blind's husband is forcing her, it sounds more like he's supporting her strict health plan.

  58. Sly Stallone is my guess. The tabloids used to report stories like this about him back in the day.

  59. At least he's not telling her she's got a fat ass when she puts new clothes on! A true gentleman, rather than calling his wife a landwhale he put her on a strict diet. Kindness blind.
