Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blind Item #15

Apparently this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor not named Ryan Reynolds (because it applies to almost every cast member he was ever worked with) does not get along at all with his foreign born recent co-star. They are doing press and it is ice cold. It is Dakota/Jamie first press tour cold. Apparently our actor thought the actress would be interested in joining his ever expanding harem during filming. He was wrong and she was not happy. It has carried over.


  1. Ryan gosling and Clair foy??

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Jamie Dornan and Rosamund Pike?

  3. I wonder if they're going to edit in an American flag planting into the movie.

  4. Nope, it's too late to edit that in now, plus the damage is already done. I don't know one person who has any interest in seeing it.

    1. UMMM OMG ... second person I’ve found out in the past week has lazy eyes!!! Paris Hilton and Ryan gosling . My mind is completely blown

    2. Omg love this. I've know all along. And Heili Klume!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's a shame, maybe she could have taught him how to act. His best role was playing an emotionless android, no strain there.

  7. Oh of course not, why would filmmakers who hated America show the flag being planted? They're trying to make a buck off nostalgic patriotism, not promote it.

    1. Woah. You ppl are nuts. Going crazy over a flag or anthem while neglecting ur ppl. Real ppl, not fake ideologic and fake patriotism should be what this country is about.
      Especially the conservatives in America, they are the most unpatriot bunch of ppl i have ever seen. So fake and hypocritical.

  8. If it was an Israeli flag I bet they'd show it being planted...

  9. I still want to see the movie, the book Rocket Men about Apollo 8 was AMAZING!

  10. This thread took a weird turn.


    Holy fuck some people have lost the goddamn plot on life.

  11. But Neil Armstrong's emails!

  12. More seriously, Enty, a few years ago, had a blind, revealed afterwards, about most of the male cast of Gangster Squad (chiefly Sean Penn and Josh Brolin) trying to hit on Emma Stone, and openly feuding with Ryan Gosling, who had taken her side.

    It's weird how some political comments on Fox News about First Man will polarize the debate about the supposed lack of patriotism in the film and result here in opinions over every person involved with the project.

  13. Moon landing was faked. This movie is a desperate attempt to buttress the growing awareness that the moon landing was faked. Fifty years, nobody's gone back. All the science lost. The original video lost. Read Dave McGowan's "Wagging the Moondoggie." One of the secret societies' biggest and most successful lies. So far, at least.

    1. HAHAHA .....got kicked out of Conspiracy's R Us site again huh?

  14. Moon landing was faked? lol was it Trump that faked it? Because the Russians would certainly have to be in on it too, so yeah gotta be Trump!

  15. If I gave +1 to every good post in this thread I think the internet(s) would break. But be advised that they have all been noted. good job crew! .00005% faith in my fellow humanity restored.

  16. Of course at some point the usual wierdos had to pop up toward the end.

  17. Moon landing wasn't fake.

    If Stanley Kubrick had worked on the fake footage, which is the most common theory for the deniers, you would have spotted a few kids being raped in the background.

    Remember that he apparently had, according to Enty (BI from February, revealed in July), the weird habit of molesting eight-year-olds on the set of 2001.

  18. NASA went downhill after they ran out of Nazi scientists from Operation Paperclip. What are their big accomplishments now, putting telescopes in orbit and blowing up space shuttles?



  19. Damn, Brayson87, that was harsh. Then again, a bunch of them drowned in the James River due to overloading a boat. I guess they couldn’t do the physics on displacement. SMDH.

  20. Not about the flag being Jesus, more about being accurate. Consciously leaving out such an iconic moment to prove a contrived point is stupid.

    America was racing to beat Russia to the moon. Period. It wasn't some grand effort for the advancement of the world - it was intended to show the world how superior America was and was intending to be.

    If you're going to make a historical biopic make it. Don't romanticize it to fit some BS narrative.

  21. There will be a new edit to accommodate these critics. Armstrong will stick the Confederate Flag on the moon, just as God intended.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "Anybody here support the hypothesis that they left the flag out of the movie because they thought it would hurt the Chinese box office?"

    As almost nobody has seen the actual film, but everybody has their opinion made, some people will support that.

    But, based on every report of the film by critics, it's not a film on the Apollo XI mission or the Apollo program. It's a film about eight years in the life of Neil Armstrong. The director elected to have a mostly first-person perspective and to focus on how a man placed in such an extraordinary situation would experience the events that resulted in him being the first man on the Moon. That results in a stylistic approach that relies on physical impressions more than faithful reenactments of the mission. Armstrong also kept a rather humble profile after the mission. He was never involved in politics, and focused on activities that dealt with engineering and aeronautics. So, it looks like the stylistic choices actually mirror the man's personality.

    Besides, I don't remember similar complaints about The Right Stuff, which repeatedly showed the astronauts being at odds with their own government and how the Mercury program was motivated by propaganda considerations (they didn't want to be ridiculed by the Soviet space program) rather than nobler impulses. Isn't The Right Stuff regarded as a classic?

  24. im not convinced ryan gosling has any expressions. just one default.

  25. Never even heard of the damn movie until about 30 seconds before I posted my comment.
    I highly doubt that "nobody's gonna see it because the damage is done". Not everybody gets their news/ outrage talking points from wherever you guys do.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Brayson87 said...
    NASA went downhill after they ran out of Nazi scientists from Operation Paperclip. What are their big accomplishments now, putting telescopes in orbit and blowing up space shuttles?



    2:27 PM

    Harsh, but I don't think you wrong.

  28. Chris Hemsworth/Katharine Isabelle

    Bad Times at the El Royale

  29. it was very foolish to make First Man a political film

  30. I love a good conspiracy theory, but I believe we did go to the moon. There were just too many people involved. NASA engineers and all those people working in Mission Control. That's too damn many people who could leak the details. You have to keep a conspiracy tight.

  31. Way to go so far out there and off topic ☻

  32. Okay all you Faux News lubbers, what is this flag business that has all your panties in a twist?

  33. What has my cotton high waisted panties in a twist is that the filmmakers did not film a flag with Jesus’ picture on it on the He moon. That would have been a better story and besides the US loves Jesus even more than our perfect President Trump,

  34. It's a fake movie about a fake landing.

    Landing on the moon was, supposedly, the greatest achievement of mankind. Yet, we've lost all the data, video, etc.
    We've never been back and no other nation has been able to do it either.

    NASA still has to figure out how to get through the Van Allen radiation belt. By their own admission. LOL!

    But yeah, moon landing deniers are crazy.

    This movie is more propaganda to support old propaganda.

    I understand why the U.S. did it but it's time to come clean.

  35. Jamie and Rosamund? Why else mention Fifty Shades.

    1. @Nat
      It's just a comparison, because the 50 Shades stars hated each other and had awkward press tours because of it.

  36. The best evidence about how the moon landing is a hoax is provided by people by DDonna and DooDooBrown.

    It's impossible to believe that mankind can put a man on the Moon then bring him home successfully, when it also produces such comments. Actually, it's hard to assume that mankind can even heat up a Ding-Dong in a microwave after reading this.

    1. Damn... it's been a long time since I heard a theory that convincing. Stop making sense!

  37. If the movie was actually accurate, it would show them planting both an American flag and a Freemasons' flag. The landing was real. Kubrick's wife said he did film a second recoding to show the public to hide technology/secrets from rivals. So evidently, what everyone as a civilian saw was a reenactment, but there was a real landing.

  38. Since when is Dornan A+? BTW, everyone on set plus Jamie's wife knew Dakota and Jamie'd been banging for 7 months before the first Fifty opened. They did too good a job pretending they didn't like each other. By the second and third publicity tours they hated the writer and the movies and they didn't even try to hide. Some people here still think they hated each other so that means they are better actors than you think.

    This is Gosling and his beautiful baby mama deserves better.

  39. @Angela

    " it's hard to assume that mankind can even heat up a Ding-Dong in a microwave after reading this."

    ROFL! Oh if only I spoke emoji as well as others to comment!

    You know anything too difficult for them to imagine or understand is the work of the DEVIL! Burn it! Satan!

  40. @plot
    I merely adapted an Arrested Development joke about G.O.B. being dumb enough to microwave a Ding-Dong with the tinfoil on. Twice. And minutes after Michael tells the story, lawyer Barry Zuckerkorn (Henry Winkler) coincidentally tries the same thing in the background of a scene. That's why I was able to come up with such a cultural reference. Otherwise, I don't know what a Ding-Dong actually is.

    Also, your comment reminds me of an old Bob Dylan interview.

    Q: People have a hard time believing that Shakespeare really wrote all of his work because there is so much of it. Do you have a hard time accepting that?
    A: People have a hard time accepting anything that overwhelms them.

    Yeah, sure, it's tempting to think it's beyond our capacities to land on the Moon when these people can't even convince the whole of humanity that the basement of a pizzeria in Washington is the main hub for a child prostitution ring favored by major Democrat officials.

  41. I was sitting next to a man at an event the other day, trying to make small chat, knew he was a rocket scientist or something insane like that. I was joking about flat earth, asking him about it. His response, "well, do you think we went to the moon?" me: i don't... know... (not wanting to sound stupid in front of a smart person) "well, we didn't. we didn't have the technology back then." this guy said he had highest level airforce security clearance. he said flat earth was probably concocted to be conflated with moon theorizers to quiet people about the truth of the moon expedition. he also explained van allen belt, the fact that the ship was aluminum... so, moon arguers... look no further than buzz aldrin's hiccup to a kindergardener a month ago...

  42. "this guy said he had highest level airforce security clearance"

    Just FYI, people with the highest security clearances don't divulge that fact to strangers at events.

  43. Gosling and Foy have been giggling and clearly getting on very well during promotion, judging by their interviews and fan videos. Nice try, though!

  44. Seeing as we're talking about the moon landing...why are Americans so weird about Jews & Israel? I complete;y don't get this.

  45. @Sabre fyi - simplified answer - evangelicals believe that (per bible) the Jews must return to Israel for the second coming/rapture, etc. to take place. Therefore, they want to facilitate the process. Somehow, they can ignore what is being done to the Palestinians in the process.

  46. Lila Phase said...
    @Sabre fyi - simplified answer - evangelicals believe that (per bible) the Jews must return to Israel for the second coming/rapture, etc. to take place. Therefore, they want to facilitate the process. Somehow, they can ignore what is being done to the Palestinians in the process.

    Simplified but true and accurate. As someone who considers himself to be an Evangelical, I think that you summarized the Dispensationalist view pretty well.

    I would argue that what is going on between the Israelis and the Palestinians is a two way street.

  47. I wont doubt that they went to the moon (I dont care either way), but that moon footage does look fake as hell if you gl back and watch it now.

    Wouldnt be surprised if the rumors were true that that they had to record footage on earth because the "real footage" was damaged.

    Thats one "crazy" theory tvat I can buy into.

  48. I just posted this in the reveal for the other blind about them, so I do feel an obligation to post it here as well: If you watch their interactions at the premiere, they’re laughing and seem to be getting along nicely. Plus, they color coordinated outfits. I call shenanigans on this BI. Right around the 54:23 mark: https://youtu.be/_gwvn8fFySo
