Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Blind Item #14

Certain people over at this studio know what happened in China, but the numbers are few. They are trying to make sure they have a chance at leaving the door open for a return. Yes, despite what he did. Apparently they feel since it was legal there and there are no witnesses who will say anything, that he might be able to come back.



  2. Read on Daily Mail he just got axed from Superman

  3. Good riddance on Cavill and Afflek, except Gal Gadot and maybe Jason Momoa change every other star in DCEU!

  4. What is it he did in China?

  5. Yep, Enty is all over Cavill, like white on rice, these days. Where there is smoke, there is fire?

  6. Maybe it was some of these girls in the row behind him in this photo ?
    It wasn't an extended trip, maybe he grabbed up a few girls when the movie ended, went straight back to his hotel ?

    1. Anonymous12:12 AM

      Cavill is gay. So reread the blind.

  7. I'm confused. What did Cavill do that got him booted from Superman? I know the guy's an asshole, but what else...and I'm not sure I understand the whole "in China" thing...they were there to promote a movie, right? Did something else happen?

    Did I miss a previous blind about him?

    I've been focused on Hurricane Florence and haven't a clue what's going on in the gossip world. =/

  8. I don't know, but I think it is important to keep in mind that some of Enty's info is deliberate PR disinformation. All this Cavill stuff could just have been laying the ground work for dumping Cavill for a "Super Girl movie.

  9. I meant to say the info was fed to him from inside sources as PR disinformation.

  10. The way genre fans are hearing it, Cavill voluntarily quit as Superman to do other things. Seems like they're mostly buying it because those movies sucked, so it makes sense he would want out, assuming he can get the same paycheck elsewhere.

  11. @Neal I saw that they're looking at Michael B Jordan as a replacement for Cavill - but if he was Marvel isn't that a no no to switch to DC?

    @Glue - a lot of people have been asking why there's so much hate for Cavill on here! Have any blinds about him actually been revealed/ non vague? And stay safe!!! A lot of people at work have been tracking it and it looks like it'll be rough :/


  13. I've done searches for blinds that are revealed to be him and the only reveals have been that he did freaky sh!t with his exes & was worried they would talk - but nothing saying said sh!t wasn't consensual or anything.

  14. @MD thank you for the links!! both have pretty vague identifiers & the list of shady actors is a mile long IMO so hopefully we get a reveal on one of them :)

  15. Superman needs a revamp. It's lowering the stock of any actor associated with it. Sounds like Cavill and the producers decided he was too expensive and the franchise was too tenuous.

    No, not Micheal B Jordan, please let him continue the excellent path he's on. Please.

  16. I think Superman has just been beaten to death with overuse at this point. More obscure heroes are the way to go at the moment. No one except comic aficionados really knew starlord or ant man before their movies but they did well.

    Basically I'm going to keep bleating until they give me a Hawk Girl movie :)

  17. Ah ha! I see now. thank you MDAnderson!

  18. Superman movies have been garbage, for a variety of reasons (Snyder!), so jumping that ship was a good move. Maybe they're smarten up and instead of making Batman style movies staring Superman, they'll try Smallville style ones instead.

  19. I am a relative newbie but I don’t think Enty reveals these type of blinds and is intentionally vague because of the potential legal implications. Although his 7/4 reveals had some pedo outings, the people he outed were dead I believe. His four for Friday blinds usually always has some type of discrepancy.

  20. good point. well hopefully it becomes public knowledge soon enough so he can reveal all of them & potential victims can get their justice!

  21. @Ophelia - I don't know. Probably weighing several option for the franchise and Jordan was probably one of them. I just think it is possible to head off any fan backlash from dumping Cavill, they could have sent these PR balloons out. Or maybe where there is smoke there is fire.

    "Ophelia was a cyclone, tempest, a goddamned hurricane. Your common sense, your best defense lay wasted and in vain."

  22. I mean this came out hours before they dumped him.

  23. whats the age of consent in china?

  24. ah, googled. 14 years old.

    sometimes cavill is gay, sometimes he does bad things with underage girls. cant figure out which one it is yet, apparently!

  25. You got a link to an actual story?

  26. Cavill's people were negotiating for a cameo in Shazam and it fell apart. They probably wanted a lot of money for a small amount of screen time.

    Plus DC isn't planning on a stand alone Superman movie for another few years. Henry will be pushing 40 by then. So they want someone younger and prettier. On top of the fact the movies have been subpar at best. So just let the Nolan brothers take over creatively and reinvent the wheel again.

  27. I got a L’Oréal time/feedback link to a continued Blind Item staple ....”what foreign born mostly TV actor who loves to take his shirt off ,has 2hit shows under his belt, and employs beards more often than he changes his knickers -is actually straight?

    I have made a new friend here who lived all over the world but is Swedish and dated him years ago(she’s only 31 now and is married with with kids and he was older).
    Straight straight.
    I explained the Hollywood system and how it waoukd be hard for him to come out and she looked me dead in the eyes with a wink
    “ he likes women,trusts me.”
    I said he’s “Bisexual”....
    she said- no he’s straight.
    She also told me Frederick England who I am obsessed with is the biggest dick ever and when she sees him all the time at the airport(heading to Stockholm)- he as an ass to everyone. As well as the parents /kids p,saying in the parks there.

    Disappointed but unsurprised.

    1. Anonymous12:17 AM

      Trisha he is gay his agent is same as another actor that is closeted. He is bi.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well there's ya proof..same agent as 25 % of stars ..must all be gay then ..confirmed ..dumbass you really this stupid in real life?

  28. didnt enty say that there was a video where he was with teenage girls?

  29. Tricia, she probably just thought you were being your normal know-it-all (nothing actually factual) self.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Tricia- is your blind about Alexander Skarsgard?

  32. Nothing actual Factual Dereck{ad infintum)
    Like your screen name?
    So sorry you still wake up as you do.... angry,bitter and utterly - void.
    Wishing you a better tomorrow tough☀️

  33. @Nor Cal - yep.
    All here a while know how enty loves to peg him(no pun) as a closet case and I think there’s a truth to it but I also believed him to like women as confirmed by my friend.

  34. lol @ "peg him," nice one Tricia

  35. I miss Christopher Reeves.

  36. Thank you hunter ✌️

  37. @Tricia- I totally googled Frederick England and thought, why is she obsessed with him? (Yeah, its been a long day) And, I too, am disappointed but not surprised to hear this about Fredrick Eklund. Well, that settles it- when I become a kabillionare, Serhant will get my listing!

  38. Heather - yessss.
    It took me a a bit if time to warm up to Ryan ,though I love his wry humor - I loved Fredericks eccentricity more lol.
    He’s gorgeous- but my friend said- “every guy in Sweden looks like that”.
    He evidently hates fans or people approaching him (even fellow realtors coming up to say thanks for inspiring them).
    He’s dead to me :(

  39. Henry’s PR team scrubbed his old pictures that showed him palling around with very obvious gay men. Some still exist (I’ve seen some that are very suspect that were posted by his old gay “friends” on the DL). Henry is a creep, and will f*ck anything, but I don’t know if he went the Spacey/B Singer route with younger men, but I wouldn’t doubt if he tried to present himself with powerful men (why he keeps on getting work despite his off putting acting and behavior).

    1. Anonymous12:20 AM

      Yep and they scrubbed another actor’s they didn’t want the fandom to die .

    2. So I've paled around with some bull dykes and I'm pro peen people's rationalization makes no sense lol ..must be a vivid landscape in your delusional mind

  40. @Neal I didnt realize you were one for poetry!

    And yes both cavill & Affleck were replaced. Time to get a younger cast with lower insurance rates!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I had a thing for Henry ,but wondered why he was never really romantically linked to anyone . Now I know. Plfeff.

  43. I hate to judge based on gossip but Henry sounds like a nightmare.

  44. If you're over 12 and you care about Superman anything then you should probably be warehoused in a special institution and condemned to wear adult diapers.

  45. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Ezra Miller rocks as the DC Flash!

  46. I read that Cruise loves young Asian boys. What did he and Cavill get up to there?

  47. Did he make a Mao joke that didn't land?

  48. Just like james gunn, the studio may know more than they are letting on. It's all about the $$$'s when it comes to these $billion franchises.

  49. Sacked?? Others report quit. This could be all nonsense. It's a role in a franchise that has been criminally mismanaged from start to finish, and he's suffered from that in a big way. WB have been dragging their feet on a Man of Steel 2 for half a decade. In that same time, he's appeared in two critically reviled movies that were both under-performers at the box office to various degrees. He was downright humiliated in Justice League thanks to the mustache debacle. And right now, he's the most popular he's ever been thanks to his role in Mission: Impossible - Fallout and his upcoming role in Netflix's The Witcher. Mmmm take a cameo on someone elses film (Shazam) or star in your own TV show.

  50. Oh, shit. I went to a sports game with a bunch of lesbian co-workers a couple of months ago. I guess I better break the bad news to my husband... :/

  51. This is all made up, did y'all forget Cavill's metoo comments? He doesn't even want to date women because he sees himself their first target (as a public figure) of false rape calls, he's a paranoid person and cares about his career too much, person like that also supposed to know very well that underage girls are career killer there is no way he did it, in fact there are strong rumors about him being secretly gay so there is that

    What is happening here is
    These items is pretty much WB telling Cavill "If you don't fuck off or lower your salary we will kill your career"

    Cavill & WB are in mid negotiations for his Superman contract, after all the hoopla about him leaving, turned out it was all publicity stunts and both parts are just playing hardball against eachother

    Notice how these blind items only started during negotiations so these are pretty much by WB, they're doing this either to get rid of him by fucking up his image because he keeps pushing for a sequal but they don't want him as Superman

    Or they made these pedo blind times to threaten him because they know he's too protective about his image, and that if he doesn't lower his price they'll make the pedo blind items viral, since he's asking for big money. They're really treating him like shit tbh

  52. Henry Cavill fucking 14 years old (boys and/or girls) in China, and the filmed sessions include heavy amounts of BDSM with Henry as the one inflicting the pain. If the footage were to leak out, it would not be good for Disney.

    1. Yea right because a guy like Cavill who's too protective about his career and refuse to come out as gay for his career sake, and he said he hesitate to date women because he's scared of the witch hunt, he would totally go on full pedo mode exactly during his Superman contract negotiations with Warner bros, huh? Yea no these pedo blind items total fake news paid or made up by Warner bros to threaten him lower his salary since these blind was posted only during his mid negotiations with them. They come at him this way by spreading fake pedo blinds, since pedo and underage is career killer in Hollywood.

      His trip to China was on 28th August he promote the movie and stayed there for a few days visiting the place as a tourist with his friends

      I found a big conflicts with how these pedo blind items started which basically proves them FAKE

      This blind item

      That was posted on (4th September) right after Cavill was announced to star in the Witcher series, saying that he felt safe to go to this employer "aka Lauren/the witcher series showrunner" because he got FIRED as superman because he did bad things "sex with underage"

      But the thing is, it was confirmed he met the Witcher showrunner and got casted 4 months ago

      Means he got the witcher role way before this whole China pedo blind items started! Get my point?
      It just doesn't make sense and screams FAKE.

      Also who even knew he was fired as Superman back then? That another strong proof that the blind item is actually made up by WB team to scare him....Lol these blinds are too obvious and fake when you look it up, only stupid people fell for it

      Lastly, the blind item that mentions something about (footage of him with Chinese underage) the blind was posted on 10th of August, while Henry only arrived for first time to Beijing airport on 28th August

      So good luck waiting for the leaks of a footage that doesn't even exists.

    2. As famous as Henry Cavill is I doubt he can walk in any hotel room with bunch of kids and there be not one picture of him. Plus everyone has a cell phones these days if this is true it will come put...Cavill has to incredibly stupid to even attempt such thing. Whoever writes these shit articles be careful life comes full circle

  53. Also I think there be hotel room lobby footage or there ve footage from an alevator etc. Plus he is easily recognizable he be seen and one pjcture and his entire life can be ruined. That is why I said above he has to be stupid to even attempt anything like this. I think there are group of people who are out to get him and ruin his movie career and they will write numerous articles on him being gay ir having herpes and giving it to his sex partner and now somebody is writing that Henry has been having dominatrix type sex jn a hotel room with underage kids in China. These are serious allegations in fact they are so serious if un investigation is done they can find out who writes these articles and you can be sued for slander and character defamation.I strongly suggest if you are making up these things you need to stop. I don't think you can live a peaceful life going around spreading such horrible things. This is beyond disturbing is wrong and it is absolutely imperative you do not spread this shit unless you know Cavill directly and have the facts and evidence to support your case in court of law...



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