Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Blind Item #14

An ex-boyfriend of this openly gay alliterate singer says he has photos of the singer making out with a foreign born A list closeted singer all of you know.


Tricia13 said...


andrea said...

Shawn Mendes and Sam Smith

sandybrook said...

And as I said in an earlier reveal Ed Sheeran


Sam Smith getting his twink on with some One Direction Narnia dweller

Brayson87 said...

Talk about a power couple, their fans would love that! :)

yepthatsme said...

Kill Bill Pandey!

Ophelia said...

haha Sandy you did call this on another blind! bravo :)

News said...

everytime I like an artist very much he ends up being gay, ezcept for tom hiddleston and timberlake, weird. But shawn I would have not imagined it, he is sooo hot!

sandybrook said...

Well Enty called it frist several Grammy shows ago Ophelia.

Ice7177 said...

I don't believe it's Sheeran. Wasn't he chasing Taylor for years?

Brayson87 said...

@Ali, that is not a mark in the hetero column lol

orangesoda said...

Sam Smith gives me the ick. If I was a good looking gay, he would be my last resort.

Unknown said...

SS is the last resort of guys who aren't so good looking/

laila said...

Ed is foreign born A+. The answer is Shawn Mendes.

orangesoda said...

Mendes is pretty hot though, why go for SS? Ick.

orangesoda said...

Ed is not gay. He's just an ass. This is Sam Smith and Shaun. I don't know why Shaun would go for that fug but eh. Low standards, I guess.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I think Sam Smith was cuter when he was chubby.

Urban Rosebud said...

Shaun is on that hard shit or SS has game out the wazoo.
It seems as if Shaun has his pick of the eligible members of the velvet mafia. Everyone seems to think he is a hottie (Charlie Puth is waaayy hotter IMHO). Why would he choose such low hanging fruit? Need some tracks, perhaps?

orangesoda said...

Googled that Charlie Puth and heis fug. If I was in the closet gay, Shaun would be my gay secret 100% lol

Weekittylass said...

I had to look up this Mendes dude. I don’t see the hotness or the charisma. Then, again, I’m old and used to bad boy rock stars with that animal magnetism. He’s no Morrison.

pixiegothy said...

+1000 @Weekittylass well said!

OKay said...

@Sara Me too!

Aoife said...

My goodness I got this one! Sam Smith and Sam Mendes

UniversalEnergy said...

Shawn has classic stereotypical gay voice. Gay men are hot. What are you talking about? Usually they're in better shape and take care of themselves better than so call straight men because they have more disposable income and time.

UniversalEnergy said...

To a young closet case like Shawn, Sam wouldn't be bad looking. He's good enough. Shawn probably doesn't have that many to choose from who he feels won't go rat him out. Also at events, Sam was probably one of the only openly gay men around.

Cards said...

Well done andrea :)


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